
Defines functions check.freqs check.pi get.freqs.tworowperind get.freqs.onerowperind get.freqs get.counted.allele get.sample.names calcPWP freqs2pairwisePi structure2bedassle pwp2allelicCov

Documented in freqs2pairwisePi pwp2allelicCov structure2bedassle

#' Convert pairwise pi to allelic covariance
#' \code{pwp2allelicCov} converts a measures of 
#'	pairwise pi to allelic covariance
#' This function takes measurements of pairwise pi 
#' and returns the allelic covariance, which can
#' then be used in a BEDASSLE analysis.
#' @param pi A measurement of nucleotide diversity between 
#' a pair of samples; it is the proportion of sites at which 
#' the samples differ, out of the total number of loci 
#' in the sample. Can be a single value, a \code{vector}, 
#' or a \code{matrix}.
#' @details This function takes a measurement or set of measurements 
#'		of pairwise pi between samples and converts it to a an 
#'		allelic covariance, which can then be used to run a 
#'		\code{\link{run.bedassle}} analysis. The \code{pi} argument 
#'		specified will most commonly be a \code{matrix} of pairwise pi 
#'		between a set of samples, for which the \emph{ij}th cell gives 
#'		the pairwise pi between samples \emph{i} and \emph{j}. However, 
#'		it will also convert a single value (i.e., pairwise pi between 
#'		a single pair of samples) or a vector of values.
#' 		Pairwise pi is calculated as the proportion of sites at which a 
#'		pair of samples differs out of the total number of loci in the 
#'		dataset. If it is calculated using only loci that are polymorphic 
#'		in the global dataset, it is called pi at polymorphic sites. If it 
#'		is calculated using all genotyped base-pairs, it is simply pi. Either 
#'		statistic can be converted to allelic covariance and used for running 
#'	@return This function returns the allelic covariance that corresponds to 
#'		a particular value of pairwise pi. The allelic covariance can then be 
#'		used to run a BEDASSLE analysis run with \code{\link{run.bedassle}}.
#' @export

pwp2allelicCov <- function(pi){
	allelic.cov <- (1-2*pi)/4

#' Convert a dataset from STRUCTURE to BEDASSLE format
#' \code{structure2bedassle} converts a STRUCTURE dataset 
#' to BEDASSLE format
#' This function takes a population genetics dataset in 
#' STRUCTURE format and converts it to an allele frequency 
#' data table, then calculates pairwise pi between all samples.
#' The matrix of pairwise pi can be used as the \code{genDist}
#' argument in \code{\link{run.bedassle}}.
#' The STRUCTURE file can have one row per individual 
#' and two columns per locus, or one column and two rows 
#' per individual. It can only contain bi-allelic SNPs.
#' Missing data is acceptable, but must be indicated with 
#' a single value throughout the dataset.
#' @param infile The name and path of the file in STRUCTURE format 
#' 			to be converted to the format used in a \code{bedassle} 
#'			analysis. 
#' @param onerowperind Indicates whether the file format has 
#'		one row per individual (\code{TRUE}) or two rows per 
#'		individual (\code{FALSE}).
#' @param start.loci The index of the first column in the dataset 
#'			that contains genotype data.
#' @param start.samples The index of the first row in the dataset 
#'			that contains genotype data (e.g., after any headers). 
#'			Default value is 1.
#' @param missing.datum The character or value used to denote 
#' 			missing data in the STRUCTURE dataset (often 0 or -9).
#' @param prefix A character \code{vector} giving the prefix (including 
#'			desired directory path) to be attached to output files.
#' @param save.freqs A logical value indicating whether or not 
#'			to save the allele frequency data matrix generated 
#' 			by this function as an R object.
#' @details This function takes a STRUCTURE format data file and 
#'		converts it to a \code{bedassle} format data file.
#'		This function can only be applied to diploid organisms.
#'		The STRUCTURE data file must be a plain text file. 
#'		If there are extraneous lines of text or column headers 
#'		before the data start, those extra lines should be deleted 
#'		by hand or taken into account via the \code{start.samples} 
#'		argument.
#' 		The STRUCTURE dataset can either be in the ONEROWPERIND=1 
#' 		file format, with one row per individual and two columns 
#' 		per locus, or the ONEROWPERIND=0 format, with two rows and 
#'		one column per individual. The first column of the STRUCTURE 
#' 		dataset should be individual names. There may be any number 
#' 		of other columns that contain non-genotype information before 
#'		the first column that contains genotype data, but there can 
#' 		be no extraneous columns at the end of the dataset, after the 
#' 		genotype data.
#'		The genotype data must be bi-allelic single nucleotide 
#'		polymorphisms (SNPs). Applying this function to datasets
#'		with more than two alleles per locus may result in cryptic 
#'		failure.
#'	@return This function returns a matrix of pairwise pi 
#'		that can be used as the \code{genDist} argument in a BEDASSLE 
#'		analysis (\code{\link{run.bedassle}}).  It also saves 
#'		this matrix as a text file ("yourprefix_pwp.txt") so that it can 
#'		be used in future analyses. If the \code{save.freqs} is \code{TRUE},
#'		the allele frequency data matrix generated from the STRUCTURE 
#'		data file is saved as an R data (.RData) object.
#' @export

