# kate: default-dictionary en_AU
## stringx package for R
## Copyleft (C) 2021-2025, Marek Gagolewski <https://www.gagolewski.com/>
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details. You have received
## a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program.
#' @title
#' Locate Pattern Occurrences
#' @description
#' \code{regexpr2} and \code{gregexpr2} locate, respectively, first and all
#' (i.e., \bold{g}lobally) occurrences of a pattern.
#' \code{regexec2} and \code{gregexec2} can additionally
#' pinpoint the matches to parenthesised subexpressions (regex capture groups).
#' @details
#' These functions are fully vectorised with respect to both \code{x} and
#' \code{pattern}.
#' Use \code{\link{substrl}} and \code{\link{gsubstrl}}
#' to extract or replace the identified chunks.
#' Also, consider using \code{\link{regextr2}} and
#' \code{\link{gregextr2}} directly instead.
#' @section Differences from Base R:
#' Replacements for base \code{\link[base]{gregexpr}} (and others)
#' implemented with \code{\link[stringi]{stri_locate}}.
#' \itemize{
#' \item there are inconsistencies between the argument order and naming
#' in \code{\link[base]{grepl}}, \code{\link[base]{strsplit}},
#' and \code{\link[base]{startsWith}} (amongst others); e.g.,
#' where the needle can precede the haystack, the use of the forward
#' pipe operator, \code{\link[base]{|>}}, is less convenient
#' \bold{[fixed here]}
#' \item base R implementation is not portable as it is based on
#' the system PCRE or TRE library
#' (e.g., some Unicode classes may not be available or matching thereof
#' can depend on the current \code{LC_CTYPE} category
#' \bold{[fixed here]}
#' \item not suitable for natural language processing
#' \bold{[fixed here -- use \code{fixed=NA}]}
#' \item two different regular expression libraries are used
#' (and historically, ERE was used in place of TRE)
#' \bold{[here, \pkg{ICU} Java-like regular expression engine
#' is only available, hence the \code{perl} argument has no meaning]}
#' \item not vectorised w.r.t. \code{pattern}
#' \bold{[fixed here]}
#' \item \code{ignore.case=TRUE} cannot be used with \code{fixed=TRUE}
#' \bold{[fixed here]}
#' \item no attributes are preserved
#' \bold{[fixed here; see Value]}
#' \item in \code{regexec}, \code{match.length} attribute is unnamed
#' even if the capture groups are (but \code{gregexec} sets dimnames
#' of both start positions and lengths)
#' \bold{[fixed here]}
#' \item \code{regexec} and \code{gregexec} with \code{fixed} other than
#' \code{FALSE} make little sense.
#' \bold{[this argument is [DEPRECATED] in \code{regexec2}
#' and \code{gregexec2}]}
#' \item \code{gregexec} does not always yield a list of matrices
#' \bold{[fixed here]}
#' \item a no-match to a conditional capture group is assigned length 0
#' \bold{[fixed here]}
#' \item no-matches result in a single -1, even if capture groups are
#' defined in the pattern
#' \bold{[fixed here]}
#' }
#' @param x character vector whose elements are to be examined
#' @param pattern character vector of nonempty search patterns
#' @param fixed single logical value;
#' \code{FALSE} for matching with regular expressions
#' (see \link[stringi]{about_search_regex});
#' \code{TRUE} for fixed pattern matching
#' (\link[stringi]{about_search_fixed});
#' \code{NA} for the Unicode collation algorithm
#' (\link[stringi]{about_search_coll})
#' @param ignore_case,ignore.case single logical value; indicates whether matching
#' should be case-insensitive
#' @param ... further arguments to \code{\link[stringi]{stri_locate}},
#' e.g., \code{omit_empty}, \code{locale}, \code{dotall}
#' @param text alias to the \code{x} argument [DEPRECATED]
#' @param perl,useBytes not used (with a warning if
#' attempting to do so) [DEPRECATED]
#' @return
#' \code{regexpr2} and [DEPRECATED] \code{regexpr} return an integer vector
#' which gives the start positions of the first substrings matching a pattern.
