
Defines functions search_radius geocode_zip is_zcta search_cd get_cd get_tracts search_fips search_tz search_city reverse_zipcode search_county search_state

Documented in geocode_zip get_cd get_tracts is_zcta reverse_zipcode search_cd search_city search_county search_fips search_radius search_state search_tz

#' Search for ZIP codes located within a given state
#' @param state_abb Two-digit code representing a U.S. state
#' @return tibble of all ZIP codes for each state code defined in state_abb
#' @examples
#' search_state("NJ")
#' search_state(c("NJ", "NY", "CT"))
#' @export
search_state <- function(state_abb) {
  # Ensure state abbreviation is capitalized for consistency
  state_abb <- toupper(state_abb)
  # Get matching ZIP codes for state
  state_zips <- zip_code_db %>%
    dplyr::filter(.data$state %in% state_abb)
  # Throw an error if nothing found
  if (nrow(state_zips) == 0) {
    stop(paste("No ZIP codes found for state:", state_abb))
#' Search ZIP codes for a county
#' @param state_abb Two-digit code for a U.S. state
#' @param county_name Name of a county within a U.S. state
#' @param ... if the parameter similar = TRUE, then send the parameter max.distance to the base function agrep. Default is 0.1.
#' @return tibble of all ZIP codes for given county name
#' @examples
#' middlesex <- search_county("Middlesex", "NJ")
#' alameda <- search_county("alameda", "CA")
#' search_county("ST BERNARD", "LA", similar = TRUE)$zipcode
#' @importFrom stringr str_detect
#' @importFrom rlang list2
#' @export
search_county <- function(county_name, state_abb, ...) {
  dots <- rlang::list2(...)

  if (stringr::str_detect(state_abb, "^[:upper:]+$") == FALSE) {
    state_abb <- toupper(state_abb)

  if ("similar" %in% names(dots) && dots$similar == TRUE) {
    if ("max.distance" %in% names(dots)) {
      max.distance <- dots$max.distance
    } else {
      max.distance <- 0.1
    state_counties <- zip_code_db %>% dplyr::filter(.data$state == state_abb)
    county_name_proper <- agrep(county_name, state_counties$county,
      ignore.case = TRUE, value = TRUE, max.distance = max.distance

    county_zips <- zip_code_db %>% dplyr::filter(.data$state ==
      state_abb & .data$county %in% county_name_proper)
  } else {
    if (stringr::str_detect(county_name, "^[:upper:]") == FALSE) {
      first_char <- toupper(substring(county_name, 0, 1))
      remainder <- substring(county_name, 2, nchar(county_name))
      county_name <- paste0(first_char, remainder)
    county_name_proper <- paste(county_name, "County")
    county_zips <- zip_code_db %>% dplyr::filter(.data$state ==
      state_abb & .data$county == county_name_proper)

  if (nrow(county_zips) == 0) {
      "No ZIP codes found for county:", county_name,
      ",", state_abb
#' Given a ZIP code, returns columns of metadata about that ZIP code
#' @param zip_code A 5-digit U.S. ZIP code or chracter vector with multiple ZIP codes
#' @return A tibble containing data for the ZIP code(s)
#' @examples
#' reverse_zipcode("90210")
#' reverse_zipcode("08731")
#' reverse_zipcode(c("08734", "08731"))
#' reverse_zipcode("07762")$county
#' reverse_zipcode("07762")$state
#' @export
reverse_zipcode <- function(zip_code) {
  # Sanity check: validate input for single ZIP before doing anything else
  if (length(zip_code) == 1) {
    zip_char <- nchar(as.character(zip_code))
    if (zip_char != 5) {
      stop(paste("Invalid ZIP code detected, expected 5 digit ZIP code, got", zip_char))

  # Convert to character so leading zeroes are preserved
  zip_code <- as.character(zip_code)
  # Get matching ZIP code record for
  zip_code_data <- zip_code_db %>%
    dplyr::filter(.data$zipcode %in% zip_code)

  # Iterate over input and insert NA rows for those with no match
  for (i in seq_along(zip_code)) {
    if (zip_code[i] %in% zip_code_db$zipcode == FALSE) {
      warning(paste("No data found for ZIP code", zip_code[i]))
      zip_code_data <- zip_code_data %>%
        dplyr::add_row(zipcode = zip_code[i], .before = i)

