
Defines functions HIplot HItable

Documented in HIplot HItable

#' @name HierIsingplot
#' @title Plot for two Bayesian models
#' @description These two functions are for plotting the top AEs selected by Bayesian hierarchical model
#' and Bayesian model with Ising prior and producing table with detailed information fo these AEs.
#' @details \code{HIplot} first selects the top \code{ptnum} (an integer) AE based on the selected statistic (either "odds ratio" or "risk difference").
#' Then it plots the mean, 2.5% quantile, 97.5% quantile of the selected statistic of these AE from both two models(methods). It seperates
#' the AEs slected by both Bayesian methods from AEs selected by only one method. Also it indicates whether the AE selected by these two Bayesian models were also selected by only based on
#' incidence difference (function \code{\link{BCItable}}). \cr
#' \code{HItable} creates a table for the detailed information for AE plotted in \code{HIplot}.
#' @return
#' \code{HIplot} returns a plot for the top \code{ptnum} (an integer) AE based on the selected statistics (either "odds ratio" or "risk difference"). Mean, 2.5%
#' quantile, 97.5% quantile of the selected statistics of these AE from both two models were plotted.
#' \cr
#' \code{HItable} returns a table for the detailed information for AE plotted in \code{HIplot}. It contains a new column, "rank_diff_mean" or "rank_OR_median"
#' (based on the \code{param}), besides the columns of output from \code{\link{Hier}} or \code{\link{Ising}}. This new column is the rank of "Diff_mean" or "OR_median"
#' of the AE in each method.
#' @param ptnum positive integer, number of AEs to be selected or plotted, default is 10
#' @param hierdata output from function \code{\link{Hier}}
#' @param isingdata output from function \code{\link{Ising}}
#' @param param a string, either "odds ratio" or "risk difference", indicate which summary statistic to be based on to plot the top AEs,
#' default is "risk difference"
#' @param OR_ylim a numeric vector of two elements, used to set y-axis limit for plotting based on "odds ratio"
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{preprocess}}, \code{\link{Hier}}, \code{\link{Ising}}, \code{\link{BCItable}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(ADAE)
#' data(ADSL)
#' AEdata<-preprocess(adsl=ADSL, adae=ADAE)
#' # run the Hierarchical model
#' HIERDATA<-Hier(aedata=AEdata, n_burn=1000, n_iter=1000, thin=20, n_adapt=1000, n_chain=2)
#' # run the Ising model
#' ISINGDATA<-Ising(aedata = AEdata, n_burn=1000, n_iter=5000, thin=20, alpha_=0.5, beta_=0.5,
#'                            alpha.t=0.5, beta.t=0.5, alpha.c=0.25, beta.c=0.75, rho=1, theta=0.02)
#' HIplot(hierdata=HIERDATA, isingdata=ISINGDATA, aedata=AEdata)
#' HIplot(hierdata=HIERDATA, isingdata=ISINGDATA, aedata=AEdata, ptnum=15, param="odds ratio", OR_xlim=c(0,20))
#' HItable(hierdata=HIERDATA, isingdata=ISINGDATA, aedata=AEdata)
#' HItable(hierdata=HIERDATA, isingdata=ISINGDATA, aedata=AEdata, ptnum=15, param="odds ratio")
#' }

#' @export
HIplot<-function(hierdata,isingdata, aedata, ptnum=10, param="risk difference", OR_xlim=c(0,5) ){
  # hierdata is the result from function Hier
  # isingdata is the result from function Ising
  # aedata is the result from function preprocess
  # ptnum is the number of AE we want to plot
  # param is the summary statistic we use to select the AE, it can be either "risk difference" or "odds ratio"
  # for this function, it will first select the top ptnum number of AE based on the summary statistic param from the both models(methods)
  # then it will plotted the mean, 2.5% quantile, 97.5% quantile of the param of these AE from both two models(methods)
  # it also has one more parameter aedata
  # this is for fucntion BCItable to get the top AEs with risk difference based on fisher exact test
  # OR_ylim is for user to set up the y-axis limit for plotting based on "odds ratio"


  inputdata<- rbind(hierdata.new,isingdata)

  # get the PTs of AE with top ptnum difference in risk difference based on fisher exact test
  BCI<-BCItable(aedata, ptnum)$AEDECOD

  if (param=="risk difference"){
    # first to get the top 10 AEs from each method
    test1_Hier<-subset(inputdata, Method=="Bayesian Hierarchical Model")
    test2_Hier<-test1_Hier[order(test1_Hier[, "Diff_mean"], decreasing=TRUE), ]
    ptnum<-min(ptnum, dim(test2_Hier)[1])
    test3_Hier<-head(test2_Hier, ptnum)

    test1_Is<-subset(inputdata, Method=="Ising prior")
    test2_Is<-test1_Is[order(test1_Is[, "Diff_mean"], decreasing=TRUE), ]
    test3_Is<-head(test2_Is, ptnum)