#' The \code{match.length} attribute gives the corresponding
#' match lengths. If there is no match, the two values are set to -1.
#' \code{gregexpr2} and [DEPRECATED] \code{gregexpr} yield
#' a list whose elements are integer vectors with \code{match.length}
#' attributes, giving the positions of all the matches.
#' For consistency with \code{regexpr2}, a no-match is denoted with
#' a single -1, hence the output is guaranteed to consist of non-empty integer
#' vectors.
#' \code{regexec2} and [DEPRECATED] \code{regexec} return
#' a list of integer vectors giving the positions of the first matches
#' and the locations of matches to the consecutive parenthesised subexpressions
#' (which can only be recognised if \code{fixed=FALSE}).
#' Each vector is equipped with the \code{match.length} attribute.
#' \code{gregexec2} and [DEPRECATED] \code{gregexec} generate
#' a list of matrices, where each column corresponds to a separate match;
#' the first row is the start index of the match, the second row gives the
#' position of the first captured group, and so forth.
#' Their \code{match.length} attributes are matrices of corresponding sizes.
#' These functions preserve the attributes of the longest inputs (unless they
#' are dropped due to coercion). Missing values in the inputs are propagated
#' consistently.
#' @examples
#' x <- c(aca1="acacaca", aca2="gaca", noaca="actgggca", na=NA)
#' regexpr2(x, "(A)[ACTG]\\1", ignore_case=TRUE)
#' regexpr2(x, "aca") >= 0 # like grepl2
#' gregexpr2(x, "aca", fixed=TRUE, overlap=TRUE)
#' # two named capture groups:
#' regexec2(x, "(?<x>a)(?<y>cac?)")
#' gregexec2(x, "(?<x>a)(?<y>cac?)")
#' # extraction:
#' gsubstrl(x, gregexpr2(x, "(A)[ACTG]\\1", ignore_case=TRUE))
#' gregextr2(x, "(A)[ACTG]\\1", ignore_case=TRUE) # equivalent
#' @seealso
#' Related function(s): \code{\link{paste}}, \code{\link{nchar}},
#' \code{\link{strsplit}}, \code{\link{gsub2}},
#' \code{\link{grepl2}}, \code{\link{gregextr2}}, \code{\link{gsubstrl}}
#' @rdname gregexpr
regexpr2 <- function(
x, pattern, ...,
ignore_case=FALSE, fixed=FALSE
) {
if (!is.character(x)) x <- as.character(x)
if (!is.character(pattern)) pattern <- as.character(pattern)
stopifnot(is.logical(fixed) && length(fixed) == 1L) # can be NA
stopifnot(is.logical(ignore_case) && length(ignore_case) == 1L && !is.na(ignore_case))
ret <- {
if (is.na(fixed)) {
if (!ignore_case)
stringi::stri_locate_first_coll(x, pattern, get_length=TRUE, ...)
stringi::stri_locate_first_coll(x, pattern, get_length=TRUE, strength=2L, ...)
} else if (fixed == TRUE) {
stringi::stri_locate_first_fixed(x, pattern, get_length=TRUE, case_insensitive=ignore_case, ...)
} else {
stringi::stri_locate_first_regex(x, pattern, get_length=TRUE, case_insensitive=ignore_case, ...)
structure( # as.integer will drop the "length"/"start" name
.attribs_propagate_binary(as.integer(ret[, "start", drop=TRUE]), x, pattern),
match.length=as.integer(ret[, "length", drop=TRUE])
#' @rdname gregexpr
gregexpr2 <- function(
x, pattern, ...,
ignore_case=FALSE, fixed=FALSE
) {
if (!is.character(x)) x <- as.character(x)
if (!is.character(pattern)) pattern <- as.character(pattern)
stopifnot(is.logical(fixed) && length(fixed) == 1L) # can be NA
stopifnot(is.logical(ignore_case) && length(ignore_case) == 1L && !is.na(ignore_case))
ret <- {
if (is.na(fixed)) {
if (!ignore_case)
stringi::stri_locate_all_coll(x, pattern, get_length=TRUE, ...)
stringi::stri_locate_all_coll(x, pattern, get_length=TRUE, strength=2L, ...)
