
Defines functions `sppN2` `w.tol` `ColSums` `RowSums` `w.avg` `wmean` `.simpleCap` `maxBias` `minDij` `cummean` `cumWmean`

##                                                                       ##
## Internal functions for package analogue - not meant to be used by     ##
## users.                                                                ##
##                                                                       ##

##' @title Cumulative weighted mean for a vector of distances
##' @param weights numeric vector of weights
##' @param y numeric vector to calculate the weighted mean of
##' @param drop logical; drop spurious zero distance
##' @param kmax numeric; upper limit on number of analogues to include
##' @return a numeric vector of length \code{kmax}.
##' @author Gavin L. Simpson
`cumWmean` <- function(weights, y, drop = TRUE, kmax) {
    ## as weights are the distances, I could probably combine
    ## mean and weighted mean versions of this function?
        kmax <- length(y)
    ##if (length(weights) != length(y))
    ##  stop("'y' and 'weights' must have the same length")
    nas <- is.na(weights)
    ord <- order(weights[!nas])
    if(drop) {
        weights <- 1 / weights[!nas][ord][-1]
        env <- y[!nas][ord][-1]
    } else {
        weights <- 1 / weights[!nas][ord]
        env <- y[!nas][ord]
    K <- seq_len(kmax)
    cumsum(weights[K] * env[K]) / cumsum(weights[K])

##' @title Cumulative mean for a vector of distances
##' @param dis the distances to sort by
##' @param y the vector of values to calculate mean of
##' @param drop logical; drop spurious zero distance
##' @param kmax numeric; upper limit on number of analogues to include
##' @return a numeric vector of length \code{kmax}.
##' @author Gavin L. Simpson
`cummean` <- function(dis, y, drop = TRUE, kmax) {
        kmax <- length(y)
    nas <- is.na(dis)
    ord <- order(dis[!nas])
    y <- y[!nas][ord]
    len <- length(dis[!nas])
    if(drop) {
        y <- y[-1]
        len <- len - 1
    K <- seq_len(kmax)
    cumsum(y[K]) / K

##' @title Return the non-zero minimum of a vector of distances
##' @param x the vector of distances for which the non-zero minimum is
##' required
##' @param drop logical; should the trivial (zero) distance of site
##' with itself be dropped?
##' @return The minimum, non-zero distance, a vector of length 1.
##' @author Gavin L. Simpson
`minDij` <- function(x, drop = TRUE) {
    ord <- order(x)
        x[ord][2] # we don't want the first zero distance

##' @title The maximum bias statistic of transfer function residuals
##' @param error numeric vector of model residuals
##' @param y numeric vector of observed environmental data
##' @param n numeric; number of sections to cut environmental gradient into
##' @return A numeric vector of length \code{n} containing the value of
##' the largest residual in each of the \code{n} setions of the gradient.
##' @author Gavin L. Simpson
`maxBias` <- function(error, y, n = 10) {
    groups <- cut.default(y, breaks = n, labels = 1:n)
    bias <- tapply(error, groups, mean)

##' @title Simple capitalisation function from ?toupper
##' @param x string to be capitalised
##' @return The capitalise string
##' @author Gavin L. Simpson
`.simpleCap` <- function(x) {
  s <- strsplit(x, " ")[[1]]
  paste(toupper(substring(s, 1,1)), substring(s, 2), sep = "",
        collapse = " ")

##' @title Simple, quicker version of weighted.mean
##' @param spp vector of species abundances; the weights.
##' @param env vector of gradient values.
##' @description \code{wmean()} is for a vector of species abundances
##' only.
##' @return The weighted mean of \code{env}.
##' @author Gavin L. Simpson
`wmean` <- function(spp, env) {
  sum(env * spp) / sum(spp)

##' @title Fast weighted mean function with no checks in column sums
##' @param x numeric matrix; weights, the species abundances say.
##' @param env numeric; vector of gradient values.
##' @description \code{w.avg()} is for a matrix of species abundances.
##' @return Numeric vector of length \code{ncol(x)} containing the
##' weighted means of the gradient values for eah column of \code{x}.
##' @author Gavin L. Simpson
`w.avg` <- function(x, env) {
    opt <- ColSums(x * env) / ColSums(x)
    names(opt) <- colnames(x)

##' @title Fast rowSums() without any checks.
##' @description Drop in replacement for \code{\link{rowSums}} but
##' without any of the sanity checks of that function. Used when these
##' checks have already be done up front, such as during repeated
##' bootstrap estimation
##' @param x matrix.
##' @param na.rm logical; should missing values be removed from the
##' calculation?
##' @return numeric vector containing the sums of the rows.
##' @author Gavin L. Simpson
`RowSums` <- function(x, na.rm = FALSE) {
    dn <- dim(x)
    p <- dn[2]
    dn <- dn[1]
    .rowSums(x, dn, p, na.rm)

##' @title Fast colSums() without any checks.
##' @description Drop in replacement for \code{\link{colSums}} but
##' without any of the sanity checks of that function. Used when these
##' checks have already be done up front, such as during repeated
##' bootstrap estimation
##' @param x matrix.
##' @param na.rm logical; should missing values be removed from the
##' calculation?
##' @return numeric vector containing the sums of the columns.
##' @author Gavin L. Simpson
`ColSums` <- function(x, na.rm = FALSE) {
    dn <- dim(x)
    n <- dn[1]
    dn <- dn[2]
    .colSums(x, n, dn, na.rm)

##' @title Computes weighted standard deviations AKA tolerances
##' @param x matrix of species abundances.
##' @param env vector of gradient values.
##' @param opt vector of weighted average optima for the proxies
##' (columns) of \code{x}.
##' @param useN2 logical; should the tolerance be scaled by its N2
##' value in the data set.
##' @return A numeric vector of species tolerance values.
##' @author Gavin Simpson
`w.tol` <- function(x, env, opt, useN2 = TRUE) {
    nr <- NROW(x)
    nc <- NCOL(x)
    tol <- .C("WTOL",
              x = as.double(env),
              w = as.double(x),
              opt = as.double(opt),
              nr = as.integer(nr),
              nc = as.integer(nc),
              stat = double(nc),
              NAOK = FALSE,
              PACKAGE = "analogue")$stat
        tol <- tol / sqrt(1 - (1 / sppN2(x)))
    names(tol) <- colnames(x)

##' @title Quickly compute Hill's N2 for species
##' @description A fast-ish version of Hill's N2 for species using
##' \code{\link{.colSums}}.
##' @param x matrix of species abundances.
##' @return A vector of N2 values, one per species. Species missing
##' from a set of samples will have an infinite N2.
##' @section Warning; must only be called once the data have been
##' checked as this calls out to C code via \code{\link{.colSums}}.
##' @author Gavin L. Simpson
`sppN2` <- function(x) {
    tot <- ColSums(x)
    x <- sweep(x, 2, tot, "/")
    x <- x^2
    H <- ColSums(x, na.rm = TRUE)
gavinsimpson/analogue documentation built on Sept. 24, 2024, 12:17 a.m.