#' Schema class
#' @description A model of a schema with helpful methods for working with the schema and supported data.
#' Schema instances can be initialized with a schema source as a url to a JSON file or a JSON object.
#' The schema is initially validated (see \href{https://github.com/okgreece/tableschema-r#validate}{validate}).
#' By default validation errors will be stored in \code{$errors} but in a strict mode it will be instantly raised.
#' @usage # Schema.load(descriptor, strict=FALSE)
#' @param descriptor schema descriptor, a JSON string, URL or file
#' @param strict flag to alter validation behaviour:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{if \code{FALSE} error will not be raised and all error will be collected in \code{schema$errors}}
#' \item{if \code{TRUE} any validation error will be raised immediately}
#' }
#' @section Methods:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{Schema$new(descriptor = descriptor, strict = strict)}}{
#' Use \code{\link{Schema.load}} to instantiate \code{Schema} class.}
#' \item{\code{getField(name)}}{
#' Get schema field by name.}
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{name }}{String with schema field name.}
#' \item{\code{(Field/NULL) }}{Returns \code{Field} instance or \code{NULL} if not found.}
#' }
#' \item{\code{addField(descriptor)}}{
#' Add new field to schema. The schema descriptor will be validated with newly added field descriptor.}
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{descriptor }}{List of field descriptor.}
#' \item{\code{TableSchemaError }}{Raises any error occured in the process.}
#' \item{\code{(Field/NULL) }}{Returns added \code{Field} instance or \code{NULL} if not added.}
#' }
#' \item{\code{removeField(name)}}{
#' Remove field resource by name. The schema descriptor will be validated after field descriptor removal.}
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{name }}{String with schema field name.}
#' \item{\code{TableSchemaError }}{Raises any error occured in the process.}
#' \item{\code{(Field/NULL) }}{Returns removed \code{Field} instances or \code{NULL} if not found.}
#' }
#' \item{\code{castRow(row)}}{
#' Cast row based on field types and formats.}
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{row }}{Data row as a list of values.}
#' \item{\code{(any) }}{Returns cast data row.}
#' }
#' \item{\code{infer(rows, headers=1)}}{
#' Cast row based on field types and formats.}
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{rows }}{List of lists representing rows.}
#' \item{\code{headers }}{ data sample headers, one of:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{row number containing headers (\code{rows} should contain headers rows)}
#' \item{list of headers (\code{rows} should NOT contain headers rows)}}
#' }
#' \item{\code{{Object} }}{Returns Table Schema descriptor.}
#' }
#' \item{\code{commit(strict)}}{
#' Cast row based on field types and formats.}
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{strict }}{Boolean, alter strict mode for further work.}
#' \item{\code{TableSchemaError }}{Raises any error occured in the process.}
#' \item{\code{(Boolean) }}{Returns \code{TRUE} on success and \code{FALSE} if not modified.}
#' }
#' \item{\code{save(target)}}{
#' Cast row based on field types and formats.}
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{target }}{String, path where to save a descriptor.}
#' \item{\code{TableSchemaError }}{Raises any error occured in the process.}
#' \item{\code{(Boolean) }}{Returns \code{TRUE} on success.}
#' }
#' }
#' @section Properties:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{valid}}{Returns validation status. It always \code{TRUE} in strict mode.}
#' \item{\code{errors}}{Returns validation errors. It always empty in strict mode.}
#' \item{\code{descriptor}}{Returns list of schema descriptor.}
#' \item{\code{primaryKey}}{Returns string list of schema primary key.}
#' \item{\code{foreignKeys}}{Returns list of schema foreign keys.}
#' \item{\code{fields}}{Returns list of \code{Field} instances.}
#' \item{\code{fieldNames}}{Returns a list of field names.}
#' }
#' @section Language:
#' The key words \code{MUST}, \code{MUST NOT}, \code{REQUIRED}, \code{SHALL}, \code{SHALL NOT},
#' \code{SHOULD}, \code{SHOULD NOT}, \code{RECOMMENDED}, \code{MAY}, and \code{OPTIONAL}
#' in this package documents are to be interpreted as described in \href{https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2119.txt}{RFC 2119}.