structure2bedassle <- function(infile,onerowperind,start.loci,start.samples=1,missing.datum,prefix,save.freqs=TRUE){
	#add checks
	outfile.freqs <- paste0(prefix,"_freqs.RData")
	outfile.pwp <- paste0(prefix,"_pwp.txt")
		stop("\nallele frequency data outfile already exists\n\n")
		stop("\npairwise pi outfile already exists\n\n")
	structure.data <- utils::read.table(infile,header=FALSE,skip=start.samples-1,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
	sample.names <- get.sample.names(structure.data,onerowperind)
	genos <- structure.data[,start.loci:ncol(structure.data)]
	if(onerowperind & ncol(genos) %% 2 != 0){
		stop("\nyou have mis-specified the genotype matrix\nplease check documentation\n\n")
	if(!onerowperind & nrow(genos) %% 2 != 0){
		stop("\nyou have mis-specified the genotype matrix\nplease check documentation\n\n")	
	freqs <- get.freqs(genos,onerowperind,missing.datum)
	row.names(freqs) <- sample.names
	pwp <- freqs2pairwisePi(freqs)

#' Calculate pairwise pi from allele frequency data
#' \code{freqs2pairwisePi} calculates pairwise pi 
#'	between all samples included in an allele frequency 
#'  data matrix
#' This function takes an allele frequency data matrix
#' for a sample of diploid individuals and returns 
#' pairwise pi between all samples, which can then be 
#' used in a BEDASSLE analysis.
#' @param freqs A \code{matrix} of allele frequencies with 
#'	one column per locus and one row per sample.
#' 	Missing data should be indicated with \code{NA}.
#' @param nLoci An integer giving the total number of loci in the 
#'  dataset. If left as \code{NULL}, it defaults to the number of 
#'	columns in the \code{freqs} argument.
#' @param quiet An Boolean (\code{TRUE}/\code{FALSE}) indicating 
#'  whether to suppress printing a progress update bar. Default is 
#' @details This function calculates pairwise pi (the proportion of 
#'		sites at which each pair of samples differs, out of the total
#'		number of loci in the dataset) between a set of diploid 
#'		individuals from a matrix of allele frequency data.
#'		The matrix of pairwise pi that is returned can then be 
#'		used to run a \code{bedassle} analysis with 
#'		\code{\link{run.bedassle}}.
#' 		Pairwise pi is calculated as the proportion of sites at which a 
#'		pair of individuals differs out of the total number of loci in the 
#'		dataset. If it is calculated using only loci that are polymorphic 
#'		in the global dataset, it is called pi at polymorphic sites. If it 
#'		is calculated using all genotyped base-pairs, it is simply pi. Either 
#'		statistic can be converted to allelic covariance and used for running 
#'		BEDASSLE. If the \code{freqs} matrix specified consists only of 
#'		polymorphic loci, but the user wishes to calculate pi (rather than pi 
#'		at polymorphic sites), she must specify the total number of loci in the 
#'		dataset (polymorphic and invariant) using the \code{nLoci} command.
#'		Missing data is handled in a pairwise fashion in the calculation of pi 
#'		for each pair of individuals. That is, for each pair of individuals, 
#'		the function goes through each locus at which they were both genotyped 
#'		and calculates the number of sites at which they differ, then 
#'		divides that total by (\code{nLoci} - \emph{Mij}), where \emph{Mij} is 
#'		the number of loci at which either individual in the comparison is 
#'		missing data.
#'	@return This function returns the pairwise pi matrix that can then be 
#'		used to run a BEDASSLE analysis run with \code{\link{run.bedassle}}.
#' @export

