checks: Checks

checksR Documentation



Different functions to check parameters, ids, elements and lists


.paramClass(param, cls)

.checkClass(param, cls, name, cname = c())

.checkAllClass(L, cls, name, cname = c())

.checkClassOneOf(param, clss, name, cname = c())

.checkCharacter(param, name, cname = c())

.checkNumeric(param, name, cname = c())

.checkLogical(param, name, cname = c())

.checkList(param, name, cname = c())


.checkNamed(param, name, cname = c())

.checkNamedCharacter(param, name, cname = c())

.checkNamedNumeric(param, name, cname = c())

.checkNamedLogical(param, name, cname = c())

.checkNamedList(param, name, cname = c())


.checkNonNeg(param, name, cname = c())


.checkNoNa(param, name, cname = c())

.checkIsUniqueId(param, name, cname = c())

.checkIsId(param, name, cname = c())

.paramIsOptionalId(param, name)

.checkSameLength(cname, ...)

.paramAnyNotNull(name, ...)

.checkAnyNotNull(name, cname = c(), ...)


.checkUnique(A, name, cname = c())

.elementsUniqueDF(DF, cols)

.checkUniqueDF(DF, cols, cname = c())

.elementsInDict(A, key)

.elementsBContainsAllA(A, B)

.checkBContainsAllA(A, B, name, cname = c())

.checkRefs(A, B, name, cname = c())

.checkRefPresent(A, key, cls, name, cname = c())


.checkAllNumeric(L, name, cname = c())

.listAllNumericOrInDict(L, key)

.checkAllNumericOrInDict(L, key, name, cname = c())



some parameter.


character; class name.


character; for logging the used name for the parameter.


character; for logging the name of the calling function.




character vector; list of class names.


list of some vectors.

A, B





column names.


name of the dictionary entry in .DICT.


The .check* functions perform a test and stop with a custom error on fail. All other functions perform a test and return the result.

The used .DICT: looks as follows:

  • VPpropertiesOf: network, nodes, edges, nodes:default, edges:default

  • VPpropertyFields: properties, dependencies, mappings

  • SN: all

  • TCappliesTo: nodes, edges, networks




  • .paramClass: checks if the object param is of class cls.

  • .checkClass: checks if the object param is of class cls.

  • .checkAllClass: checks if all elements of the list L are of class cls.

  • .checkClassOneOf: checks if param is any class of clss.

  • .checkCharacter: checks if param is character.

  • .checkNumeric: checks if param is numeric.

  • .checkLogical: checks if param is logical.

  • .checkList: checks if param is a list.

  • .paramNamed: checks if param has names.

  • .checkNamed: checks if param has names.

  • .checkNamedCharacter: checks if param has names and is character.

  • .checkNamedNumeric: checks if param has names and is numeric.

  • .checkNamedLogical: checks if param has names and is logical.

  • .checkNamedList: checks if param has names and is a list.

  • .paramNonNeg: checks if param is greater than 0 if not NA.

  • .checkNonNeg: checks if param is greater than 0 if not NA.

  • .paramNoNa: checks if param is not NA.

  • .checkNoNa: checks if param is not NA.

  • .checkIsUniqueId: checks if param is an unique id.

  • .checkIsId: checks if param is an id.

  • .paramIsOptionalId: checks if param is an optional id.

  • .checkSameLength: checks if all elements in ... have the same number of elements.

  • .paramAnyNotNull: checks if any element in ... is not NULL.

  • .checkAnyNotNull: checks if any element in ... is not NULL.

  • .elementsUnique: checks if the elements in A are unique.

  • .checkUnique: checks if the elements in A are unique.

  • .elementsUniqueDF: checks if the elements in the columns cols of DF are unique.

  • .checkUniqueDF: checks if the elements in the columns cols of DF are unique.

  • .elementsInDict: checks if the elements of A are in .DICT[[key]].

  • .elementsBContainsAllA: checks if all elements of A are present in B.

  • .checkBContainsAllA: checks if all elements of A are present in B.

  • .checkRefs: checks if B contains all elements of A, aka. references.

  • .checkRefPresent: checks if a referred aspect of class cls is accessible by key in A.

  • .listAllNumeric: checks if all elements of a list L are numeric.

  • .checkAllNumeric: checks if all elements of a list L are numeric.

  • .listAllNumericOrInDict: checks if all elements of a list L are numeric or in .DICT[[key]].

  • .checkAllNumericOrInDict: checks if all elements of a list L are numeric or in .DICT[[key]].


Internal function only for convenience



frankkramer-lab/RCX documentation built on Feb. 4, 2023, 5:12 p.m.