  # Throw an error if nothing found
  if (nrow(zip_code_data) == 0) {
    stop(paste("No data found for provided ZIP code", .data$zip_code, ",", .data$state))
#' Search ZIP codes for a given city within a state
#' @param state_abb Two-digit code for a U.S. state
#' @param city_name Name of major city to search
#' @return tibble of all ZIP code data found for given city
#' @examples
#' search_city("Spring Lake", "NJ")
#' search_city("Chappaqua", "NY")
#' @importFrom stringr str_detect
#' @export
search_city <- function(city_name, state_abb) {
  # Test if state name input is capitalized, capitalize if lowercase
  if (stringr::str_detect(state_abb, "^[:upper:]+$") == FALSE) {
    state_abb <- toupper(state_abb)
  # Test if first letter of city name  input is capitalized, capitalize if input is lowercase
  if (stringr::str_detect(city_name, "^[:upper:]") == FALSE) {
    first_char <- toupper(substring(city_name, 0, 1))
    remainder <- substring(city_name, 2, nchar(city_name))
    city_name <- paste0(first_char, remainder)
  # Get matching ZIP codes for city
  city_zips <- zip_code_db %>%
    dplyr::filter(.data$state == state_abb & .data$major_city == city_name)
  # Throw an error if nothing found
  if (nrow(city_zips) == 0) {
    stop(paste("No ZIP codes found for city:", city_name, ",", state_abb))
#' Search all ZIP codes located within a given timezone
#' @param tz Timezone
#' @return tibble of all ZIP codes found for given timezone
#' @examples
#' eastern <- search_tz("Eastern")
#' pacific <- search_tz("Mountain")
#' @export
search_tz <- function(tz) {
  # Get matching ZIP codes for timezone
  tz_zips <- zip_code_db %>%
    dplyr::filter(.data$timezone %in% tz)
  # Throw an error if nothing found
  if (nrow(tz_zips) == 0) {
    stop(paste("No ZIP codes found for timezone:", tz))
#' Returns all ZIP codes found within a given FIPS code
#' @param state_fips A U.S. FIPS code
#' @param county_fips A 1-3 digit county FIPS code (optional)
#' @return tibble of Census tracts and data from Census crosswalk file found for given ZIP code
#' @examples
#' search_fips("34")
#' search_fips("34", "03")
#' search_fips("34", "3")
#' search_fips("36", "003")
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
search_fips <- function(state_fips, county_fips) {
  # Get FIPS code data from tidycensus
  fips_data <- tidycensus::fips_codes
  # Separate routine if only state_fips code provided
  if (missing(county_fips)) {
    # Get matching FIPS data for provided state FIPS code
    fips_result <- fips_data %>%
      dplyr::filter(.data$state_code == state_fips)
    # Compare ZIP code database against provided state FIPS code, store matching ZIP code entries
    result <- zip_code_db %>%
      dplyr::filter(.data$state == fips_result$state[1])
  } else {
    # Clean up county FIPS code input by adding leading zeroes to match FIPS code data if not present
    if (nchar(county_fips < 3)) {
      difference <- base::abs(nchar(county_fips) - 3)
      county_fips <- base::paste0(strrep("0", difference), county_fips)
    # Get matching FIPS data for provided state & county FIPS code
    fips_result <- fips_data %>%
      dplyr::filter(.data$state_code == state_fips & .data$county_code == county_fips)
    # Compare ZIP code database against provided state FIPS code, store matching ZIP code entries
    result <- zip_code_db %>%
      dplyr::filter(.data$state == fips_result$state[1] & .data$county == fips_result$county[1])

#' Get all Census tracts within a given ZIP code
#' @param zip_code A U.S. ZIP code
#' @return tibble of Census tracts and data from Census crosswalk file found for given ZIP code
#' @examples
#' get_tracts("08731")
#' get_tracts("90210")
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
get_tracts <- function(zip_code) {
  # Validate input, raise error if input is not a 5-digit ZIP code
  if (nchar(zip_code) != 5) {
    stop("Invalid input detected. Please enter a 5-digit U.S. ZIP code.")
  # Get tract data given ZCTA
  tracts <- zcta_crosswalk %>%
    dplyr::filter(.data$ZCTA5 == zip_code)
  if (nrow(tracts) == 0) {
    stop(paste("No Census tracts found for ZIP code", zip_code))
#' Get all congressional districts for a given ZIP code
#' @param zip_code A U.S. ZIP code
#' @return a named list of two-digit state code and two digit district code
#' @examples
#' get_cd("08731")
#' get_cd("90210")
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @import tidycensus
#' @export
get_cd <- function(zip_code) {
  # Get state FIPS codes data from tidycensus library
  state_fips <- tidycensus::fips_codes
  # Match ZIP codes with congressional districts located within this ZIP
  matched_cds <- zip_to_cd %>%
    dplyr::filter(.data$ZIP == zip_code)
  # Break out the match from the ZIP to congressional district lookup into state FIPS code and congressional district codes
  district <- stringr::str_sub(matched_cds$CD, -2)
  state <- stringr::str_sub(matched_cds$CD, 1, 2)
  # Bind the separated district and state codes together as a dataframe
  result <- data.frame(cbind(district, state))
  # Join the lookup result with tidycensus FIPS code data for more info
  joined <- result %>%
    dplyr::left_join(state_fips, by = c("state" = "state_code"))
  output <- data.frame(joined$state.y[1], district) %>%
    dplyr::rename("state" = "joined.state.y.1.")

