# streamgraph.R ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Header
# Filename: streamgraph.R
# Description: Contains functions for plotting various charts from js package 'streamgraph' using standrad inputs.
# Author: Nicolas Berta
# Email : nicolas.berta@gmail.com
# Start Date: 25 September 2018
# Last Revision: 25 September 2018
# Version: 0.0.1
# Version History:
# Version Date Action
# ----------------------------------
# 0.0.1 25 September 2018 Initial issue
# Does not work with POSIXct, don't try!
streamgraph.tsarea.defset = defset %<==>% list(
dimclass = list(
x = c('Date', 'integer', 'numeric'),
y = 'numeric',
group = c('factor', 'character', 'integer')),
multiples = c('y'),
essentials = c('x', 'y')
streamgraph.applyConfig = function(chart, config){
# ' Create a new streamgraph
# '
# ' \code{streamgraph()} initializes the streamgraph html widget
# ' and takes a data frame in "long" format with columns for the
# ' category (by default, it looks for \code{key}) and its associated
# ' \code{date} and \code{value}. You can supply the names for those
# ' columns if they aren't named as such in your data.\cr
# ' \cr
# ' By default, interactivity is on, but you can disable that by setting
# ' the \code{interactive} parameter to \code{FALSE}.
# '
# ' @param data data frame
# ' @param key bare or quoted name of the category column (defaults to \code{key})
# ' @param value bare or quoted name of the value column (defaults to \code{value})
# ' @param date bare or quoted name of the date column (defaults to \code{date})
# ' @param width Width in pixels (optional, defaults to automatic sizing)
# ' @param height Height in pixels (optional, defaults to automatic sizing)
# ' @param offset see d3's \href{https://github.com/mbostock/d3/wiki/Stack-Layout#offset}{offset layout} for more details.
# ' The default is probably fine for most uses but can be one of \code{silhouette} (default),
# ' \code{wiggle}, \code{expand} or \code{zero}
# ' @param interpolate see d3's \href{https://github.com/mbostock/d3/wiki/SVG-Shapes#area_interpolate}{area interpolation} for more details.
# ' The default is probably fine fore most uses, but can be one of \code{cardinal} (default),
# ' \code{linear}, \code{step}, \code{step-before}, \code{step-after}, \code{basis}, \code{basis-open},
# ' \code{cardinal-open}, \code{monotone}
# ' @param interactive set to \code{FALSE} if you do not want an interactive streamgraph
# ' @param scale axis scale (\code{date} [default] or \code{continuous})
# ' @param top top margin (default should be fine, this allows for fine-tuning plot space)
# ' @param right right margin (default should be fine, this allows for fine-tuning plot space)
# ' @param bottom bottom margin (default should be fine, this allows for fine-tuning plot space)
# ' @param left left margin (default should be fine, this allows for fine-tuning plot space)
# ' @import htmlwidgets htmltools
# ' @importFrom tidyr expand
# ' @return streamgraph object
# ' @export
# ' @examples \dontrun{
# ' library(dplyr)
# ' library(streamgraph)
# ' ggplot2movies::movies %>%
# ' select(year, Action, Anicolastion, Comedy, Drama, Documentary, Romance, Short) %>%
# ' tidyr::gather(genre, value, -year) %>%
# ' group_by(year, genre) %>%
# ' tally(wt=value) %>%
# ' ungroup %>%
# ' mutate(year=as.Date(sprintf("%d-01-01", year))) -> dat
# '
# ' streamgraph(dat, "genre", "n", "year")
# ' }
stream <- function(data, key, value, date, width=NULL, height=NULL,
offset = c("silhouette", "wiggle", "expand", "zero"),
interpolate=c("cardinal", "linear", "step", "step-before", "step-after", "basis", "basis-open", "cardinal-open", "monotone"),
interactive=TRUE, scale = c("date", "continuous"),
top=20, right=40, bottom=30, left=50, config = config) {
offset = match.arg(offset)
interpolate = match.arg(interpolate)
scale = match.arg(scale)
data <- data.frame(data)
data <- data[, c(key, value, date)]
colnames(data) <- c("key", "value", "date")
xti <- config$xAxis.tick.interval %>% verify(c('integer', 'numeric'), lengths = 1, default = 1)
if (scale=="date") {
xtu <- config$xAxis.tick.unit %>% verify('character', lengths = 1, default = "day")
xtf <- config$xAxis.tick.format %>% verify('character', lengths = 1, default = "%Y-%m-%d")
# date format
# if (all(class(data$date) %in% c("numeric", "character", "integer"))) {
# if (all(nchar(as.character(data$date)) == 4)) {
# data %>%
# mutate(date=sprintf("%04d-01-01", as.numeric(date))) -> data
# xtu <- 'Year'
# xtf <- "%Y"
# }
# }
} else {
xtu <- NULL
xtf <- ",.0f"
config$aggregator %<>% verify('function', default = sum)
