# d3tablefilter.R ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Header
# Filename: d3tablefilter.R
# Description: Contains functions for plotting table charts from D3TableFilter package using standrad inputs.
# Author: Nicolas Berta
# Email : nima.ramezani@gmail.com
# Start Date: 26 April 2017
# Last Revision: 05 June 2018
# Version: 0.0.1
# Version History:
# Version Date Action
# ----------------------------------
# 0.0.1 02 February 2023 Initial issue
#' @include visgen.R
#' @include tfd3.R
D3TableFilter.table.defset = TFD3.table.defset
D3TableFilter.addColumnTypes = TFD3.addColumnTypes
D3TableFilter.tableprops = TFD3.tableprops
D3TableFilter.config.verify = TFD3.config.verify
D3TableFilter.footData = TFD3.footData
D3TableFilter.rowStyles = TFD3.rowStyles
D3TableFilter.edit = TFD3.edit
D3TableFilter.lastEdits.empty = TFD3.lastEdits.empty
D3TableFilter.initialFilters = TFD3.initialFilters
D3TableFilter.applyFilterstr = TFD3.applyFilterstr
D3TableFilter.filteredRows = function(obj, config){
ff = obj %>% nrow %>% sequence
for(i in names(config$column.filter)){
if (i == 'rownames'){
ff = ff %^% (rownames(obj) %>% D3TableFilter.applyFilterstr(config$column.filter[[i]]))
} else {
ff = ff %^% (obj[, i] %>% D3TableFilter.applyFilterstr(config$column.filter[[i]]))
D3TableFilter.colNames = TFD3.colNames
D3TableFilter.bgColScales = function(obj, config){
bgcs = list()
nms = c(chif(config$withRowNames,'rownames',NULL), colnames(obj))
for (cc in names(config$column.color)){
w = which(nms == cc) - 1
if(config$column.color[[cc]] %>% unique %>% length == 1){
scr = D3TableFilter.color.single.js(config$column.color[[cc]] %>% unique)
} else if(config$column.color.auto[[cc]]){
scr = paste('auto', config$column.color[[cc]] %>% paste(collapse = ':'), sep = ':')
} else if(inherits(obj[, cc], valid.numeric.classes)){
scr = D3TableFilter.color.numeric.js(domain = obj[, cc], range = config$column.color[[cc]])
} else if (inherits(obj[, cc], valid.nominal.classes)){
scr = D3TableFilter.color.nominal.js(domain = obj[, cc], range = config$column.color[[cc]])
} else {scr = ''}
if(!is.empty(scr)){for (i in w){bgcs[[paste0('col_', i)]] <- scr}}
D3TableFilter.table = function(obj, label = NULL, color = NULL, shape = NULL, config = NULL, ...){
if((nrow(obj) == 0) & (ncol(obj) == 0)){return(NULL)}
if (is.null(label)){label = as.list(names(obj))}
# Verifications:
# assert(require(D3TableFilter), "Package D3TableFilter is not installed!", err_src = match.call()[[1]])
config = D3TableFilter.table.defset %<==>% (config %>% verify('list', default = list(), varname = 'config')) %>%
config$column.title %<>% verify('list', names_domain = c(chif(config$withRowNames,'rownames',NULL), colnames(obj)), varname = 'config$column.title')
# config$column.type %<>% verify('list', names_domain = c(chif(config$withRowNames,'rownames',NULL), colnames(obj)), domain = c(config$dimclass$label, 'prettyDate', 'prettyTime', 'prettyTimeDate'), default = obj %>% apply(2,class) %>% as.list, varname = 'config$column.type')
# Preparing Aesthetics:
# Preparing Aesthetics:
a = prepareAesthetics(label = label, color = color, shape = shape, extend = c('label','color', 'shape'))
L = a$labels
A = a$aesthetics %>% list.remove(gndcd(112,86,2,135,162))
obj %<>% prepare4Plot(A, config)
if (!inherits(obj, 'data.frame')){return(NULL)}
if (ncol(obj) == 0){return(NULL)}
names(obj) <- names(obj) %>% make.unique('.1')
# Specify background color from argument 'color':
bgColScales = list()
for(i in seq(L$color)){
if(L$color[i] %in% L$label){L$color[i] %<>% paste('1', sep = '.')}
lin = paste0('col_', i)# list item name
if (obj[, L$color[i]] %>% unique %>% length == 1){
bgColScales[[lin]] = D3TableFilter.color.single.js(obj[1, L$color[i]])
} else if (obj[, L$color[i]] %>% length == nrow(obj)){
if(inherits(obj[,L$label[i]], valid.numeric.classes)){
bgColScales[[lin]] = D3TableFilter.color.numeric.js(domain = obj[, L$label[i]], range = obj[, L$color[i]])
} else {
bgColScales[[lin]] = D3TableFilter.color.nominal.js(domain = obj[, L$label[i]], range = obj[, L$color[i]])
if(is.null(L$color)){bgColScales = D3TableFilter.bgColScales(obj, config)}
L$shape = rep('', length(L$label))
for (i in names(config$column.shape)){
w = which(L$label == i)
L$shape[w] = config$column.shape[[i]]
# turn cell values into scaled SVG graphics from argument 'shape':
cellFunctions = list()
for(i in seq(L$shape)){
shp = L$shape[i]
lin = paste0('col_', i)# list item name
if (shp == 'bar'){cellFunctions[[lin]] = D3TableFilter.shape.bar.js()}
else if (shp %in% c('bubble', 'circle', 'point', 'dot')){cellFunctions[[lin]] = D3TableFilter.shape.bubble.js()}
footCellFunctions = list()
nms = c('rownames', colnames(obj))
for (col in names(config$column.footer.font)){
wch = which(nms == col) - 1
for (cn in wch){
lin = paste0('col_', cn)# list item name
footCellFunctions[[lin]] = D3TableFilter.font.js(
side = config$column.footer.font[[col]]$adjust,
format = config$column.footer.font[[col]]$format,
weight = config$column.footer.font[[col]]$weight)
wcb = which(L$shape == 'checkBox')
wrb = which(L$shape == 'radioButtons')
obj[, L$label] %>% D3TableFilter::d3tf(
colNames = D3TableFilter.colNames(config) %>% unname,
bgColScales = bgColScales,
cellFunctions = cellFunctions,
footCellFunctions = footCellFunctions,
showRowNames = config$withRowNames,
enableTf = config$column.filter.enabled,
filterInput = config$column.filter.enabled,
edit = L$label %>% D3TableFilter.edit(config),
checkBoxes = chif(is.empty(wcb), NULL, 'col_' %++% wcb),
radioButtons = chif(is.empty(wcb), NULL, 'col_' %++% wrb),
initialFilters = D3TableFilter.initialFilters(L$label, config),
footData = D3TableFilter.footData(obj[, L$label], config),
tableStyle = config$table.style,
selectableRows = config$selection.mode,
selectableRowsClass = config$selection.color,
rowStyles = D3TableFilter.rowStyles(obj[, L$label], config),
tableProps = config %>% D3TableFilter.tableprops,
extensions = config$extensions,
height = config$height,
width = config$width,
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