
#' This is an MCMC function with a particular multivariate normal proposal density that is only meant to be used by the gpMCMC master function
#' MCMC 4, multivariate normal distributed steps, each step is one p-dimensional vector from a multivariate normal distribution,
#' in this case the multivariate normal distribution is the laplace approximation to the variance
#' code for sampling gaussian correlation parameters in a gaussian process
#' @param nmcmc Number of mcmc samples to generate, before burning and thinning
#' @param burn number of samples to burn
#' @param thin keep only one of every 'thin' samples
#' @param x predictors
#' @param y response
#' @param reg currently only option is "constant"
#' @param step actually has no purpose in this function as the step length is defined by the fisher approximation to the covariance
#' @param priortheta only currently only option is "Exp", "Higs" and "none" will also be implemented
#' @return returns a list containing mcmc.ma (samples) and accept (acceptance rates)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' nsamp <- 100
#' burn <- 200
#' thin <- 10
#' n <- 10
#' x1 <- seq(-5,10,length.out = n)
#' x2 <- seq(0,15,length.out = n)
#' x <- expand.grid(x1,x2)
#' x <- as.matrix(x)
#' d2 <- c(0.01,0.2,0,0) #here we set the theta parameters to be 0.01 and 0.2.
#' # These are the modes of the distribution that we will sample from using MCMC
#' cor.par <- data.frame(matrix(data = d2,nrow = dim(x)[2],ncol = 2))
#' names(cor.par) <- c("Theta.y","Alpha.y")
#' R <- cor.matrix(x,cor.par) # obtain covariance matrix
#' L <- chol(R)
#' z <- as.matrix(rnorm(n^2))
#' y <- L%*%z
#' # gp <- bceMCMC_mvrnorm_2(1000,10,10,x,y,reg = "constant",step =1, priortheta = "Exp")
#' # mean(gp$mcmc.ma[,2]) #these means should be similar to the theta parameters set above
#' # mean(gp$mcmc.ma[,1])
bceMCMC_mvrnorm_2 <-function(nmcmc,burn,thin,x,y,reg,step, priortheta){

  ddd <- c(rep(1,dim(x)[2]),rep(0,dim(x)[2]))
  cor.par <- data.frame(matrix(data = ddd,nrow = dim(x)[2],ncol = 2))
  names(cor.par) <- c("Theta.y","Alpha.y")

  cor.par[,1] <- fitGauss(x,y)
  cor.par2 <- cor.par

#   write.mtx(x,paste(system.file("bin", package = "proj2"),"/x1.mtx", sep = ""))
#   write.mtx(y,paste(system.file("bin", package = "proj2"),"/y1.mtx", sep = ""))
#   system(paste(system.file("bin", "gasp", package = "proj2"),system.file("bin", "fit.gsp", package = "proj2")))


  f <- as.matrix(rep(1,dim(x)[1]))
  hess <- hessFBI(x,y,f,cor.par)
  cov1 <- -solve(hess)

  #final mcmc trials

  #we use the following vector to count acceptances
  accept<- 0

  #initial guesses

  #step length


    for(i in 1:nmcmc){

      d <- 0
      while(d == 0){
        phi.cond <- log(phi)+MASS::mvrnorm(n = 1,rep(0, p),cov1)
        if(all(exp(phi.cond) > 0)){
          d <- 1
      phi.cond <- exp(phi.cond)
# this part in between here is just for testing
#     while(d == 0){
#          phi.cond<- phi+mvrnorm(n = 1,rep(0, p),cov1)
#           if(all(phi.cond > 0)){
#             d <- 1
#            }
#          }
# this part above here is just for debugging

      if(all(phi.cond > 0)){
        cor.par[,1] <- phi_cond
        cor.par2[,1] <- phi_or
        com.phi <- log_posterior(x,y,as.matrix(rep(1,dim(x)[1])),cor.par, prior = "Exp") - log_posterior(x,y,as.matrix(rep(1,dim(x)[1])),cor.par2, prior = "Exp")
          accept <- accept + 1


      #res[j,]=pred1.constant(x,y,xtest1,mcmc.ma[i,3:(p+2)], priortheta, priorsigma)$res
      #v.term2[j,]=pred1.constant(x,y,xtest1,mcmc.ma[i,3:(p+2)], priortheta, priorsigma)$v.term2

      if ((i%%(0.1*nmcmc))==0){
        print(c(paste("reg=", reg), paste("priortheta=", priortheta) ,i/nmcmc))

    m<-list(mcmc.ma=mcmc.ma, accept = accept)

galotalp/gpMCMC documentation built on May 16, 2019, 5:36 p.m.