
#' Launch analysis of interest (Validity, reliability or MAU - SAU differences)
#' @param D                         Datas
#' @param DDiff                     Diff MAU - SAU of Datas
#' @param Ref$Name                  System of reference for machine
#' @param Ref$NameToRead            System of reference for human eyes
#' @param Ref$PARNPAR               PAR or NPAR to look at this time (reference)
#' @param ToComp$Name               System to compare for machine
#' @param ToComp$NameToRead         System to compare for human eyes
#' @param ToComp$PARNPAR            PAR or NPAR to look at this time (to compare)
#' @param Base$PARNPAR              PAR or NPAR to use in basic way
#' @param Base$App                  The app to use to save MAU - SAU differences
#' @param Base$Rep                  The rep to use in basic way
#' @param Ref$Name                  System of reference for machine
#' @param Flag$Manip                Current Manip
#' @param Flag$Angles               TRUE if angles are recorded
#' @param Flag$Analysis             The analyse to conduct
#' @param Flag$qqplot               TRUE to print qqplot of each variable
#' @param Var$Variables             Variables to analize
#' @param Var$VariablesUnit         Units of variables to analize
#' @param Var$Angles                Angles to analize
#' @param Var$AnglesNames           Names of angles to analize
#' @param Var$AnglesParameters      Parameters of angles to look at
#' @param Var$AnglesParametersNames Names of parameters of angles to look at
#' @param Var$AnglesUnit            Unit of angles to analize
#' @return FALSE                    Reset Flag$LaunchAnalysis
#' @export

LaunchAnalysis <- function (
  , DDiff
  , Ref
  , ToComp
  , Base
  , Flag
  , Var
) {


  #Add variables names
  Var$VariablesNames <- Var$Variables

  if (Flag$Angles) {
    #Compute every variables names for humain reading
    #All parameters names for each angle name
    for (iAnglesNames in 1:length(Var$AnglesNames)){
      for (iAnglesParametersNames in 1:length(Var$AnglesParametersNames)){
        newVariableName <- paste(
          , " "
          , Var$AnglesNames[iAnglesNames]
          , sep = "")

        Var$VariablesNames <- c(Var$VariablesNames,newVariableName)

    #Compute every variables names for machine
    #All parameters for each angle
    for (iAngles in 1:length(Var$Angles)){
      for (iAnglesParameters in 1:length(Var$AnglesParameters)){

        newVariable <- paste(
          , "_"
          , Var$AnglesParameters[iAnglesParameters]
          , sep = "")
        Var$Variables <- c(Var$Variables,newVariable)
        Var$VariablesUnit <- c(Var$VariablesUnit, Var$AnglesUnit)

  #cat(paste("\n", Var$Variables, "\n\n")) #disp variables in console
  if (length(Var$Variables) != length(Var$VariablesNames)) {
    stop("Error : length(Var$Variables) <> length(Var$VariablesNames) in LaunchAnalysis.R")
  if (length(Var$Variables) != length(Var$VariablesUnit)) {
    stop("Error : length(Var$Variables) <> length(Var$VariablesUnit) in LaunchAnalysis.R")


  #For each variable, launch programm of interest
  for (iVariables in 1:length(Var$Variables)) {

    #Get name of current variable and other variables of interest
    V <- Var$Variables [iVariables]
    VT <- Var$VariablesNames [iVariables]
    U <- "%"
    RefT <- Ref$NameToRead
    ToCompT <- ToComp$NameToRead
    UnitCurr <- Var$VariablesUnit[iVariables]


    if (Flag$Analysis == "Validity") {
      #Set some variables of interest
      DRef <- subset(D, App == Ref$Name & (PAR_NPAR == Ref$PARNPAR[1] | PAR_NPAR == Ref$PARNPAR[2]))[,V]
      DToComp <- subset(D, App == ToComp$Name & (PAR_NPAR == ToComp$PARNPAR[1] | PAR_NPAR == ToComp$PARNPAR[2]))[,V]
      Cond <- paste(RefT, " VS ", ToCompT)

      #Lauch comparison 1/1
      PlotVar(DRef, DToComp, U, RefT, ToCompT, Cond, V, VT, UnitCurr)


    #2 -> Reliability of system (R2 VS R1)
    if (Flag$Analysis == "Reliability") {
      #Set some variables of interest
      DRef = subset(D, App == Base$App & (Rep == Ref$Name[1] | Rep == Ref$Name[2]) & (PAR_NPAR == Ref$PARNPAR[1] | PAR_NPAR == Ref$PARNPAR[2]))[,V]
      DToComp = subset(D, App == Base$App & (Rep == ToComp$Name[1] | Rep == ToComp$Name[2]) & (PAR_NPAR == ToComp$PARNPAR[1] | PAR_NPAR == ToComp$PARNPAR[2]))[,V]
      Cond <- paste(Base$App, ToCompT, "VS", RefT)
      Dif = DRef - DToComp
      Sum = (DRef + DToComp) / 2
      regression = lm(Dif ~ Sum)
      DRef = regression$residuals + DToComp

      #Lauch comparison 1/1
      PlotVar(DRef, DToComp, U, RefT, ToCompT, Cond, V, VT, UnitCurr)


    #3 -> Influence of load (Loaded VS Control)
    if (Flag$Analysis == "Loading") {

      #Set some variables of interest
      SauMau = "MAU - SAU"
      DRef = subset(DDiff, App == Base$App & Rep == Ref$Name & (PAR_NPAR == Ref$PARNPAR[1] | PAR_NPAR == Ref$PARNPAR[2]))[,V]
      DToComp = subset(DDiff, App == Base$App & Rep == ToComp$Name & (PAR_NPAR == ToComp$PARNPAR[1] | PAR_NPAR == ToComp$PARNPAR[2]))[,V]
      Cond <- paste(RefT, " VS ", ToCompT, " (", SauMau, ")", sep ="")

      #Launch comparison 1/2
      PlotDiff(DRef, DToComp, U, RefT, ToCompT, Cond, V, VT, UnitCurr, Flag$qqplot)

      #Get name of current variable and other variables of interest
      RefT <- "PANU"
      RefTUnit <- "1"
      ToCompT <- V
      SauMau = "MAU - SAU"
      DRef = subset(DDiff, App == Base$App & Rep == Base$Rep & PAR_NPAR == Base$PARNPAR)[,RefT]
      DToComp = subset(DDiff, App == Base$App & Rep == Base$Rep & PAR_NPAR == Base$PARNPAR)[,ToCompT]
      ToCompT <- VT
      Cond <- paste(ToCompT, " VS ", RefT, " (", SauMau, ") ", Base$App, sep ="")

      #Launch comparison 2/2
      PlotCor(DRef, DToComp, U, RefT, ToCompT, Cond, V, VT, UnitCurr, RefTUnit)

  cat(rep("\n\n##########\n\n"))    #split console output

gfaity/ReachStroke documentation built on May 26, 2019, 10:34 a.m.