#' @docType class
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @export
#' @include types.R
#' @include constraints.R
#' @include tableschemaerror.R
#' @include profile.R
#' @keywords data
#' @return Object of \code{\link{R6Class}} .
#' @format \code{\link{R6Class}} object.
#' @seealso \code{\link{Schema.load}},
#' \href{https://specs.frictionlessdata.io//table-schema/}{Table Schema Specifications}
Schema <- R6Class(
public = list(
initialize = function(descriptor = "{}",
strict = FALSE,
caseInsensitiveHeaders = FALSE) {
# Set attributes
private$strict_ <- strict
private$caseInsensitiveHeaders_ <- caseInsensitiveHeaders
private$currentDescriptor_json <- descriptor
private$profile_ <- Profile$new('tableschema')
private$errors_ <- list()
private$fields_ <- list()
# Build instance
getField = function(fieldName, index = 1) {
name <- fieldName
fields <- purrr::keep(private$fields_, function(field) {
if (!is.null(private$caseInsensitiveHeaders_))
return(tolower(field$name) == tolower(name))
return(field$name == name)
if (length(fields) < 1) {
if ((index == 1)) {
addField = function(descriptor) {
if (is.null(private$nextDescriptor_$fields))
private$nextDescriptor_$fields <- list()
private$nextDescriptor_$fields <- append(private$nextDescriptor_$fields, descriptor)
return(private$fields_[[length(private$fields_) - 1]])
removeField = function(name) {
field <- self$getField(name)
if (!is.null(field)) {
predicat <- function(field) {
return(field$name != name)
private$nextDescriptor_$fields <- purrr::keep(private$nextDescriptor_$fields, predicat)
castRow = function(items,
failFast = FALSE,
skipConstraints = FALSE) {
# TODO: this method has to be rewritten
headers <- self$fieldNames
result <- list()
errors <- list()
if (length(headers) != length(items)) {
message <- 'Row dimension doesn\'t match schema\'s fields dimension'
for (i in 1:length(items)) {
attempt <- tryCatch({
field <- self$getField(headers[[i]], i)
value <- field$cast_value(value = items[[i]],
constraints = !skipConstraints)
# TODO: reimplement
# and it's very bad to use it for exteral (by Table) monkeypatching
if (!skipConstraints) {
# unique constraints available only from Resource
if (!is.null(self$uniqueness) &&
!is.null(self$uniqueHeaders) && self$uniqueness == TRUE &&
self$uniqueHeaders == TRUE) {
result <- append(result, list(value))
error = function(e) {
#TODO: UniqueConstraintsError
error <-
stringr::str_interp("Wrong type for header: ${headers[[i]]} and value: ${items[[i]]}")
if (failFast == TRUE) {
} else {
attempt <- list(error = error)
if (is.list(attempt) && ('error' %in% names(attempt))) {
errors <- append(errors, list(attempt[['error']]))
if (length(errors) > 0) {
error_message <- paste(errors, collapse = ' | ')
error_message <- c(
stringr::str_interp("There are ${length(errors)} cast errors (see following"),
' - ',
infer = function(rows, headers = 1) {
# Get headers
if (!is.list(headers)) {
headersRow <- headers
repeat {
headersRow <- headersRow - 1
headers <- rows[[1]]
rows[[1]] <- NULL
if (!headersRow)
# Get descriptor
descriptor <- list(fields = list())
i <- 1
for (entry in headers) {
# This approach is not effective, we should go row by row
columnValues <- purrr::map(rows, function(row) {
type <- private$guessType_(columnValues)
field <- list(name = entry, type = type)
descriptor$fields <- append(descriptor$fields, list(field))
i <- i + 1
# Commit descriptor
private$nextDescriptor_ <- descriptor
commit = function(strict = NULL) {
if (is.logical(strict))
private$strict_ <- strict
else if (identical(private$currentDescriptor_, private$nextDescriptor_))
private$currentDescriptor_ <- private$nextDescriptor_