    # get the PT selected by each method

    # get the union of PTs, and PTs selected unique by each method
    PT_Intsect<-intersect(PT_Hier, PT_Is)
    PT_Hier_Uni<-setdiff(PT_Hier, PT_Intsect)
    PT_Is_Uni<-setdiff(PT_Is, PT_Intsect)

    # get the number of PTs in each set

    # get the indicator for PT in different set
    # 0 for PT in union, 1 for PT unique in Hierarchical model
    # 2 for PT in Ising model
    test_Intsect<-inputdata[which(inputdata$PT %in% PT_Intsect),]
    if (dim(test_Intsect)[1]>0){
      test_Intsect$Set<-"Intersect of both models"
    test_Hier_Uni<-inputdata[which(inputdata$PT %in% PT_Hier_Uni),]
    if (dim(test_Hier_Uni)[1]>0){
      test_Hier_Uni$Set<-"Unique in Hierarchical Model"
    test_Is_Uni<-inputdata[which(inputdata$PT %in% PT_Is_Uni),]
    if (dim(test_Is_Uni)[1]>0){
      test_Is_Uni$Set<-"Unique in Ising prior"
    # combine the dataset together
    test<-rbind(test_Intsect, test_Hier_Uni)
    test<-rbind(test, test_Is_Uni)

    # add one more column "category" for the indication of whether the AE is inside BCI, AE slected by fisher exact test
    if(length(intersect(BCI, test$PT)))  test[which(test$PT %in% BCI), ]$category<-1
    # the if statement is to make sure there is at least one PT that in both BCI and test

    # sort the test by Method, Ind, and -Diff_mean
    test<-test[order(test$Method, test$Ind, -test$Diff_mean),]
    # change the name of the method, make it simplier
    test[test$Method=='Bayesian Hierarchical Model', 'Method']<-'Hierarchical Model'
    # add half of test to the end
    temptest$Method<-"Raw Data"
    temptest$textAE<-paste0(temptest$AEt, "/", temptest$Nt, " VS ", temptest$AEc, "/", temptest$Nc)
    # temptest$Diff_mean<-NA
    # delete information of Raw_Risk_Diff
    # test$Raw_Risk_Diff<-NA

    # combine two sets together
    test<-rbind(test, temptest)
    # get the number of sets of plot
    # create the new variable
    test$New_Diff<-c(test$Diff_mean[1:(2*N)], test$Raw_Risk_Diff[(2*N+1):(3*N)])
    # change the name for plotting
    setnames(test, old=c("Diff_2.5%","Diff_97.5%" ), new=c("Diff_L","Diff_U"))

    # create yloc for the location of the plot
    test$yloc<-c(seq(from=1.5*N+0.5, to=1.5+0.5, by=-1.5), seq(from=1.5*N+0.25, to=1.5+0.25, by=-1.5),
                 seq(from=1.5*N, to=1.5, by=-1.5))

    # add the points at Mean
    p<-ggplot(test, aes(x=New_Diff, y=yloc, shape=Method, color=Set))+geom_point(size=2)
    # add line to shown confidence interval
    p<-p+geom_segment(aes(x=Diff_L, xend=Diff_U, y=yloc, yend=yloc, color=Set), size=0.6, na.rm=TRUE)

    # add number of occurence on
    p<-p+geom_text(aes(label=textAE, x=New_Diff+0.1, y=yloc), size=2, show.legend = FALSE, na.rm = TRUE)

    # add title
    p<-p+ggtitle(paste0("Top ", ptnum, " AE of mean risk difference"))
    p<-p + theme(plot.title = element_text(size=15, hjust=0.5))

    # ylable and x label
    p<-p+xlab("Risk Difference")+ylab("PT")
    p<-p + theme(axis.title.x = element_text(size=13)) + theme(axis.title.y = element_text(size=13))

    # x-axis coordinate and y-axis coordinate
    p<-p + theme(axis.text.y = element_text(color = as.factor(test$category), size = 13,angle=60, hjust = 1))
    # p<-p + theme(axis.text.y = element_text(color = as.factor(test$PT[1:N]), size = 13))
    p<-p + scale_y_continuous(breaks=seq(from=N*1.5,to=1.5,by=-1.5),labels=test$PT[1:N])
    p<-p + theme(axis.text.x=element_text(size=13))