} else if (fixed == TRUE) {
stringi::stri_locate_all_fixed(x, pattern, get_length=TRUE, case_insensitive=ignore_case, ...)
} else {
stringi::stri_locate_all_regex(x, pattern, get_length=TRUE, case_insensitive=ignore_case, ...)
lapply(ret, function(e)
structure( # as.integer will drop the "length"/"start" name
as.integer(e[, "start", drop=TRUE]),
match.length=as.integer(e[, "length", drop=TRUE])
x, pattern
#' @rdname gregexpr
regexec2 <- function(
x, pattern, ...,
ignore_case=FALSE, fixed=FALSE
) {
if (!is.character(x)) x <- as.character(x)
if (!is.character(pattern)) pattern <- as.character(pattern)
stopifnot(is.logical(fixed) && length(fixed) == 1L) # can be NA
stopifnot(is.logical(ignore_case) && length(ignore_case) == 1L && !is.na(ignore_case))
ret <- {
if (is.na(fixed)) {
if (!ignore_case)
stringi::stri_locate_first_coll(x, pattern, get_length=TRUE, ...)
stringi::stri_locate_first_coll(x, pattern, get_length=TRUE, strength=2L, ...)
} else if (fixed == TRUE) {
stringi::stri_locate_first_fixed(x, pattern, get_length=TRUE, case_insensitive=ignore_case, ...)
} else {
if (!is.null(ret)) { # TODO: DEPRECATED case
# there are definitely no capture groups
# as.integer will drop the "length"/"start" name
starts <- as.integer(ret[, "start", drop=TRUE])
lengths <- as.integer(ret[, "length", drop=TRUE])
ret <- lapply(
function(i) structure(
else {
# TODO: currently stri_locate_first_regex does not distinguish
# between a non-existing capture group and a no-match to a capture
# group in the case of many patterns
# see stringi/#424
# ret <- stringi::stri_locate_first_regex(x, pattern, get_length=TRUE, case_insensitive=ignore_case, capture_groups=TRUE, ...)
# cnames <- names(attr(ret, "capture_groups"))
# if (!is.null(cnames)) cnames <- c("", cnames)
# ret <- c(list(ret), attr(ret, "capture_groups"))
# starts <- do.call(rbind, lapply(ret, function(e) as.integer(e[, "start", drop=TRUE])))
# lengths <- do.call(rbind, lapply(ret, function(e) as.integer(e[, "length", drop=TRUE])))
# ret <- lapply(
# seq_len(NCOL(starts)),
# function(i) structure(
# starts[, i],
# match.length=structure(lengths[, i], names=cnames),
# names=cnames
# )
# )
ret <- stringi::stri_locate_all_regex(x, pattern, get_length=TRUE, case_insensitive=ignore_case, capture_groups=TRUE, ...)
ret <- lapply(ret, function(e) {
cnames <- names(attr(e, "capture_groups"))
if (!is.null(cnames)) cnames <- c("", cnames)
as.integer(e[1L, "start", drop=TRUE]),
attr(e, "capture_groups"),
function(e2) as.integer(e2[1L, "start", drop=TRUE])
as.integer(e[1L, "length", drop=TRUE]),
attr(e, "capture_groups"),
function(e2) as.integer(e2[1L, "length", drop=TRUE])
.attribs_propagate_binary(ret, x, pattern)
#' @rdname gregexpr
gregexec2 <- function(
x, pattern, ...,
ignore_case=FALSE, fixed=FALSE
) {
if (!is.character(x)) x <- as.character(x)
if (!is.character(pattern)) pattern <- as.character(pattern)
stopifnot(is.logical(fixed) && length(fixed) == 1L) # can be NA
stopifnot(is.logical(ignore_case) && length(ignore_case) == 1L && !is.na(ignore_case))
ret <- {
if (is.na(fixed)) {
if (!ignore_case)
stringi::stri_locate_all_coll(x, pattern, get_length=TRUE, ...)
stringi::stri_locate_all_coll(x, pattern, get_length=TRUE, strength=2L, ...)
