#' @title Linear modules
#' @description A linear moduls implements a linear transformation:
#' (latex code)
#' specified by a weight matrix w and a bias vector w0. Each linear module has
#' a forward method that takes in a batch of activations A (from the previous layer)
#' and returns a batch of pre-activations Z.
#' Each linear module has a backward method that takes in dLdZ and
#' returns dLdA. This module also computes and stores dLdW and dLdW0,
#' the gradients with respect to the weights.
#' @family architecture
#' @export
Linear <- R6Class("Linear", inherit = ClassModule, list(
m = matrix(),
n = matrix(),
W0 = matrix(),
W = matrix(),
A = matrix(),
dLdW = matrix(),
dLdW0 = matrix(),
#' @description initialize the weights.
#' @param m the m dimension of the module.
#' @param n the n dimension of the module.
initialize = function(m, n) {
self$m = m
self$n = n
self$W0 = matrix(0, nrow=n, ncol=1)
self$W = matrix(rnorm(n*m), nrow = m, ncol = n) # (m x n)
#' @description do one step forward.
#' @param A input activation (m x b)
#' @return Z pre-activation (n x b)
forward = function(A){
self$A = A # (m x b)
Z = t(self$W) %*% self$A %+% self$W0 # (n x b)
#' @description do one gradient step backward
#' @param dLdZ the derivative of the loss with
#' respect to Z (n x b)
#' @return dLdA (m x b)
backward = function(dLdZ){ # (n x b)
self$dLdW = self$A %*% t(dLdZ) # (m x n)
self$dLdW0 = apply(dLdZ, 1, sum)
dLdA = self$W %*% dLdZ # dLdA (m x b)
#' @description update the weights using
#' stochastic gradient descent
#' @param lrate learning rate
sgd_step = function(lrate){
self$W = self$W - lrate * self$dLdW
self$W0 = self$W0 - lrate * self$dLdW0
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