    # legend size
    p<-p+theme(legend.text = element_text(size=13), legend.title = element_blank(),legend.position = "bottom",
               legend.box = 'vertical', legend.background = element_rect(fill="lightblue"))


  if (param=="odds ratio"){
    # first to get the top 10 AEs from each method
    test1_Hier<-subset(inputdata, Method=="Bayesian Hierarchical Model")
    test2_Hier<-test1_Hier[order(test1_Hier[, "OR_median"], decreasing=TRUE), ]
    ptnum<-min(ptnum, dim(test2_Hier)[1])
    test3_Hier<-head(test2_Hier, ptnum)

    test1_Is<-subset(inputdata, Method=="Ising prior")
    test2_Is<-test1_Is[order(test1_Is[, "OR_median"], decreasing=TRUE), ]
    test3_Is<-head(test2_Is, ptnum)

    # get the PT selected by each method

    # get the union of PTs, and PTs selected unique by each method
    PT_Intsect<-intersect(PT_Hier, PT_Is)
    PT_Hier_Uni<-setdiff(PT_Hier, PT_Intsect)
    PT_Is_Uni<-setdiff(PT_Is, PT_Intsect)

    # get the number of PTs in each set

    # get the indicator for PT in different set
    # 0 for PT in union, 1 for PT unique in Hierarchical model
    # 2 for PT in Ising model
    test_Intsect<-inputdata[which(inputdata$PT %in% PT_Intsect),]
    if (dim(test_Intsect)[1]>0){
      test_Intsect$Set<-"Intersect of both models"
    test_Hier_Uni<-inputdata[which(inputdata$PT %in% PT_Hier_Uni),]
    if (dim(test_Hier_Uni)[1]>0){
      test_Hier_Uni$Set<-"Unique in Hierarchical Model"
    test_Is_Uni<-inputdata[which(inputdata$PT %in% PT_Is_Uni),]
    if (dim(test_Is_Uni)[1]>0){
      test_Is_Uni$Set<-"Unique in Ising prior"

    # combine the dataset together
    test<-rbind(test_Intsect, test_Hier_Uni)
    test<-rbind(test, test_Is_Uni)

    # add one more column "category" for the indication of whether the AE is inside BCI, AE slected by fisher exact test
    if(length(intersect(BCI, test$PT)))  test[which(test$PT %in% BCI), ]$category<-1
    # the if statement is to make sure there is at least one PT that in both BCI and test

    # sort the test by Method, Ind, and -Diff_mean
    test<-test[order(test$Method, test$Ind, -test$OR_median),]

    # add half of test to the end
    temptest$Method<-"Raw Data"
    temptest$textAE<-paste0(temptest$AEt, "/", temptest$Nt, " VS ", temptest$AEc, "/", temptest$Nc)
    # temptest$Diff_mean<-NA
    # delete information of Raw_Risk_Diff
    # test$Raw_Risk_Diff<-NA

    # combine two sets together
    test<-rbind(test, temptest)
    # get the number of sets of plot
    # create the new variable
    test$New_OR<-c(test$OR_median[1:(2*N)], test$Raw_OR[(2*N+1):(3*N)])
    # change the name for plotting
    setnames(test, old=c("OR_2.5%","OR_97.5%" ), new=c("OR_L","OR_U"))

    # create yloc for the location of the plot
    test$yloc<-c(seq(from=1.5*N+0.5, to=1.5+0.5, by=-1.5), seq(from=1.5*N+0.25, to=1.5+0.25, by=-1.5),
                 seq(from=1.5*N, to=1.5, by=-1.5))

    # remove the Raw_OR that is Inf or out of the bounder of OR_xlim
    for(i in (2*N+1):(3*N)){
      if (test$New_OR[i]>OR_xlim[2]){

    # add the points at Mean
    p<-ggplot(test, aes(x=New_OR, y=yloc, shape=Method, color=Set))+geom_point(size=2, na.rm=TRUE)+ coord_cartesian(xlim = OR_xlim)
    # add line to shown confidence interval
    p<-p+geom_segment(aes(x=OR_L, xend=OR_U, y=yloc, yend=yloc, color=Set), size=0.6, na.rm=TRUE)

    # add number of occurence on
    p<-p+geom_text(aes(label=textAE, x=New_OR+((OR_xlim[2]-OR_xlim[1])/10), y=yloc), size=2, show.legend = FALSE, na.rm = TRUE)

    # add title
    p<-p+ggtitle(paste0("Top ", ptnum, " AE of median odds ratio"))
    p<-p + theme(plot.title = element_text(size=15, hjust=0.5))

    # ylable and x label
    p<-p+xlab("Odds ratio")+ylab("PT")
    p<-p + theme(axis.title.x = element_text(size=13)) + theme(axis.title.y = element_text(size=13))

