
Defines functions new_brush brush save_brush_history update_brush_size manual_brush draw_brush

Documented in brush draw_brush manual_brush save_brush_history update_brush_size

## template to generate a brush
brushGen = setRefClass(
  'BRUSH', fields = properties(
    list(style = 'list', color = 'character', size = 'numeric',
         mode = 'character', alpha = 'numeric', identify = 'logical',
         label.gen = 'function', label.color = 'character',
         history.size = 'numeric', history.index = 'numeric', history.list = 'list',
         persistent = 'logical', persistent.color = 'character', persistent.list = 'list',
         select.only = 'logical', draw.brush = 'logical', cursor = 'numeric',
         ghost = 'logical', zoom = 'logical')

# create a new brush object
new_brush = function() {
  # here 'mode' is explained in the documentation of mode_selection()
    style = list(color = "yellow", linewidth = 1, linetype = NULL),
    color = "yellow", size = 4,
    mode = "none", identify = FALSE, label.gen = function(x) {
      x = t(as.data.frame(x))
      paste(capture.output(print(x, quote = FALSE)), collapse = '\n')
    }, label.color = "black",
    history.size = 30, history.index = 0, history.list = list(),
    persistent = FALSE, persistent.color = character(0),
    persistent.list = list(), select.only = FALSE, draw.brush = TRUE,
    cursor = 0L, ghost = FALSE, zoom = FALSE

#' Set or query the brush attributes
#' The brush object in \pkg{cranvas} is essentially an environment, and we can
#' manipulate objects in this environment.
#' The list of attributes in the brush (they can be accessed by the \code{$}
#' method):
#' \describe{
#' \item{style}{a list containing \code{color}, \code{linewidth} and
#' \code{linetype} defining the style of the brush (rectangle) -- not to be
#' confused with the color of the brushed elements}
#' \item{color, size}{the color and size of the brushed elements}
#' \item{mode}{the brush mode: can be \code{'none'} (default), \code{'and'},
#' \code{'or'}, \code{'xor'}, \code{'not'} or \code{'complement'}; see
#' \code{\link{mode_selection}} for details}
#' \item{identify}{logical: \code{TRUE} (turn on the identify mode) or
#' \code{FALSE} (the brush mode)}
#' \item{label.gen}{a function to be used to generate the labels (based on the
#' identified data) to show in the identify mode; the default function just
#' prints the identified data as a character string}
#' \item{label.color}{the color for the label in the identify mode}
#' \item{history.size}{the size of brush history, i.e. how many brushing
#' operations to be recorded; default to be 30}
#' \item{history.list}{the list of indices of the brushed elements; we can go
#' back and forth in the brush history according to this list}
#' \item{history.index}{the current index of the brush history}
#' \item{persistent}{persistent (\code{TRUE}) or transient (\code{FALSE})
#' brushing; in the persistent brushing mode, the attributes of the brushed
#' elements will be changed permanently}
#' \item{persistent.color}{a color vector to store the colors of persistently
#' brushed elements}
#' \item{persistent.list}{the persistent brushing history (a list of indices of
#' the brushed elements)}
#' \item{select.only}{is the mouse used to brush graphical elements
#' ((\code{FALSE})) or select elements only (\code{TRUE}); the subtle difference
#' here is whether the brush should stay on the plot or not when the mouse is
#' released}
#' \item{zoom}{when \code{select.only == TRUE}, zoom with selection or not}
#' \item{draw.brush}{whether to draw the brush (when the mouse is released and
#' \code{select.only} is \code{TRUE}, then \code{draw.brush} will be
#' \code{FALSE} so the brush will go away)} \item{cursor}{the cursor type (an
#' integer; see \code{\link{set_cursor}})}}
#' @param data the mutaframe created by \code{\link{qdata}}, with an attribute
#'   \code{Brush}
#' @param attr the name of the brush attribute (a character scalar), e.g.
#'   \code{style} (the color, linewidth and linetype of the brush), \code{color}
#'   (the color of the objects selected by the brush), \code{size} (the size of
#'   the selected objects, e.g. line width or size of points); if \code{attr} is
#'   missing, the whole brush object (as a reference object; see
#'   \code{\link[methods]{setRefClass}}) will be returned
#' @return The function \code{\link{brush}} returns the brush object or the
#'   attribute of the brush; note the brush object can be further manipulated
#'   with other methods -- see examples below.
#' @author Yihui Xie <\url{http://yihui.name}>
#' @seealso \code{\link{qdata}}
#' @export
#' @examples library(cranvas)
#' qiris = qdata(head(iris))  # create a mutaframe
#' brush(qiris)  # the brush object (a reference object)
#' brush(qiris, 'color')
#' brush(qiris, 'color') = 'green'  # set brush color to green
#' ## attach events on the brush
#' b = brush(qiris)
#' #  idx is the index of the event; it can be used to stop the listening
#' idx = b$colorChanged$connect(function() {
#' message('the color of brushed elements was changed to ', b$color)})
#' b$color = 'brown'
#' b$color = 'gold'
#' b$colorChanged$disconnect(idx)  # disconnect the event
#' b$style$color = 'red'  # change the color of the brush itself to red
#' b$style$linewidth = 3  # the border width to 3
#' b$mode = 'or'  # brush mode to OR
#' b$history.size = 50  # increase history size to 50
#' b$cursor = 3L  # cursor type to WaitCursor
#' b$identify = TRUE  # turn on identify mode
#' b$identify = FALSE  # turn off; i.e. in brushing mode now
#' b$persistent = TRUE  # turn on persistent brushing
#' ## redefine label generating function: show row names in the identify mode
#' b$label.gen = function(x) {paste(rownames(x), collapse = ', ')}
brush = function(data, attr) {
  if (!is.mutaframe(data) || !('Brush' %in% names(attributes(data))))
    stop("data must be a mutaframe and have an attribute 'Brush' (typically created by qdata())")
  .brush.attr = base::attr(data, 'Brush')
  if (missing(attr)) .brush.attr else .brush.attr[[attr[1]]]