  return(list(state_fips = joined$state.y[1], district = district))
#' Get all ZIP codes that fall within a given congressional district
#' @param state_fips_code A two-digit U.S. FIPS code for a state
#' @param congressional_district A two digit number specifying a congressional district in a given
#' @return tibble of all congressional districts found for given ZIP code, including state code
#' @examples
#' search_cd("34", "03")
#' search_cd("36", "05")
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
search_cd <- function(state_fips_code, congressional_district) {
  # Create code from state and congressional district to match lookup table
  cd_code <- base::paste0(state_fips_code, congressional_district)
  matched_zips <- zip_to_cd %>%
    dplyr::filter(.data$CD == cd_code)
  if (nrow(matched_zips) == 0) {
    stop(paste("No ZIP codes found for congressional district:", congressional_district))
  output <- matched_zips %>%
  output$state_fips <- state_fips_code
  output$congressional_district <- congressional_district

#' Returns true if the given ZIP code is also a ZIP code tabulation area (ZCTA)
#' @param zip_code A 5-digit U.S. ZIP code
#' @return Boolean TRUE or FALSE based upon whether provided ZIP code is a ZCTA by testing whether it exists in the U.S. Census crosswalk data
#' @examples
#' is_zcta("90210")
#' is_zcta("99999")
#' is_zcta("07762")
#' @export
is_zcta <- function(zip_code) {
  # Convert to character so leading zeroes are preserved
  zip_code <- as.character(zip_code)
  # Test if provided ZIP code exists within Census ZCTA crosswalk
  result <- zip_code %in% zcta_crosswalk$ZCTA5

#' Returns that lat / lon pair of the centroid of a given ZIP code
#' @param zip_code A 5-digit U.S. ZIP code
#' @return tibble of lat lon coordinates
#' @examples
#' geocode_zip("07762")
#' geocode_zip("90210")
#' geocode_zip("90210")$lat
#' geocode_zip("90210")$lng
#' @export
geocode_zip <- function(zip_code) {

  # Convert to character so leading zeroes are preserved
  zip_code <- as.character(zip_code)

  # Get matching ZIP code record for
  result <- zip_code_db %>%
    dplyr::filter(.data$zipcode %in% zip_code) %>%
    dplyr::select(.data$zipcode, .data$lat, .data$lng) %>%

  if (nrow(result) == 0) {
    stop(paste("No results found for ZIP code", zip_code))

#' Search for ZIP codes that are within a given radius from a point
#' @param lat latitude
#' @param lng longitude
#' @param radius distance to search in miles, set by default to 1
#' @return a tibble containing the ZIP code(s) within the provided radius and distance from the provided coordinates in miles
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' search_radius(39.9, -74.3, 10)
#' }
#' @importFrom raster pointDistance
#' @export
search_radius <- function(lat, lng, radius = 1) {

  # Create an instance of the ZIP code database for calculating distance,
  # filter to those with lat / lon pairs
  zip_data <- zip_code_db %>%
    dplyr::filter(lat != "NA")

  # Calculate the distance between all points and the provided coordinate pair
  for (i in seq_len(nrow(zip_data))) {
    zip_data$distance[i] <- raster::pointDistance(c(lng, lat), c(zip_data$lng[i], zip_data$lat[i]), lonlat = TRUE)

  # Convert meters to miles for distance measurement
  zip_data$distance <- zip_data$distance * 0.000621371

  # Get matching ZIP codes within specified search radius
  result <- zip_data %>%
    # Filter results to those less than or equal to the search radius
    dplyr::filter(.data$distance <= radius) %>%
    dplyr::select(.data$zipcode, .data$distance) %>%
    dplyr::as_tibble() %>%

  # Warn if there is nothing found
  if (nrow(result) == 0) {
    warning(paste("No ZIP codes found for coordinates", paste0(lat, ",", lng), "with radius", radius, "mi"))
gavinrozzi/zipcodeR documentation built on Feb. 16, 2024, 11:29 p.m.