
Defines functions cas_read_db_download cas_read_db_index cas_write_db_index

Documented in cas_read_db_download cas_read_db_index cas_write_db_index

#' Write index URLs to local database
#' If some URLs are already included in the database, it appends only the new
#' ones: URLs are expected to be unique.
#' @param urls A data frame with three columns, with the same name and type as
#'   \code{casdb_empty_index_id}, or a character vector.
#' @inheritParams cas_write_to_db
#' @return Invisibly returns only new rows added.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' cas_set_options(
#'   base_folder = fs::path(tempdir(), "R", "castarter_data"),
#'   db_folder = fs::path(tempdir(), "R", "castarter_data"),
#'   project = "example_project",
#'   website = "example_website"
#' )
#' cas_enable_db()
#' urls_df <- cas_build_urls(
#'   url = "https://www.example.com/news/",
#'   start_page = 1,
#'   end_page = 10
#' )
#' cas_write_db_index(urls = urls_df)
#' cas_read_db_index()
cas_write_db_index <- function(urls,
                               overwrite = FALSE,
                               db_connection = NULL,
                               disconnect_db = FALSE,
                               ...) {
  if (is.data.frame(urls)) {
    if (identical(colnames(urls), colnames(casdb_empty_index_id)) & identical(sapply(urls, class), sapply(casdb_empty_index_id, class))) {
      urls_df <- urls
    } else {
      cli::cli_abort("{.var urls} data frame must match exactly the column names and types of {.code casdb_empty_index_id}")
  } else {
    urls_df <- cas_build_urls(
      url = urls,
      url_ending = "",
      start_page = NULL,
      end_page = NULL

  if (cas_check_use_db(...) == FALSE) {

  db <- cas_connect_to_db(
    db_connection = db_connection,

  previous_index_df <- cas_read_db_index(
    db_connection = db,
    disconnect_db = FALSE,
  ) %>%

  if (nrow(previous_index_df) > 0) {
    urls_to_add_df <- urls_df %>%
        y = previous_index_df,
        by = c("url", "index_group")

    if (sum(is.element(urls_to_add_df$id, previous_index_df$id)) > 0) {
      usethis::ui_info("Introducing new {usethis::ui_code('id')} to ensure unique values")
      urls_to_add_df$id <- seq(
        sum(max(previous_index_df$id), 1),
      ) %>%
  } else {
    urls_to_add_df <- urls_df

  urls_to_add_n <- nrow(urls_to_add_df)
  if (urls_to_add_n > 0) {
      df = urls_to_add_df,
      table = "index_id",
      overwrite = overwrite,
      disconnect_db = FALSE,
      db_connection = db,

    usethis::ui_done("Urls added to {usethis::ui_field('index_id')} table: {usethis::ui_value(urls_to_add_n)}")
  } else {
    usethis::ui_info("No new url added to {usethis::ui_field('index_id')} table.")

    db_connection = db,
    disconnect_db = disconnect_db


#' Read index from local database
#' @inheritParams cas_write_to_db
#' @return A data frame with three columns and data stored in the `index_id`
#'   table of the local database. The data frame has zero rows if the database
#'   does not exist or no data was previously stored there.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' cas_set_options(
#'   base_folder = fs::path(tempdir(), "R", "castarter_data"),
#'   db_folder = fs::path(tempdir(), "R", "castarter_data"),
#'   project = "example_project",
#'   website = "example_website"
#' )
#' cas_enable_db()
#' urls_df <- cas_build_urls(
#'   url = "https://www.example.com/news/",
#'   start_page = 1,
#'   end_page = 10
#' )
#' cas_write_db_index(urls = urls_df)
#' cas_read_db_index()
cas_read_db_index <- function(db_connection = NULL,
                              db_folder = NULL,
                              index_group = NULL,
                              ...) {
  db_result <- tryCatch(
      table = "index_id",
      db_folder = db_folder,
      db_connection = db_connection,
    error = function(e) {

  if (is.null(db_result)) {
  } else if (isFALSE(db_result)) {
  } else {
    if (is.null(index_group) == FALSE) {
      db_result %>%
        dplyr::filter(index_group == !!index_group)
    } else {

#' Read index from local database
#' @inheritParams cas_write_to_db
#' @param batch Default to "latest": returns only the path to the file with the
#'   highest batch identifier available. Valid values are: "latest", "all", or a
#'   numeric identifier corresponding to desired batch.
#' @param status Defaults to 200. Keeps only files downloaded with the given
#'   status (can be more than one, given as a vector). If NULL, no filter based
#'   on status is applied.
#' @return A data frame with three columns and data stored in the `index_id`
#'   table of the local database. The data frame has zero rows if the database
#'   does not exist or no data was previously stored there.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' cas_set_options(
#'   base_folder = fs::path(tempdir(), "R", "castarter_data"),
#'   db_folder = fs::path(tempdir(), "R", "castarter_data"),
#'   project = "example_project",
#'   website = "example_website"
#' )
#' cas_enable_db()
#' urls_df <- cas_build_urls(
#'   url = "https://www.example.com/news/",
#'   start_page = 1,
#'   end_page = 10
#' )
#' cas_write_db_index(urls = urls_df)
#' cas_read_db_index()
cas_read_db_download <- function(index = FALSE,
                                 id = NULL,
                                 batch = "latest",
                                 status = 200L,
                                 db_connection = NULL,
                                 db_folder = NULL,
                                 ...) {
  type <- dplyr::if_else(
    condition = index,
    true = "index",
    false = "contents"

  db_result <- tryCatch(
      table = stringr::str_c(type, "_", "download"),
      db_connection = db_connection,
      db_folder = db_folder,
    error = function(e) {

  if (is.null(db_result)) {
  } else if (isFALSE(db_result)) {
  } else {
    if (ncol(db_result) == 0) {
    } else {
      if (is.null(id) == FALSE) {
        db_result <- db_result %>%
          dplyr::filter(id %in% {{ id }})

      if (is.null(batch) == TRUE) {
        # do nothing
      } else if (is.numeric(batch)) {
        db_result <- db_result %>%
          dplyr::filter(batch %in% {{ batch }})
      } else if (batch == "latest") {
        db_result <- db_result %>%
            n = 1,
            by = "id"

      if (is.null(status) == TRUE) {
        # do nothing
      } else if (is.numeric(status)) {
        db_result <- db_result %>%
          dplyr::filter(status %in% {{ status }})

      db_result %>%
        dplyr::collect() %>%
          datetime = lubridate::as_datetime(datetime),
          size = fs::as_fs_bytes(size)
giocomai/castarter documentation built on Oct. 17, 2024, 7:25 a.m.