Man pages for geneticsMiNIng/metR
Tools for Identification and Visualisation of Differentially Methylated Regions

create_tiles_fixed_lengthCreate regions for testing methylation difference
create_tiles_max_gapCreate regions for testing methylation difference
draw_methylationPlot DMR region
find_DMRFinding DMR
get_statsSummarize regions
get_topGet n top region
preprocessingPreprocessing data
schizophreniaMethylation data in chromosome 1.
test_ksKolmogorov-Smirnov test for methylation data
test_reg_corr_mixedLogistic regression with random effects and given correlation...
test_reg_logLogistic regression results for methylation data
test_reg_mixedLogistic regression with random effects results for...
test_tt-Stundent test for methylation data
test_wilcoxonWilcoxon test for methylation data
geneticsMiNIng/metR documentation built on May 28, 2019, 8:41 p.m.