#' @rdname brush
#' @usage brush(data, attr) <- value
#' @param value the value of the brush attribute
#' @export "brush<-"
`brush<-` = function (data, attr, value) {
  b = brush(data)
  eval(parse(text = paste('b$', attr[1], ' = value', sep = '')))

#' Create the brush history
#' Given the indices of the brushed elements, this function stores these indices
#' in the \code{\link{brush}} object and changes the colors of graphical
#' elements permanently (via changing the \code{.color} column in the data) if
#' in the persistent brushing mode.
#' For the transient brushing: the given indices are stored in the
#' \code{history.list} component of the brush object. The length of the list of
#' indices is restricted by the \code{history.size} component of the brush,
#' i.e., old histories may be removed due to this size restriction.
#' For the persistent brushing: the given indices of brushed elements are stored
#' in the \code{persistent.list} component, and the current brushing color is
#' also saved to the \code{persistent.color} component. The colors of brushed
#' elements will be changed permanently. Finally, the length of the list of
#' indices is also restricted by the \code{history.size} component of the brush.
#' We can use these stored information to redraw the brushed elements later. See
#' \code{\link{brush}} for detailed explanation of these components.
#' @param data the mutaframe created by \code{\link{qdata}}
#' @param index the indices of rows to be stored in history; an integer vector
#'   or a logical vector (will be coerced to integers by
#'   \code{\link[base]{which}}); by default it is \code{selected(data)}, i.e.,
#'   the logical vector indicating which rows are brushed
#' @return the \code{data} argument will be returned and other changes occur as
#'   side effects
#' @author Yihui Xie <\url{http://yihui.name}>
#' @note The changes occur only if the \code{index} argument is not empty, or
#'   when the \code{data} argument is in the persistent brushing mode, i.e.,
#'   when \code{brush(data, 'persistent')} is \code{TRUE}. In this case, the
#'   returned \code{data} will be different with the one passed in, because the
#'   brush object attached on it has been changed.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{brush}}, \code{\link{qdata}}, \code{\link{selected}}
#' @examples library(cranvas)
#' qnrc = qdata(nrcstat)
#' selected(qnrc)  # all FALSE by default
#' selected(qnrc)[1:5] = TRUE  # brush first 5 rows
#' b = brush(qnrc)  # the brush object
#' b$history.list  # this list should be empty by default
#' save_brush_history(qnrc)  # store currently brushed row indices in history
#' save_brush_history(qnrc, c(6, 7, 10))  # another history
#' b$history.list  # what happened to the brush object?
#' b$persistent = TRUE  # turn on persistent brushing
#' b$persistent.list  # this list should be empty by default too
#' save_brush_history(qnrc, c(3, 4, 6, 9))  # permanently brush other 4 rows
#' b$persistent.list  # what happened to the brush object?
#' b$persistent.color
#' b$color
#' b$history.list
save_brush_history = function(data, index = selected(data)) {
  b = brush(data)
  if (is.logical(index)) index = which(index)
  csize = length(b$history.list) + 1
  if (length(index) > 0) b$history.list[[csize]] = index
  ## remove the first few columns due to the history size limit
  if (csize > (hsize <- b$history.size)) {
    b$history.list[seq_len(csize - hsize)] = NULL
  b$history.index = length(b$history.list)
  ## persistent brushing
  if (b$persistent) {
    csize = length(b$persistent.list) + 1
    if (length(index) > 0) {
      b$persistent.list[[csize]] = index
      b$persistent.color[csize] = b$color
      data$.color[index] = b$color
    if (csize > hsize) {
      b$persistent.list[seq_len(csize - hsize)] = NULL
      b$persistent.color = b$persistent.color[-seq_len(csize - hsize)]

