
Defines functions PreProcessor.generate_bounds

Documented in PreProcessor.generate_bounds

#' PreProcessor
#' In order to be able to use the binary / logistic loss functions, we convert
#' every value to a value between 0 and 1. This preprocessor class takes care
#' of this conversion by using a set of bounds (the min and max or expected min
#' and max of the data).
#' @docType class
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @section Methods: 
#' \describe{  
#'   \item{\code{initialize(bounds) }}{ 
#'     Initializes a new \code{PreProcessor} class.
#'     @param bounds list the bounds that should be used when normalizing the
#'     data. This list should contain an entry for each relevant variable that
#'     should be scaled. Each of those entries should then contain a \code{min}
#'     and \code{max} entry.
#'   } 
#'   \item{\code{normalize(data) }}{ 
#'     Runs the actual normalization procedure. The data passed in is
#'     normalized according to the bounds specified on initialization.
#'     @param data data.table the non-normalized data.
#'     @return data.table containing the normalized data.
#'   } 
#'   \item{\code{denormalize(data) }}{ 
#'     Runs the actual normalization procedure. The data passed in is
#'     normalized according to the bounds specified on initialization.
#'     @param data data.table the non-normalized data.
#'     @return data.table containing the normalized data.
#'   } 
#' }  
#' @export
PreProcessor <- R6Class("PreProcessor",
  public =
      initialize = function(bounds) {
        private$bounds <- Arguments$getInstanceOf(bounds, 'list')

      normalize = function(data) {
        private$normalization(data, denormalize = FALSE)

      denormalize = function(data) {
        private$normalization(data, denormalize = TRUE)
  active =
      get_bounds = function() {
  private =
      bounds = NULL,

      # Note that data is normalized in place!
      normalization = function(data, denormalize) {
        data <- Arguments$getInstanceOf(data, 'data.table')

        scale_data <- function(data, min_bound,max_bound) {
          (data - min_bound) / (max_bound - min_bound)

        un_scale_data <- function(scaled_data, min_bound,max_bound) {
          scaled_data * (max_bound - min_bound) + min_bound

        if(denormalize) {
          fn <- un_scale_data
        } else {
          fn <- scale_data

        # TODO: Make this more efficient
        # It could be the case that we don't want to normalize all columns. Therefore, loop over the bound names
        # instead of the data names. The reverse is also true, we could also normalize only 1 column at a certain
        # moment in time, hence the intersection.
        normalization_names <- intersect(names(private$bounds), colnames(data))
        for(name in normalization_names) {
          min_bound <- private$bounds[[name]]$min
          max_bound <- private$bounds[[name]]$max
          data[, (name) := lapply(.SD, function(x) fn(x, min_bound, max_bound) ), .SDcols = (name)]

        if (lapply(data, is.nan) %>% unlist %>% any) {
          warning('Note! Some of your data is NaN. This could be OK (if youre
                  not using those columns), but it could also be an issue.
                  Please check that non of the columns you use are constant, as this
                  will not work with the normalization')


#' Static function
#' @param data the data for which to generate the bounds
#' @param eps an extra margin to add to the estimated bounds
#' @export
PreProcessor.generate_bounds <- function(data, eps = 0) {
  if (is(data,'Data.Stream')) {
    throw('Generating bounds based on a stream of data is currently not supported.')

  ## Convert the data.static object to a data.table
  if (is(data,'Data.Static')) data <- data$get_all

  data <- Arguments$getInstanceOf(data, 'data.table')
  bounds <- list()
  for(name in colnames(data)) {
    min_bound = min(data[, name, with=FALSE] )
    max_bound = max(data[, name, with=FALSE] )
    bounds <- append(bounds, list(list(max_bound = max_bound + eps, min_bound = min_bound - eps)))
  names(bounds) <- colnames(data)
frbl/OnlineSuperLearner documentation built on Feb. 9, 2020, 9:28 p.m.