freqs2pairwisePi <- function(freqs,nLoci=NULL,quiet=FALSE){
		nLoci <- ncol(freqs)
	n <- nrow(freqs)
	pwp <- matrix(NA,n,n)
		prog <- utils::txtProgressBar(min=0,max=n+(n*(n-1))/2,char="*",style=3)
	for(i in 1:n){
		for(j in i:n){
			pwp[i,j] <- calcPWP(freqs[i,],freqs[j,],nLoci)
			if(i != j){
				pwp[j,i] <- pwp[i,j]

calcPWP <- function(ind1,ind2,L){
	nMD <- ifelse((any(is.na(ind1)) | any(is.na(ind2))),
		L <- length(ind1) - nMD
	diff.homs = sum(abs(ind1-ind2)==1,na.rm=TRUE)
	hets = sum(ind1==0.5 | ind2==0.5,na.rm=TRUE)
	return((diff.homs + hets/2)/L)

get.sample.names <- function(structure.data,onerowperind){
	sample.names <- structure.data[,1]
		sample.names <- sample.names[seq(1,length(sample.names),by=2)]

get.counted.allele <- function(genos,missing.datum){
	alleles <- unique(genos)
	if(identical(alleles, missing.datum)){
		stop("\nyour dataset contains loci with all data missing. please remove and re-try.\n\n")
	alleles <- alleles[!alleles==missing.datum]
	counted <- sample(alleles,1)

get.freqs <- function(genos,onerowperind,missing.datum){
	n.loci <- ifelse(onerowperind,ncol(genos)/2,ncol(genos))
		freqs <- get.freqs.onerowperind(genos,n.loci,missing.datum)
	} else {
		freqs <- get.freqs.tworowperind(genos,n.loci,missing.datum)
	colnames(freqs) <- NULL

get.freqs.onerowperind <- function(genos,n.loci,missing.datum){
	if(any(genos > 1)){
		counted.alleles <- apply(genos,2,get.counted.allele,missing.datum)
	} else {
		counted.alleles <- rep(1,n.loci)
	freqs <- Reduce("cbind",
								(genos[,seq(1,2*n.loci,by=2)[l]] == counted.alleles[l]) + 
								(genos[,seq(2,2*n.loci,by=2)[l]] == counted.alleles[l])
	freqs <- freqs/2
	missing.data <- Reduce("cbind",
								(genos[,seq(1,2*n.loci,by=2)[l]] == missing.datum) + 
								(genos[,seq(2,2*n.loci,by=2)[l]] == missing.datum)
	freqs[missing.data==2] <- NA

get.freqs.tworowperind <- function(genos,n.loci,missing.datum){
	if(any(genos > 1)){
		counted.alleles <- apply(genos,2,get.counted.allele,missing.datum)
	} else {
		counted.alleles <- rep(1,n.loci)
	freqs <- Reduce("cbind",
								(genos[seq(1,nrow(genos),by=2),l] == counted.alleles[l]) + 
								(genos[seq(2,nrow(genos),by=2),l] == counted.alleles[l])
	freqs <- freqs/2
	missing.data <- Reduce("cbind",
								(genos[seq(1,nrow(genos),by=2),l] == missing.datum) + 
								(genos[seq(2,nrow(genos),by=2),l] == missing.datum)
	freqs[missing.data==2] <- NA

check.pi <- function(pi){
		stop("\nyou must specify a numeric value of \"pi\"\n")
	if(any(pi < 0) | any(pi > 1)){
		stop("\nvalues of \"pi\" must fall between 0 and 1\n")		
	return(invisible("checked pi"))

check.freqs <- function(freqs){
		stop("\nthe \"freqs\" argument must be of class \"matrix\"\n")
	if(any(freqs > 1,na.rm=TRUE)){
		stop("\nall values of the the \"freqs\" argument must be less than 1\n")	
	if(any(freqs < 0,na.rm=TRUE)){	
		stop("\nall values of the the \"freqs\" argument must be greater than 0\n")
	return(invisible("freqs arg checked"))
gbradburd/bedassle documentation built on May 20, 2022, 1 p.m.