#' Update the brush size in the mouse move event
#' The brush size is changed by the differences in two successive mouse
#' positions.
#' The current mouse position is obtained from \code{event$pos()}. If the brush
#' is in the move mode (\code{meta$brush.move == TRUE}; often set in a mouse
#' click event), the brush size is updated by the differences between
#' \code{meta$start} and \code{meta$pos}; the former is the starting position of
#' the mouse, and the latter is the current position.
#' @param meta the meta data containing the brush information (\code{meta$pos},
#'   \code{meta$brush.size}, \code{meta$brush.move} and \code{meta$start})
#' @param event the event in the callback (if missing, it will search in the
#'   parent environment \code{sys.frame(1)} which is often the callback
#'   function)
#' @return a matrix of the coordinates of the brush rectangle, which can be
#'   passed to \code{\link[qtbase]{qrect}} and used to query the brushed
#'   elements by \code{layer$locate()}; as a side effect, the brush size is
#'   updated, unless it is only a single click or the brush is not in the move
#'   mode
#' @author Yihui Xie <\url{http://yihui.name}>
#' @export
#' @examples ## see source code of qparallel()
update_brush_size = function(meta, event) {
  if (missing(event)) event = get('event', sys.frame(1))  # get event from the callback
  meta$pos = as.numeric(event$pos())
  if (length(meta$start) == 2 && length(meta$brush.move) && !meta$brush.move) {
    meta$brush.size = meta$pos - meta$start
  apply(rbind(meta$pos - meta$brush.size, meta$pos), 2, sort)

#' Manually brush the plot via command line
#' We can brush a plot via command line rather than using the mouse.
#' @param obj the plot object with an attribute \code{meta}, e.g. returned by
#'   \code{\link{qbar}}
#' @param pos the mouse position(s); can be a numeric vector of length 2 or a
#'   matrix of 2 columns with each row representing a mouse position
#' @param pause the time to pause between two successive mouse positions
#'   (recycled to the same length of \code{pos}; each element used after each
#'   mouse position)
#' @return \code{NULL}
#' @author Yihui Xie <\url{http://yihui.name}>
#' @export
#' @example inst/examples/manual_brush.R
manual_brush = function(obj, pos, pause = 0) {
  meta = attr(obj, 'meta')
  if (is.null(meta)) stop("obj must have an attribute 'meta'")
  pos = matrix(pos, ncol = 2)
  pause = rep(pause, length = nrow(pos))
  for (i in 1:nrow(pos)) {
    meta$manual.brush(pos[i, ])

#' Draw the brush rectangle
#' Draw a rectangle with a spot according to the information in the meta data.
#' @param layer,painter the painter of the layer on which to draw the brush
#' @param data the data created by \code{\link{qdata}}; a brush object is in
#'   \code{brush(data)}; the color and line width of the brush are stored in
#'   this object
#' @param meta the meta data (has a least these two components: \code{meta$pos}
#'   and \code{meta$brush.size})
#' @return \code{NULL}
#' @author Yihui Xie <\url{http://yihui.name}>
#' @export
#' @examples ## see the source code of, e.g., qbar() for its usage
draw_brush = function(layer, painter, data, meta) {
  if (!meta$active || length(meta$pos) == 0) return()
  b = brush(data)
  if (!b$draw.brush || b$identify) return()
  qlineWidth(painter) = b$style$linewidth
  qdrawRect(painter, meta$pos[1] - meta$brush.size[1],
            meta$pos[2] - meta$brush.size[2], meta$pos[1], meta$pos[2],
            stroke = b$style$color,
            fill = ifelse(b$select.only, alpha(b$style$color, .3), NA))

  qdrawCircle(painter, meta$pos[1], meta$pos[2], r = 1.8 * b$style$linewidth,
              stroke = b$style$color, fill = b$style$color)
ggobi/cranvas documentation built on May 17, 2019, 3:10 a.m.