##' @title Parse a GADGET formulae string
##' @param input_formulae A single formulae string, e.g. "(+ 2 (log (- #moo 1)))"
##' @return An R expression representing the gadget formulae, which could be run with \code{eval(.., list(moo = 3))}
##' @export
parse.gadget.formulae <- function(input_formulae) {
index <- 1 # NB: We use this as a global in the recursion below
# Ingest anything that matches the regexp, shunting our pointer along if we do
ingest_regexp <- function (r) {
subst <- substring(input_formulae, index)
m <- regmatches(subst, regexec(paste0("^\\s*", r), subst, perl = TRUE))[[1]]
if (length(m) > 0) {
index <<- index + nchar(m[[1]])
# Return first captured expression, or the whole thing
return(m[[if (length(m) > 1) 2 else 1]])
# Recursively pick off formulae expressions
get_expression <- function () {
# Ingest any intial bracket
open_bracket <- identical(ingest_regexp("(\\()"), "(")
# Ingest token (anything up until whitespace, closing bracket or end-of-string)
token <- ingest_regexp("(.+?)(?=\\s|\\)|$)")
if (!isTRUE(nzchar(token))) {
stop("Could not find a function name")
if (substring(token, 1, 1) == "#") {
# Token is a name
if (open_bracket) ingest_regexp("\\)")
return(as.name(substring(token, 2)))
if (!is.na(suppressWarnings(as.numeric(token)))) {
# Token is a numeric constant
if (open_bracket) ingest_regexp("\\)")
# Assume anything else is a function call
# Ingest parameters until we hit a close bracket
# NB: Any function parameters will ingest their own close bracket
out <- list(as.name(token))
while(!identical(ingest_regexp("(\\))"), ")")) {
out[[length(out) + 1]] <- get_expression()
# Start recursion
##' @title Turn R expression into GADGET formulae string
##' @param ex An unevaluated R expression or formulae, e.g. quote(2 + log(moo - 1)) or ~2 + log(moo - 1)
##' @return A character vector representing the GADGET formulae, e.g. "(+ 2 (log (- #moo 1)))"
##' @export
to.gadget.formulae <- function(ex) {
if (is.name(ex)) {
# It's a variable reference
return(paste0("#", ex))
if (is.numeric(ex) || is.character(ex)) {
# It's a constant, stringify it
if ('formula' %in% class(ex)) {
# It's a formula, parse the right-hand-side
if (is.call(ex)) {
ex_fn <- as.character(ex[[1]])
ex_args <- if (length(ex) > 1) as.list(ex[2:length(ex)]) else list()
if (ex_fn == "(" && length(ex_args) == 1) {
# Pass over R's explicit bracket "function"
# Function call, write out in RPN
"(", ex[[1]], " ",
paste(lapply(ex_args, to.gadget.formulae), collapse = " "),
stop("Don't know what to do with: ", utils::capture.output(utils::str(ex)))
# Characters look like a gadget formulae
possible.gadget.formulae <- function(x) {
grepl("^\\s*\\(.*\\)\\s*$", x)
##' @title Replace variables in formulae
##' @param ex An unevaluated R expression or the result of parse.gadget.formulae, e.g. quote(2 + log(moo - 1))
##' @param replacements A list of variable names to either: a TimeVariable file, replacement gadget/R formulae, or value
##' @param year If using TimeVariable files, specify the year to pull out of file
##' @param step If using TimeVariable files, specify the step to pull out of file
##' @return An R expression representing the gadget formulae, which could be run with \code{eval(.., list(moo = 3))}
##' @examples
##' sub.gadget.formulae(quote(log(moo) + oink + baa), list(moo = "#fish", oink = quote(2 + 2), baa = 5))
##' # ==> log(fish) + (2 + 2) + 5
##' \dontrun{
##' tv <- read.gadget.file('.', 'timevariable', file_type = 'timevariable')
##' sub.gadget.formulae(quote(log(moo) + oink), list(moo = tv), year = 1995, step = 1)
##' # ==> log(grow1995) + oink
##' }
##' @export
sub.gadget.formulae <- function (
year = stop('Specify year to use timevariable'),
step = stop('Specify step to use timevariable')) {
if (is.name(ex)) {
repl <- replacements[[as.character(ex)]]
if (is.null(repl)) {
# No valid replacement, leave alone
return (ex)
if ("gadgetfile" %in% class(repl)) {
# Repl is a gadgetfile, assume timevariable and try replacing
repl <- repl[[1]]$data
repl <- as.character(repl[repl$year == year & repl$step == step, 'value'])
if (length(repl) == 0) {
stop("No value for ", as.character(ex), " timevariable, year/step ", year, "/", step)
if(is.name(repl) || is.numeric(repl) || is.call(repl)) {
# Formulae-like thing, use that instead
if(isTRUE(nzchar(repl))) {
# Assume strings are gadget formulae
stop("Not sure how to replace ", as.character(ex), " with", repl)
if (is.numeric(ex) || is.character(ex)) {
if (is.call(ex)) {
# Recurse into every argument of call
return(as.call(lapply(seq_along(ex), function (i) {
if (i > 1) sub.gadget.formulae(ex[[i]], replacements, year, step) else ex[[i]];
stop("Don't know what to do with: ", utils::capture.output(utils::str(ex)))
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