Man pages for frhl/genoppi-package

calculate_moderated_ttestModerated t-test for proteomics
compare_two_filesCompare files
datapipeline for preparing genomics data for statistical analysis
ggstampStamp a ggplot
grapes-nin-grapesNot in
grapes-not-in-grapesNot in
impute_gaussianImpute missing values
logFCTransform data
makePlotFamilies_1quadrantMake plot families in first quadrant.
miscmisc tools
normalizeNormalize data
null.omitomit nulls from list
parsing_addNamesRead genes that have no family assigned
plot_scatterScatter plots for proteomics data
plot_volcanoVolcano plots for proteomics
search_scatterSearch scatter plot
search_volcanoSearch Volcano plots
separate_to_groups_for_colorSeperate to groups for color
sp_layer_for_inwebInWeb Layers for ggplot2
sp_layer_for_snp_to_gene_sglLayer for mapping uploaded SNPS to genes in ggplot2
sp_layer_for_uploaded_genesLayer for uploaded genes to ggplot2
theme_genoppiGenoppi GG theme
vp_layer_for_inwebInWeb Layers for ggplot2
vp_layer_for_snp_to_gene_sglLayer for mapping SNPs to gene in ggplot2
vp_layer_for_uploaded_genes_ggLayer for uploaded genes in ggplot2
warnwarnings to stderr
frhl/genoppi-package documentation built on Jan. 25, 2020, 4:37 p.m.