private$currentDescriptor_json <- jsonlite::toJSON(private$currentDescriptor_, auto_unbox = TRUE)
save = function(target) {
file = stringr::str_c(target, "Schema.json", sep = "/"))
save <- stringr::str_interp('Package saved at: "${target}"')
active = list(
fieldNames = function() {
return(purrr::map(private$fields_, function(field) {
fields = function() {
foreignKeys = function() {
foreignKeys <- private$currentDescriptor_$foreignKeys
if (is.null(foreignKeys)) {
foreignKeys <- list()
foreignKeys <- lapply(foreignKeys, function(key){
if (is.null(key$fields))
key$fields <- list()
if (is.null(key$reference))
key$reference <- list()
if (is.null(key$reference$resource))
key$reference$resource <- ''
if (is.null(key$reference$fields))
key$reference$fields <- list()
if (!is.list(key$fields)) {
key$fields <- list(key$fields)
if (!is.list(key$reference$fields)) {
key$reference$fields <- list(key$reference$fields)
primaryKey = function(){
key <- private$currentDescriptor_$primaryKey
if (is.null(key)) {
key <- list()
if (!is.list(key)) {
key <- list(key)
descriptor = function(x) {
if (!missing(x)) private$nextDescriptor_ <- x
errors = function() {
valid = function() {
return(length(private$errors_) == 0)
private = list(
strict_ = NULL,
caseInsensitiveHeaders_ = NULL,
currentDescriptor_ = NULL,
currentDescriptor_json = NULL,
nextDescriptor_ = NULL,
profile_ = NULL,
errors_ = NULL,
fields_ = NULL,
build_ = function() {
# Process descriptor
#private$currentDescriptor_json = jsonlite::toJSON(private$currentDescriptor_, auto_unbox = TRUE)
# Validate descriptor
private$errors_ <- list()
if (!is.character(private$currentDescriptor_json)) private$currentDescriptor_json <- jsonlite::toJSON(private$currentDescriptor_json)
private$currentDescriptor_json <- future::value(helpers.retrieveDescriptor(private$currentDescriptor_json))
if (inherits(private$currentDescriptor_json, "simpleError")) {
descriptor <- jsonlite::fromJSON(private$currentDescriptor_json, simplifyVector = FALSE)
current <- private$profile_$validate(private$currentDescriptor_json)
if (!current[['valid']]) {
private$errors_ <- current[['errors']]
if (private$strict_ == TRUE) {
message <- stringr::str_interp(
"There are ${length(current[['errors']])} validation errors (see 'error$errors')"
private$currentDescriptor_ <- helpers.expandSchemaDescriptor(descriptor)
private$nextDescriptor_ <- private$currentDescriptor_
# Populate fields
private$fields_ <- list()
for (field in private$currentDescriptor_$fields) {
missingValues <- as.list(private$currentDescriptor_$missingValues)
field2 <- tryCatch({
Field$new(field, missingValues)
error = function(cond) {
field2 <- FALSE
# Choose a return value in case of error
warning = function(cond) {
field2 <- FALSE
# Choose a return value in case of warning
private$fields_ <- append(private$fields_, list(field2))
types = Types$new(),
guessType_ = function(row) {
# Get matching types
matches <- list()
for (value in row) {
for (type in private$GUESS_TYPE_ORDER_) {
cast <- private$types$casts[[stringr::str_interp("cast${stringr::str_to_title(type)}")]]
result <- cast('default', value)
if (result != config::get("ERROR", file = system.file("config/config.yml", package = "tableschema.r"))) {
matches <- append(matches, list(type))
# Get winner type
winner <- 'any'
count <- 0
candidateTypes <- unique(purrr::map(matches, function(match){list(itemType = match,itemCount = length(Filter(function(x) x == match, matches)))}))
for (entry in candidateTypes) {
if (entry[['itemCount']] > count) {
winner <- entry[['itemType']]
count <- entry[['itemCount']]
#' Instantiate \code{Schema} class
#' @description Factory method to instantiate \code{Schema} class.