    # x-axis coordinate and y-axis coordinate
    p<-p + theme(axis.text.y = element_text(color = as.factor(test$category), size = 13,angle=60, hjust = 1))
    # p<-p + theme(axis.text.y = element_text(color = as.factor(test$PT[1:N]), size = 13))
    p<-p + scale_y_continuous(breaks=seq(from=N*1.5,to=1.5,by=-1.5),labels=test$PT[1:N])
    p<-p + theme(axis.text.x=element_text(size=13))

    # legend size
    p<-p+theme(legend.text = element_text(size=13), legend.title = element_blank(), legend.position = "bottom"
               , legend.box = 'vertical', legend.background = element_rect(fill="lightblue"))



#' @rdname HierIsingplot
#' @export
HItable<-function(hierdata,isingdata, ptnum=10, param="risk difference" ){
  # hierdata is the result from function Hier
  # isingdata is the result from function Ising
  # ptnum is the number of AE we want to show
  # param is the summary statistic we use to select the AE, it can be either "risk difference" or "odds ratio"
  # for this function, it will first select the top ptnum number of AE based on the summary statistic param from the selected method
  # then ouput a table containing the information for selected AE, information includes mean, 2.5% quantile, 97.5% quantile for
  # either "risk difference" or "odds ratio" of both methods, also the rank of each AE in each method based on the mean


  inputdata<- rbind(hierdata.new,isingdata)
  #delete column "b", "i", "j"
  drops<-c("b", "i", "j")
  inputdata<-inputdata[, !names(inputdata) %in% drops]

  if (param=="risk difference"){

    # delete column 'Raw_OR', "OR_median", "OR_2.5%", "OR_97.5%"
    drops2<-c("Raw_OR","OR_median", "OR_2.5%", "OR_97.5%")
    inputdata<-inputdata[, !names(inputdata) %in% drops2]

    # create a new column which indicates the rank of AE based on mean of risk difference in each method

    # rank in Hierarchical model
    test1_Hier<-subset(inputdata, Method=="Bayesian Hierarchical Model")
    test1_Hier<-test1_Hier[order(test1_Hier$rank_diff_mean), ]
    # get the top ptnum AE in Hierarchical model
    ptnum<-min(ptnum, dim(test1_Hier)[1])
    test2_Hier<-head(test1_Hier, ptnum)

    # rank in Ising model
    test1_Is<-subset(inputdata, Method=="Ising prior")
    test1_Is<-test1_Is[order(test1_Is$rank_diff_mean), ]
    # get the top ptnum AE in Ising prior model
    test2_Is<-head(test1_Is, ptnum)

    # combine test1_Hier and test1_Is
    test1<-rbind(test1_Hier, test1_Is)

    # combine test2_Hier and test2_Is
    test2<-rbind(test2_Hier, test2_Is)

    # get the AEs with top ptnum mean difference in either model
    # remove the duplicates

    # get the table of PT in topPTs
    Outputtable<-test1[test1$PT %in% topPTs, ]
    Outputtable<-Outputtable[order(Outputtable[, "Method"], Outputtable[,"rank_diff_mean"]), ]

  if (param=="odds ratio"){
    # delete column "Raw_Risk_Diff","Diff_mean", "Diff_2.5%", "Diff_97.5%"
    drops2<-c("Raw_Risk_Diff","Diff_mean", "Diff_2.5%", "Diff_97.5%")
    inputdata<-inputdata[, !names(inputdata) %in% drops2]

    # create a new column which indicates the rank of AE based on mean of risk difference in each method

    # rank in Hierarchical model
    test1_Hier<-subset(inputdata, Method=="Bayesian Hierarchical Model")
    test1_Hier<-test1_Hier[order(test1_Hier$rank_OR_median), ]
    # get the top ptnum AE in Hierarchical model
    ptnum<-min(ptnum, dim(test1_Hier)[1])
    test2_Hier<-head(test1_Hier, ptnum)

    # rank in Ising model
    test1_Is<-subset(inputdata, Method=="Ising prior")
    test1_Is<-test1_Is[order(test1_Is$rank_OR_median), ]
    # get the top ptnum AE in Ising prior model
    test2_Is<-head(test1_Is, ptnum)

    # combine test1_Hier and test1_Is
    test1<-rbind(test1_Hier, test1_Is)

    # combine test2_Hier and test2_Is
    test2<-rbind(test2_Hier, test2_Is)

    # get the AEs with top ptnum mean difference in either model
    # remove the duplicates

    # get the table of PT in topPTs
    Outputtable<-test1[test1$PT %in% topPTs, ]
    Outputtable<-Outputtable[order(Outputtable[, "Method"], Outputtable[,"rank_OR_median"]), ]
ganluan123/FlagAE documentation built on Nov. 4, 2019, 1:02 p.m.