
Defines functions runcosero

Documented in runcosero

#' Run the hydrological model COSERO
#' @description Call the hydrological model COSERO via a shell command
#' @author Simon Frey
#' @param path Path to the executable of COSERO.
#' @param saveold logical. Save an old model run?
#' @param which.copy chracter string. Which files of the old model run should be saved. Accepts either a vector of filenames or "all". 
#' @param batchfile character string. Use a predefined batchfile for running COSERO or start COSERO with standard settings. In the latter case, set batchfile = NA.
#' @param use.statevar logical. Should COSERO read its statevariables form statevar.dmp within its input dir?
#' @param show.output logical. Show the console output of COSERO in the console of R?
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to \code{\link{shell}} 
#' @details 
#' runcosero calls a batchfile via the command \code{\link{shell}}. In this batchfile, COSERO is fed with the necessary user input.
#' The user can provide a batchfile (e.g. with specific commands to COSERO) or let runcosero write the batchfile itself.
#' In the first case, batchfile must not be NA but a path to the user defined batchfile. In the latter case, both the batchfile and the necessary commandsfile are deleted again after the execution. 
#' The user can decide if COSERO should read its state variales from a statevar.dmp file or use standard state variables via the option use.statevar.
#' path must be set to a full path to the executable of COSERO including the exe itself. If the exe is not specified, "COSERO.exe" is assumed.
#' @references 
#'    Frey, S., and Holzmann, H.: A conceptual, distributed snow redistribution model. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 19, 4517–4530, doi:10.5194/hess-19-4517-2015 2015
#'    Herrnegger, M., Nachtnebel, H.-P., and Haiden, T.: Evapotranspiration in high alpine catchments – an important part of the water balance!, Hydrol. Res., 43, 460–475, doi:10.2166/nh.2012.132, 2012.
#'    Kling, H., Stanzel, P., Fuchs, M., and Nachtnebel, H.-P.: Performance of the COSERO precipitation-runoff model under nonstationary conditions in basins with different climates, Hydrolog. Sci. J., 60, 1374–1393, doi:10.1080/02626667.2014.959956, 2015
#' @examples
#' runcosero(path = "C:/COSERO/COSERO.exe", saveold = TRUE, which.copy = "all", show.output = TRUE)
#' @return Returns nothing to R but executes the model COSERO
#' @seealso For reading the output of COSERO see \code{\link{readCosero}} and \code{\link{read.qobsqsim}}
#' @export

runcosero <- function(path, saveold=TRUE, batchfile=NA, use.statevar = TRUE,
                      which.copy = "all", show.output = FALSE, ...){
  if(Sys.info()['sysname'] != "Windows"){
    stop("Due to the fact, that COSERO is available for Windows only, this function is available on windows only, too.")
  pathparts <- strsplit(path, "/", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
  exe <- pathparts[length(pathparts)]
  if(TigR::substrRight(exe,3) != "exe"){
    exe <- "COSERO.exe"
    path <- TigR::addSlash(paste(pathparts, collapse = "/"))
  } else {
    path <- TigR::addSlash(paste(pathparts[1:(length(pathparts)-1)], collapse = "/"))
    stop("The executable of COSERO must be specified. I tried COSERO.exe without luck.")
    del <- TRUE
    # write batchfile
    writeLines(c(paste("cd /D ",TigR::changeSlash(path),sep=""),
                 paste("COSERO.exe < commands_singlerun.txt",sep="")),
    # write commands_singlerun.txt
    # continue with default data and parameter file
    # Confirm diversions and redirections from links.txt
    # Simulate all basins
    # Confirm start and end date
    # Perform a singe run
    # load statevariables from statevar.dmp according to use.statevar
    # start the model run
    writeLines(c("1","y","1","y","1",ifelse(use.statevar, "2","1"),"1"),
               con = paste(path,"commands_singlerun.txt",sep = ""))
    batchfile <- paste(path,"COSERO_single_run.bat",sep="")
  } else {
    del <- FALSE
  if(!file.exists(batchfile)) stop(paste("ERROR: Cannot find batchfile in: ",batchfile,sep=""))
    if(which.copy[1] == "all"){
      which.copy <- dir(path = paste(path,"output",sep=""), recursive = TRUE)
    # In addition, copy parameterfile to output.old
    parfile <- dir(path = paste(path,"input",sep = ""), pattern = ".par")
    shell(cmd = batchfile, intern = FALSE, ...)
  } else {
    invisible(shell(cmd = batchfile, intern = TRUE, ...))
freysimon/TigeR documentation built on July 24, 2024, 6:36 a.m.