
Defines functions run_multiflts run.TsQuery timepoint range select.TsQuery reset.TsQuery tseries_query

Documented in tseries_query

#' Time Series Query
#' Instantiate a time series query object
#' This function creates a time series query object that can be used to query
#' time series (i.e. parameter level) data from EMS. If you need physical
#' parameter data, you will need to set a specific flight record to search
#' to return those parameters.
#' @param conn A connect object created by the connect function.
#' @param ems_name A string, the name of the EMS instance being connected to.
#' @param data_file A string, the name of the db file to store metadata to.
#' @param flight_record_searched optional numeric flight record to search params
#' @export
tseries_query <-
  function(conn, ems_name, data_file = NULL, flight_record_searched = NULL)
    obj <- list()
    class(obj) <- 'TsQuery'

    # Instantiating other objects
    obj$connection <- conn
    obj$ems        <- ems(conn)
    obj$ems_id     <- get_id(obj$ems, ems_name)
    obj$analytic   <- analytic(conn, obj$ems_id, data_file)
    obj$fr         <- flight_record_searched

    # object data
    obj$queryset <- list()
    obj$columns  <- list()
    obj <- reset(obj)


#' @export
reset.TsQuery <-
    qry$queryset <- list(select = list())
    qry$columns <- list()

#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_rows
select.TsQuery <-
  function(qry, ...)
    keywords <- list(...)

    save_table = F
    for ( kw in keywords ) {
      # Get the param from the param table
      prm <- get_param(qry$analytic, kw)
      if ( prm$id=="" ) {

        # If param's not found, search from EMS API
        res <- search_param(qry$analytic, kw, flight_record = qry$fr)

        df <- dplyr::bind_rows( res )

        #Drop both the 'Path' and 'displayPath' as they are list elements.
        #I don't believe they get used down-stream so easier to drop.
        if( "path" %in% names( df ) ){
          df <- dplyr::select( df, -path)
        if( "displayPath" %in% names( df ) ){
          df <- dplyr::select( df, -displayPath )

        qry$analytic$param_table <- rbind(qry$analytic$param_table, df)
        prm <- res[[1]]
        save_table <- T
      # Add the selected param into the query set
      n_sel <- length(qry$columns)
      qry$queryset$select[[n_sel+1]] <- list(analyticId = prm$id)
      # Just in case you need information of the selected params
      qry$columns[[n_sel+1]] <- prm
    if ( save_table) {

#' @export
range <-
  function(qry, tstart = NULL, tend = NULL)
    # if ( !is.numeric(c(tstart, tend)) ) {
    #   stop(sprintf("The values for time range should be numeric. Given values are from %s to %s.", tstart, tend))
    # }
    qry$queryset[["start"]] <- tstart
    qry$queryset[["end"]]   <- tend

timepoint <-
  function(qry, tpoint)
    if (!is.vector(tpoint)) {
      stop("Timepoint should be given as a vector type.")
    qry$queryset$offsets <- tpoint

# flight_duration <-
#   function(qry, flight, unit = "second")
#   {
#     prm <- get_param(qry$analytic, "hours of data (hours)")
#     q <- list(select = list(analyticId = prm$id),
#               size = 1)
#     r <- request(qry$connection, rtype="POST",
#                  uri_keys = c("analytic", "query"),
#                  uri_args = c(qry$ems_id, flight),
#                  jsondata = q)
#     res <- httr::content(r)
#     if ( !is.null(res$message) ) {
#       stop(sprintf('API query for flight = %s, parameter = "%s" was unsuccessful.\nHere is the massage from API: %s',
#                    flight, prm$name, res$message))
#     }
#     fl_len <- res$results[[1]][['values']][[1]]
#     if (unit=="second") {
#       y <- fl_len * 60 * 60
#     } else if (unit=="minute") {
#       y <- fl_len * 60
#     } else if (unit=="hour") {
#       y <- fl_len
#     } else {
#       stop(sprintf('Unrecognizable time unit (%s).', unit))
#     }
#     return(y)
#   }

#' @export
run.TsQuery <-
           start = NULL,
           end = NULL,
           timestep = NULL,
           timepoint = NULL,
           sample_mode = c("leaveBlank", "uniquePreviousSample",
                           "stairStep", "linearInterpolation",
                           "parameterDefault", "previousSample"),
           offset_type = c("sampledValues", "fixedRate"),
           samplingRate = NULL


    sample_mode <- match.arg(sample_mode,
                             c("leaveBlank", "uniquePreviousSample",
                               "stairStep", "linearInterpolation",
                               "parameterDefault", "previousSample")

    offset_type <- match.arg(offset_type, c("sampledValues", "fixedRate"))

    qry$queryset[["unsampledDataMode"]] <- sample_mode

    if (offset_type == "fixedRate" & !is.null(samplingRate)) {
      qry$queryset$offsetType[["type"]] <- offset_type
      qry$queryset$offsetType[["samplingRate"]] <- samplingRate

    if (!is.null(timepoint)) {
      qry <- timepoint(qry, timepoint)
    } else if (!is.null(timestep)) {
      start <- if (is.null(start)) 0.0 else start
      if (is.null(end)) {
        stop("End timepoint should be given along with timestep input.")
      qry <- timepoint(qry, seq(start, end, by = timestep))
    } else {
      qry <- range(qry, start, end)

    r <- request(qry$connection, rtype="POST",
                 uri_keys = c("analytic", "query"),
                 uri_args = c(qry$ems_id, flight),
                 jsondata = qry$queryset)
    res <- httr::content(r)
    if ( !is.null(res$message) ) {
      stop(sprintf('API query for flight = %s was unsuccessful.\nHere is the massage from API: %s',
                   flight, res$message))

    df <- data.frame(unlist(res$offsets))
    names(df) <- "Time (sec)"

    for (i in seq_along(qry$columns)) {
      # Unfortunately, httr's content function fills the emspty data as NULL in the list, instead of NA.
      # This causes discrepancies in # of rows when there are nulls in the raw json data since unlist
      # function simply ignore the list elements with NULL ending up returning a vector that is shorter
      # then it should be.
      prm_vals <- unlist(sapply(res$results[[i]]$values, function(x) if(is.null(x)) NA else x))
      df <- cbind(df, prm_vals)
      names(df)[i+1] <- qry$columns[[i]]$name

#' @export
run_multiflts <-
  function(qry, flight, start = NULL, end = NULL, timestep = NULL, timepoint = NULL)

    # input argument "flight" as multi-column data
    res <- list()

    attr_flag <- F
    if ( class(flight) == "data.frame" ) {
      FR <- flight[ , "Flight Record"]
      attr_flag <- T
    } else {
      FR <- flight

    if (!is.null(timepoint)) {
      cat("Time points are not yet supported. The given time points will be ignored.\n")
      timepoint = NULL

    cat(sprintf("=== Start running time series data querying for %d flights ===\n", length(FR)))
    for (i in 1:length(FR)) {
      cat(sprintf("%d / %d: FR %d\n", i, length(FR), FR[i]))
      res[[i]] <- list()
      if ( attr_flag ) {
        res[[i]]$flt_data <- as.list(flight[i, ])
      } else {
        res[[i]]$flt_data <- list("Flight Record" = FR[i])
      res[[i]]$ts_data <- run.TsQuery(qry, FR[i], start = start[i], end = end[i], timestep = timestep[i])
ge-flight-analytics/Rems documentation built on July 24, 2024, 7:38 a.m.