#' This method is async and it should be used with \code{\link[future]{value}} keyword from
#' \href{https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=future}{future} package.
#' @usage Schema.load(descriptor, strict=FALSE, caseInsensitiveHeaders = FALSE)
#' @param descriptor schema descriptor, a JSON string, URL or file
#' @param strict flag to alter validation behaviour:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{if \code{FALSE} error will not be raised and all error will be collected in \code{schema$errors}}
#' \item{if \code{TRUE} any validation error will be raised immediately}
#' }
#' @param caseInsensitiveHeaders default is set to \code{FALSE}
#' @rdname Schema.load
#' @return \code{\link{Schema}} class object
#' @seealso \code{\link{Schema}}, \href{https://specs.frictionlessdata.io//table-schema/}{Table Schema Specifications}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' SCHEMA <- '{"fields": [
#' {"name": "id", "type": "string", "constraints": {"required": true}},
#' {"name": "height", "type": "number"},
#' {"name": "age", "type": "integer"},
#' {"name": "name", "type": "string", "constraints": {"required": true}},
#' {"name": "occupation", "type": "string"}
#' ]}'
#' # instantiate Schema class
#' def = Schema.load(descriptor = SCHEMA)
#' schema = future::value(def)
#' # correct number of fields
#' length(schema$fields)
#' # correct field names
#' schema$fieldNames
#' # convert row
#' row = list('string', '10.0', '1', 'string', 'string')
#' castRow = schema$castRow(row)
#' castRow
#' SCHEMA_MIN <- '{
#' "fields": [
#' {"name": "id"},
#' {"name": "height"}
#' ]}'
#' # load schema
#' def2 = Schema.load(descriptor = SCHEMA_MIN)
#' schema2 = future::value(def2)
#' # set default types if not provided
#' schema2$fields[[1]]$type
#' schema2$fields[[2]]$type
#' # fields are not required by default
#' schema2$fields[[1]]$required
#' schema2$fields[[2]]$required
#' #work in strict mode
#' descriptor = '{"fields": [{"name": "name", "type": "string"}]}'
#' def3 = Schema.load(descriptor = descriptor, strict = TRUE)
#' schema3 = future::value(def3)
#' schema3$valid
#' # work in non-strict mode
#' descriptor = '{"fields": [{"name": "name", "type": "string"}]}'
#' def4 = Schema.load(descriptor = descriptor, strict = FALSE)
#' schema4 = future::value(def4)
#' schema4$valid
#' # work with primary/foreign keys as arrays
#' descriptor2 = '{
#' "fields": [{"name": "name"}],
#' "primaryKey": ["name"],
#' "foreignKeys": [{
#' "fields": ["parent_id"],
#' "reference": {"resource": "resource", "fields": ["id"]}
#' }]}'
#' def5 = Schema.load(descriptor2)
#' schema5 = future::value(def5)
#' schema5$primaryKey
#' schema5$foreignKeys
#' # work with primary/foreign keys as string
#' descriptor3 = '{
#' "fields": [{"name": "name"}],
#' "primaryKey": "name",
#' "foreignKeys": [{
#' "fields": "parent_id",
#' "reference": {"resource": "resource", "fields": "id"}
#' }]}'
#' def6 = Schema.load(descriptor3)
#' schema6 = future::value(def6)
#' schema6$primaryKey
#' schema6$foreignKeys
Schema.load <- function(descriptor = "",
strict = FALSE,
caseInsensitiveHeaders = FALSE) {
descriptor = descriptor,
strict = strict,
caseInsensitiveHeaders = caseInsensitiveHeaders
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