
Defines functions DT.Table.Classify.bold DT.Table DT.options DT.applyConfig DT.applyConfig2Obj DT.table

# dt.R ----------------------------------------------------------------

# Header
# Filename:       dt.R
# Description:    Contains functions for plotting various table charts from DT package using standrad inputs.
# Author:         Nicolas Berta
# Email :         nicolas.berta@gmail.com
# Start Date:     25 December 2016
# Last Revision:  28 February 2018
# Version:        1.1.6

# Version History:

# Version   Date                Action
# ----------------------------------
# 1.0.0     25 December 2016    Initial issue transferred from niraPlotter.R
# 1.1.0     27 March 2017       Fundamental changes with standard arguments. Calls function prepare4Plot to generate considerations for special dimensions
# 1.1.1     28 March 2017       DT.defset added
# 1.1.4     23 February 2018    Functions DT.applyConfig2Obj() and DT.applyConfig() and DT.options() added. Currently only take care of property 'links'
# 1.1.5     28 February 2018    config property 'paging.length' added.
# 1.1.5     28 February 2018    config property 'autoWidth' added.

#' @include visgen.R

# Default settings for package DT:
DT.defset = defset %<==>% list(
  # Valid classes for all dimensions
  dimclass  = list(label = valid.classes),
  multiples = 'label',
  withRowNames  = T

# Extra Arguments for function DT.table:
# Legend for setting argument class:
# display:	    Short-hand for the stripe, hover, row-border and order-column classes.
# cell-border:  Border around all four sides of each cell
# compact:      Reduce the amount of white-space the default styling for the DataTable uses, increasing the information density on screen (since 1.10.1)
# hover:        Row highlighting on mouse over
# nowrap:       Disable wrapping of content in the table, so all text in the cells is on a single line (since 1.10.1)
# order-column: Highlight the column that the table data is currently ordered on
# row-border:   Border around only the top an bottom of each each (i.e. for the rows).
# stripe:       Row striping
# You can use multiple options together. For example: style = 'cell-border stripe'. Note cell-border and row-border are mutually exclusive and cannot be used together.

# New function for plotting DT tables
DT.table = function(obj, label = NULL, config = NULL, sessionobj = NULL, ...){
  #if (is.empty(obj)){return(NULL)}

  if (is.null(label)){label = as.list(names(obj))}
  # Verifications:
  assert(require(DT), "Package DT is not installed!", err_src = match.call()[[1]])
  config = DT.defset %<==>% (config %>% verify('list', default = list(), varname = 'config'))

  # Preparing Aesthetics:
  label %<>% nameList(gndcd(171,39,69,162,199))

  labelL        = names(label)

  obj %<>% prepare4Plot(list(label = label), config = config) %>% DT.applyConfig2Obj(config)

  DT::datatable(obj, escape = F, options = config %>% DT.options(obj, sessionobj), ...) %>% DT.applyConfig(config)

# This function changes the data.frame according to the config and returns the modified data.frame
# input argument obj must be the data.frame which is going to be plotted.
# This function currently only takes care of property 'links' in the config
# If any other properties impact the data.frame to be plotted, you should add it here
DT.applyConfig2Obj = function(obj, config){
    verify(config$links, 'list')
    for (i in sequence(length(config$links))){
      link = config$links[[i]]
      nms  = names(link)
      # verify(link, 'list', names_include = c('colName'), varname = 'link')
      # verify(link$column.name, 'character')

      scr = '<a '

      if ('class.name' %in% nms){scr = paste0(scr, 'class="', link$class.name, '" ')}
      if ('href'       %in% nms){scr = paste0(scr, 'href="', link$href, '" ')}

      if ('inputs'       %in% nms){
        for (j in names(link$inputs)){
          scr = paste0(scr, ' data-', j, "=\"", obj[,link$inputs[j]], "\"")
      scr = paste0(scr, '>')
      if ('icon' %in% nms){scr = paste0(scr, '<i class="', link$icon, '"></i>')}
      if ('text' %in% nms){scr = paste0(scr, link$text)}
      scr = paste0(scr, '</a>')

      if(nrow(obj) == length(scr)){obj[, link$column.name] = scr}

# This function applies config to the DT object
DT.applyConfig = function(obj, config){

# This function modifies the options argument that needs to be passed to the plotter function
# in order to apply  some of the config properties to the plot.
# todo: Create appropriate config parameters to add these options https://datatables.net/reference/option/
# Currently only respects property 'links'
DT.options = function(config, df, sessionobj = NULL){
  opt = config %>% list.extract('autoWidth')
  if(!is.null(config$links) & !is.null(sessionobj)){
    action   <- DT::dataTableAjax(sessionobj, df)
    opt$ajax %<>% verify('list', default = list()) %<==>% list(url = action)

  opt$pageLength = config$paging.length %>% verify(c('integer', 'numeric'), lengths = 1, domain = c(1,Inf), default = 10)

# Old functions
#' @export
DT.Table = function(x, links = NULL, session = NULL, options = list(), rownames = T){
  TBL = x
  opt = options

  if (!is.null(options$header)){
    scr = paste0("$(this.api().table().header()).css(", list2Json(options$header, quotation = T), ");")
    opt$initComplete = JS("function(settings, json) {", scr, "}")
    opt$header = NULL

  if (!is.null(links)){
    verify(links, 'list')
    for (i in sequence(length(links))){
      link = links[[i]]
      nms  = names(link)
      # verify(link, 'list', names_include = c('colName'), varname = 'link')
      # verify(link$column.name, 'character')

      scr = '<a '

      if ('class.name' %in% nms){scr = paste0(scr, 'class="', link$class.name, '" ')}
      if ('href'       %in% nms){scr = paste0(scr, 'href="', link$href, '" ')}

      if ('inputs'       %in% nms){
        for (j in names(link$inputs)){
          scr = paste0(scr, ' data-', j, "=\"", TBL[,link$inputs[j]], "\"")
      scr = paste0(scr, '>')
      if ('icon' %in% nms){scr = paste0(scr, '<i class="', link$icon, '"></i>')}
      if ('text' %in% nms){scr = paste0(scr, link$text)}
      scr = paste0(scr, '</a>')

      if(nrow(TBL) == length(scr)){TBL[, link$column.name] = scr}
    action   <- DT::dataTableAjax(session, TBL)
    opt$ajax <- list(url = action)
  return(DT::datatable(TBL, escape = FALSE, options = opt, rownames = rownames))

# Functions for customized modifications: (Old Function)
#' @export
DT.Table.Classify.bold = function(x, classColumn, boldValues = 'TRUE'){
  assert(inherits(x, 'datatables'), "Class verification failed! Argument 'x' must be of class 'datatables'!")
  nms  = names(x$x$data)
  lvls = unique(x$x$data[,classColumn])
  vals = rep('normal', length(lvls))
  vals[lvls %in% boldValues] = 'bold'
  DT::formatStyle(x, classColumn, target = 'row', fontWeight = DT::styleEqual(levels = lvls, values = vals))
genpack/viser documentation built on Jan. 4, 2025, 10:11 p.m.