} else if (fixed == TRUE) {
stringi::stri_locate_all_fixed(x, pattern, get_length=TRUE, case_insensitive=ignore_case, ...)
} else {
if (!is.null(ret)) { # TODO: DEPRECATED case
# there are definitely no capture groups
ret <- lapply(
function(e) structure( # as.integer will drop the "length"/"start" name
as.integer(e[, "start", drop=TRUE]),
as.integer(e[, "length", drop=TRUE]),
dim=c(1L, NROW(e))
dim=c(1L, NROW(e))
else {
ret <- stringi::stri_locate_all_regex(x, pattern, get_length=TRUE, case_insensitive=ignore_case, capture_groups=TRUE, ...)
ret <- lapply(ret, function(e) {
cnames <- names(attr(e, "capture_groups"))
if (!is.null(cnames)) cnames <- c("", cnames)
do.call(rbind, c(
list(as.integer(e[, "start", drop=TRUE])),
attr(e, "capture_groups"),
function(e2) as.integer(e2[, "start", drop=TRUE])
do.call(rbind, c(
list(as.integer(e[, "length", drop=TRUE])),
attr(e, "capture_groups"),
function(e2) as.integer(e2[, "length", drop=TRUE])
dimnames=if (!is.null(cnames)) list(cnames, NULL) else NULL
dimnames=if (!is.null(cnames)) list(cnames, NULL) else NULL
.attribs_propagate_binary(ret, x, pattern)
#' @rdname gregexpr
regexpr <- function(
pattern, x=text, ...,
ignore.case=FALSE, fixed=FALSE,
perl=FALSE, useBytes=FALSE, text
) {
if (!isFALSE(perl)) warning("argument `perl` has no effect in stringx")
if (!isFALSE(useBytes)) warning("argument `useBytes` has no effect in stringx")
if (!missing(x) && !missing(text)) stop("do not use `text` if `x` is given as well")
regexpr2(x, pattern, ..., ignore_case=ignore.case, fixed=fixed)
#' @rdname gregexpr
gregexpr <- function(
pattern, x=text, ...,
ignore.case=FALSE, fixed=FALSE,
perl=FALSE, useBytes=FALSE, text
) {
if (!isFALSE(perl)) warning("argument `perl` has no effect in stringx")
if (!isFALSE(useBytes)) warning("argument `useBytes` has no effect in stringx")
if (!missing(x) && !missing(text)) stop("do not use `text` if `x` is given as well")
gregexpr2(x, pattern, ..., ignore_case=ignore.case, fixed=fixed)
#' @rdname gregexpr
regexec <- function(
pattern, x=text, ...,
ignore.case=FALSE, fixed=FALSE,
perl=FALSE, useBytes=FALSE, text
) {
if (!isFALSE(perl)) warning("argument `perl` has no effect in stringx")
if (!isFALSE(useBytes)) warning("argument `useBytes` has no effect in stringx")
if (!missing(x) && !missing(text)) stop("do not use `text` if `x` is given as well")
regexec2(x, pattern, ..., ignore_case=ignore.case, fixed=fixed)
#' @rdname gregexpr
gregexec <- function(
pattern, x=text, ...,
ignore.case=FALSE, fixed=FALSE,
perl=FALSE, useBytes=FALSE, text
) {
if (!isFALSE(perl)) warning("argument `perl` has no effect in stringx")
if (!isFALSE(useBytes)) warning("argument `useBytes` has no effect in stringx")
if (!missing(x) && !missing(text)) stop("do not use `text` if `x` is given as well")
gregexec2(x, pattern, ..., ignore_case=ignore.case, fixed=fixed)
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