
Defines functions vxi compute_xi

Documented in compute_xi

#' Auxiliary function. Computes combinatorial matrix.
#' Combinatorial matrix computed according to soft
#' configuration model or 'regular' gnp model.
#' @param adj adjacency matrix
#' @param directed boolean, whether the model is for a directed network
#' @param selfloops boolean, whether the model contains selfloops
#' @param regular boolean. Is the combinatorial matrix computed for configuration model or for regular gnp model? default FALSE.
#' @return
#' combinatorial matrix
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data('adj_karate')
#' xi = compute_xi(adj_karate, directed = FALSE, selfloops = FALSE)
compute_xi <- function(adj, directed, selfloops, regular = FALSE) {
  # returns the matrix xi according to the nodes degrees

  if(!directed & !isSymmetric(adj)){
    warning('Trying to compute undirected ensemble for asymmetric adjacency matrix.
              Adjacency matrix symmetrised as adj <- adj + t(adj)')
    adj <- adj + t(adj)

    Kin <- apply(adj, 2, sum)
    ix <- mat2vec.ix(adj, directed, selfloops)
    m <- sum(adj[ix])
    M <- m^2
    if(!directed) M <- 4*M
    xiregular <- matrix(M/sum(ix), nrow(adj), ncol(adj))
    xiregular[!ix] <- 0
    if(!selfloops) diag(xiregular) <- 0
    xi <- ceiling(xiregular)
  } else{
    if(!selfloops) diag(adj) <- 0
    Kin <- apply(adj, 2, sum)
    Kout <- apply(adj, 1, sum)
    xi <- tcrossprod(Kout, Kin)
    if(!selfloops & directed){
      diagxi <- diag(xi)
      nnzero <- apply(adj,1,function(x) sum(x>0))
      vbas <- floor( diagxi /nnzero)
      vbas[is.nan(vbas)] <- 0
      diagxir <- diagxi -vbas*nnzero
      diag(xi) <- 0
      xi <- #floor(
        (xi+t(vxi(idx = 1:nrow(adj), diagxir, vbas, xi, adj))) #/(as.integer(!directed)+1))
      # if(!directed){
      # xi[upper.tri(xi,FALSE)] <- ceiling( apply( cbind(xi[upper.tri(xi,FALSE)], t( xi )[upper.tri(xi,FALSE)] ), 1, mean) )
      # xi[lower.tri(xi,FALSE)] <- t( xi )[lower.tri(xi,FALSE)]
      # }
    } else {
        xi <- xi + t(xi) - diag(diag(xi))
          # Temporary workaround
          ix <- mat2vec.ix(adj, directed, selfloops)
          sdiag <- sum(diag(xi))
          toadd <- ceiling(sdiag/sum(Kin)*Kin/(nrow(adj)-1))
          # TODO: to improve. ugly for loop
          for(i in 1:nrow(xi)){
            xi[i,] <- xi[,i] <- xi[i,] + toadd[i]
          diag(xi) <- 0

# auxilliary function: redistribute selfloops
# temporary workaround
vxi <- function(idx, diagxir, vbas, xi, adj){
  v <- rep(0, ncol(adj)-1)
  nnzeroid <- adj[idx,][-idx]>0
  v[nnzeroid][sample(sum(nnzeroid), diagxir[idx])] <- 1
  v[nnzeroid] <- v[nnzeroid]+vbas[idx]
  if(idx>1 & idx<ncol(xi)){
    v <- c(v[1:(idx-1)],0,v[idx:length(v)])
  } else{
      v <- c(0,v)
    } else{
      v <- c(v,0)
vxi <- Vectorize(FUN = vxi, vectorize.args = 'idx')
gi0na/r-ghypernet documentation built on April 13, 2024, 9:30 a.m.