if(!inherits(data$date, 'numeric')){data %<>% group_by(key, date) %>% summarise(value = do.call(config$aggregator, list(value, na.rm = T)))}
# call config aggregator function
params = list(
name = 'streamgraph',
x = params,
width = width,
height = height,
package = 'streamgraph'
# ' Add a title to the streamgraph
# '
# ' @param sg streamgraph object
# ' @param title title
# ' @return THIS DOES NOT RETURN AN \code{htmlwidget}!! It returns a \code{shiny.tag}
# ' class HTML (the widget is wrapped in a \code{<div>}). It should be the LAST
# ' call in a magrittr pipe chain or called to wrap a streamgraph object for
# ' output
# ' @export
sg_title <- function(sg, title="") {
div(style="margin:auto;text-align:center", strong(title), br(), sg)
streamgraph_html <- function(id, style, class, width, height, ...) {
list(tags$div(id = id, class = class, style = style),
tags$div(id = sprintf("%s-legend", id), style=sprintf("width:%s", width), class = sprintf("%s-legend", class),
HTML(sprintf("<center><label style='padding-right:5px' for='%s-select'></label><select id='%s-select' style='visibility:hidden;'></select></center>", id, id))))
streamgraph.tsarea = function(obj, x = NULL, y = NULL, group = NULL, config = NULL, ...){
assert(require(streamgraph), "Package streamgraph is not installed!", err_src = match.call()[[1]])
config = streamgraph.tsarea.defset %<==>% (config %>% verify('list', default = list(), varname = 'config')) %>%
verifyConfig(plotter = 'streamgraph')
# Preparing Aesthetics:
a = prepareAesthetics(x = x, y = y, group = group)
L = a$labels
A = a$aesthetics %>% list.remove('shape')
obj %<>% prepare4Plot(A, config)
configscale = chif(inherits(obj[, L$x], 'Date'), 'date', 'continuous')
if(length(L$y) > 1){
sg = obj %>% reshape2::melt(id.vars = L$x, measure.vars = L$y) %>%
stream(date = L$x, value = 'value', key = 'variable', scale = configscale, config = config)
} else {
sg = obj %>% stream(value = L$y, date = L$x, scale = configscale, config = config)
} else {
assert(length(L$x) == 1 & length(L$y) == 1, 'You can define series by either grouping the values or selecting multiple columns!')
sg = stream(data = obj, date = L$x, value = L$y, key = L$group, scale = configscale)
# if(obj[, L$x] %>% duplicated %>% sum > 0 & !is.null(config$aggregator)){
# # if(inherits(config$aggregator, 'function')){config$aggregator = as.character(substitute(config$aggregator))}
# config$aggregator %>% verify('character')
# obj %<>% dplyr::group_by_(L$x)
# scr = "obj %>% dplyr::summarise("
# N = length(L$y)
# for (i in sequence(N)){
# scr %<>% paste0("`", L$y[i], "` = ", config$aggregator, "(`", L$y[i], "`)", chif(i < N, ", ", ")"))
# }
# obj = parse(text = scr) %>% eval %>% as.data.frame
# }
# if (!is.null(L$x)){
# if (inherits(obj[,L$x], 'Date')){ct = obj %>% streamgraph(x = L$x)} else {
# ct = obj %>% streamgraph %>% xAxis(type = 'category', categories = obj[, L$x] %>% as.character)
# }
# } else {ct = obj %>% streamgraph}
# if(!is.null(L$shape)){names(L$shape) <- L$y}
# if(is.null(L$shape)){
# if(!is.null(config$shape)){
# L$shape = config$shape
# } else {L$shape = 'line'}
# }
# L$shape %<>% vect.extend(length(L$y))
# if(is.empty(config$stack.groups)){config$stack.groups = L$y}
# options(warn = -1)
# ct %<>% streamgraph_mixedGeom(type = most.common(L$shape), types = L$shape %>% as.list, stacked = chif(config$stack.enabled, config$stack.groups, NULL))
# options(warn = 1)
# return(ct %>% streamgraph.applyConfig(config))
# streamgraph.tsline = function(obj, x = NULL, y = NULL, config = NULL, ...){
# config = streamgraph.tsline.defset %<==>% (config %>% verify('list', default = list(), varname = 'config'))
# obj %>% streamgraph.combo(x = x, y = y, shape = 'line', config = config, ...)
# }
# streamgraph.tsarea = function(obj, x = NULL, y = NULL, config = NULL, ...){
# config = streamgraph.tsline.defset %<==>% (config %>% verify('list', default = list(), varname = 'config')) %>%
# verifyConfig(plotter = 'streamgraph')
# obj %>% streamgraph.combo(x = x, y = y, shape = 'area', config = config, ...)
# }
# streamgraph.area = function(obj, x = NULL, y = NULL, config = NULL, ...){
# config = streamgraph.bar.defset %<==>% (config %>% verify('list', default = list(), varname = 'config')) %>%
# verifyConfig(plotter = 'streamgraph')
# obj %>% streamgraph.combo(x = x, y = y, shape = 'area', config = config, ...)
# }
# streamgraph.line = function(obj, x = NULL, y = NULL, config = NULL, ...){
# config = streamgraph.bar.defset %<==>% (config %>% verify('list', default = list(), varname = 'config')) %>%
# verifyConfig(plotter = 'streamgraph')
# obj %>% streamgraph.combo(x = x, y = y, shape = 'line', config = config, ...)
# }
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.