
Defines functions print.rebus.test rebus.test

Documented in rebus.test

#' @title Permutation Test for REBUS Multi-Group Comparison
#' @description 
#' Performs permutation tests for comparing pairs of groups from a REBUS object.
#' @details 
#' A permutation test on path coefficients, loadings, and GoF index 
#' is applied to the classes obtained from REBUS, by comparing two
#' classes at a time. That is to say, a permutation test is applied 
#' on pair of classes. The number of permutations in each test is 100. 
#' In turn, the number of classes handled by \code{rebus.test} is limited to 6. 
#' When \code{pls$data=NULL} (there is no data matrix), the user
#' must provide the data matrix or data frame in \code{Y}.
#' @param pls Object of class \code{"plspm"} returned by \code{\link{plspm}}
#' @param reb Object of class \code{"rebus"} returned by either 
#' \code{\link{rebus.pls}} or \code{\link{it.reb}}.
#' @param Y Optional dataset (matrix or data frame) used when argument 
#' \code{dataset=NULL} inside \code{pls}.
#' @return An object of class \code{"rebus.test"}, basically a list 
#' containing the results of each pair of compared classes. 
#' In turn, each element of the list is also a list with the results 
#' for the path coefficients, loadings, and GoF index.
#' @author Laura Trinchera, Gaston Sanchez
#' @references Chin, W.W. (2003) A permutation procedure for multi-group 
#' comparison of PLS models. In: Vilares M., Tenenhaus M., Coelho P., 
#' Esposito Vinzi V., Morineau A. (Eds.) \emph{PLS and Related Methods - 
#' Proceedings of the International Symposium PLS03.} Decisia, pp. 33-43.
#' @seealso \code{\link{rebus.pls}}, \code{\link{local.models}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#'  \dontrun{
#'  ## typical example of PLS-PM in customer satisfaction analysis
#'  ## model with six LVs and reflective indicators
#'  ## example of rebus analysis with simulated data
#'  # load data
#'  data(simdata)
#'  # Calculate plspm
#'  sim_path = matrix(c(0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0), 3, 3, byrow=TRUE)
#'  dimnames(sim_path) = list(c("Price", "Quality", "Satisfaction"),
#'                             c("Price", "Quality", "Satisfaction"))
#'  sim_blocks = list(c(1,2,3,4,5), c(6,7,8,9,10), c(11,12,13)) 
#'  sim_mod = c("A", "A", "A")  # reflective indicators
#'  sim_global = plspm(simdata, sim_path, 
#'                     sim_blocks, modes=sim_mod)
#'  sim_global
#'  # Cluster analysis on residuals of global model
#'  sim_clus = res.clus(sim_global)
#'  # Iterative steps of REBUS algorithm on 2 classes
#'  rebus_sim = it.reb(sim_global, sim_clus, nk=2, 
#'                     stop.crit=0.005, iter.max=100)
#'  # apply rebus.test
#'  sim_permu = rebus.test(sim_global, rebus_sim)
#'  # inspect sim.rebus
#'  sim_permu
#'  sim_permu$test_1_2
#'  # or equivalently
#'  sim_permu[[1]]
#'  }
rebus.test <- function(pls, reb, Y = NULL)
  # =======================================================
  # checking arguments
  # =======================================================
  if (class(pls) != "plspm") 
    stop("\n'pls' must be an object of class 'plspm'")
  # checking reflective modes
  if (any(pls$model$specs$modes != "A"))
    stop("\nSorry, REBUS only works for modes 'A'")
  # checking scaled data
  if (!pls$model$specs$scaled)
    stop("\nSorry, REBUS only works with scaled='TRUE'")
  if (class(reb) != "rebus") 
    stop("\n'reb' must be an object of class 'rebus'")
  if (length(reb$segments) != nrow(pls$data))
    stop("\n'pls' and 'reb' are incompatible")
  if (length(table(reb$segments)) > 6)
    stop("\nthe number of classes in 'rebus.test' is limited to 6")
  # test availibility of dataset (either Y or pls$data)
  test_dataset(Y, pls$data, pls$model$gens$obs)
  # =======================================================
  # Inputs settings
  # =======================================================
  IDM = pls$model$IDM
  blocks = pls$model$blocks
  blocklist = indexify(blocks)
  # data matrix DM
  if (!is.null(pls$data)) {
    DM = pls$data
    dataset = TRUE
  } else {         
    dataset = FALSE
    # building data matrix 'DM'
    DM = get_manifests(Y, blocks)
  lvs = pls$model$gens$lvs
  lvs.names = pls$model$gens$lvs_names
  mvs = pls$model$gens$mvs
  mvs.names = pls$model$gens$mvs_names
  # data scaling
  X = get_data_scaled(DM, TRUE)  
  n.clus = length(table(reb$segments))
  # =======================================================
  # multi-group comparison
  # =======================================================  
  ic = NULL
  ec = NULL
  for (i in 1:(n.clus-1))
    ic = c(ic, rep(i, (n.clus-i)))
    ec = c(ec, seq((i+1), n.clus))
  gp.index = cbind(ic, ec)
  gp.test = as.list(1:nrow(gp.index))
  for (i in 1:nrow(gp.index))
    a = which(reb$segments %in% gp.index[i,])
    g = as.factor(reb$segments[a])
    # apply locals test
    gp.test[[i]] = get_locals_test(DM[a,], pls, g)
  # results
  names(gp.test) = paste(rep("test", nrow(gp.index)), 
                         gp.index[,1], gp.index[,2], 
                         sep = "_")
  class(gp.test) = "rebus.test"

#'@S3method print rebus.test
print.rebus.test <- function(x, ...)
  cat("Validation for REBUS-PLS by permutation tests", "\n")
  cat("---------------------------------------------", "\n")
  cat("List with the results for path coefficients, ", "\n") 
  cat("loadings, and GoF in the following objects:", "\n\n")
  cat("  Name    ", "  Classes", "\t", "   Elements in each object", "\n")
  for (k in 1:length(x))
    cat(paste("$",names(x)[k],sep=""), "  ",  
        substr(names(x)[k], 6, 6), "and", substr(names(x)[k], 8, 8), 
        "  ", "...$paths,", "...$loadings,", "...$gof", "\n")
gastonstat/plspm documentation built on April 8, 2022, 5:59 a.m.