
Defines functions CashFlowBill CashFlowBond

Documented in CashFlowBill CashFlowBond

  # Bond Lab is a software application for the analysis of 
  # fixed income securities it provides a suite of applications
  # mortgage backed, asset backed securities, and commerical mortgage backed 
  # securities Copyright (C) 2018  Bond Lab Technologies, Inc.

  #' Bond Lab function the residential mortgage cash flow engine
  #' @param bond.id A character string referring to an object of type MBSDetails
  #' @param settlement.date A character string the settlement date
  #' @param principal A numeric value the principal balance
  #' @param PrepaymentAssumption A character string referencing 
  #' an object type PrepaymentModel
  #' @export
  CashFlowEngine <- function (bond.id = "character",
                              settlement.date = "character",
                              principal = numeric(), 
                              PrepaymentAssumption = "character"){
    issue.date = as.Date(IssueDate(bond.id), "%m-%d-%Y")
    start.date = as.Date(DatedDate(bond.id), "%m-%d-%Y")
    end.date = as.Date(Maturity(bond.id), "%m-%d-%Y")
    lastpmt.date = as.Date(LastPmtDate(bond.id), "%m-%d-%Y")
    nextpmt.date = as.Date(NextPmtDate(bond.id), "%m-%d-%Y")
    coupon = Coupon(bond.id)
    frequency = Frequency(bond.id)
    delay = PaymentDelay(bond.id)
    settlement.date = as.Date(c(settlement.date), "%m-%d-%Y")
    bondbasis = BondBasis(bond.id)
    #Mortgage specific inputs
    note.rate = GWac(bond.id)
    FirstPmtDate = FirstPmtDate(bond.id)
    FinalPmtDate = FinalPmtDate(bond.id)
    servicing.fee = Servicing(bond.id)
    pmi = PMI(bond.id)
    g.fee = GFeePremium(bond.id)
    #Build a vector of dates for the payment schedule
    # first get the pmtdate interval
    pmtdate.interval = months.in.year/frequency
    # then compute the payment dates
    pmtdate = as.Date(c(if(settlement.date == issue.date) 
    {seq(start.date + delay, end.date + delay, 
         by = paste(pmtdate.interval, "months"))
    } else {seq(nextpmt.date + delay, end.date + delay, 
                by = paste(pmtdate.interval, "months"))}), "%m-%d-%Y")
    # pass coupon to the coupon types class for conversion to CouponDecimal,
    # CouponBasis, and CouponDecimalString
    Coupon <- CouponTypes(coupon = coupon)
    #  Validate the coupon and note rate passed through the error 
    #  trapping function This validates that the correct unit is 
    #  passed into the Bond Cash Flow function
    if(coupon > 1) {coupon = coupon/yield.basis} else {coupon = coupon}
    if(note.rate > 1) {note.rate = note.rate/yield.basis
    } else {note.rate = note.rate}
    # Build the time period vector (n) for discounting the cashflows 
    # nextpmt date is vector of payment dates to n for each period.  
    # need TBA versus T + 3 settlement date logic
    # if T + 3 then settlement date is equal to settlement date
    time.period = BondBasisConversion(issue.date = issue.date,
                                      start.date = start.date,
                                      end.date = end.date,
                                      settlement.date = settlement.date,
                                      lastpmt.date = lastpmt.date,
                                      nextpmt.date = pmtdate,
                                      type = bondbasis)

    #Count the number of cashflows 
    #num.periods is the total number of cashflows to be received
    #num.period is the period in which the cashflow is received
    num.periods = length(time.period)
    #step5 initialize the prepayment model assumption class
    col.names <- c("Period", 
                   "Begin Bal", 
                   "Monthly Pmt", 
                   "Scheduled Int", 
                   "Scheduled Prin", 
                   "Prepaid Prin",
                   "Defaulted Prin",
                   "Loss Amount",
                   "Recovered Amount",
                   "Ending Bal", 
                   "Pass Through Interest", 
                   "Investor CashFlow", 
                   "Present Value Factor", 
                   "Present Value", 
                   "Convexity Time", 
                   "CashFlow Convexity", 
    MBS.CF.Table <- array(data = NA, 
                          c(num.periods, 23), 
                          dimnames = list(seq(c(1:num.periods)),col.names))  
  for(x in 1:num.periods){
    MBS.CF.Table[x,"Period"] = x
    MBS.CF.Table[x,"Date"] = pmtdate[x]
    MBS.CF.Table[x,"Time"] = time.period[x]
    if (MBS.CF.Table[x,"Period"] == 1) {MBS.CF.Table[x,"Begin Bal"] = principal
    } else {MBS.CF.Table[x,"Begin Bal"] = MBS.CF.Table[x-1,"Ending Bal"]}
    MBS.CF.Table[x,"Monthly Pmt"] = 
      Mortgage.Monthly.Payment(orig.bal = MBS.CF.Table[x,"Begin Bal"],
              note.rate = note.rate,
              term.mos = (num.periods - MBS.CF.Table[x,"Period"] + 1))
    MBS.CF.Table[x,"Scheduled Int"] = 
      MBS.CF.Table[x,"Begin Bal"] * (note.rate/months.in.year)
    MBS.CF.Table[x,"Scheduled Prin"] =
      Sched.Prin(balance = MBS.CF.Table[x,"Begin Bal"],
                 note.rate = note.rate,
                 term.mos = (num.periods - MBS.CF.Table[x,"Period"] + 1), 
                 period = 1)
    if(x != num.periods) {MBS.CF.Table[x,"Prepaid Prin"] = 
      PrepaymentAssumption@SMM[x] * (MBS.CF.Table[x,"Begin Bal"] - 
                                       MBS.CF.Table[x,"Scheduled Prin"])
    } else {MBS.CF.Table[x,"Prepaid Prin"] = 0}
    if(x!= num.periods) {MBS.CF.Table[x,"Defaulted Prin"] = 
      PrepaymentAssumption@MDR[x] * MBS.CF.Table[x,"Begin Bal"]
      } else {MBS.CF.Table[x,"Defaulted Prin"] = 0}
    MBS.CF.Table[x,"Loss Amount"] = MBS.CF.Table[x,"Defaulted Prin"] *
    MBS.CF.Table[x,"Recovered Amount"] = MBS.CF.Table[x,"Defaulted Prin"] -
      MBS.CF.Table[x,"Loss Amount"]
   MBS.CF.Table[x,"Ending Bal"] = MBS.CF.Table[x,"Begin Bal"] -
     (MBS.CF.Table[x,"Scheduled Prin"] + MBS.CF.Table[x,"Prepaid Prin"] +
        MBS.CF.Table[x,"Defaulted Prin"])
  MBS.CF.Table[x,"Servicing"] = MBS.CF.Table[x,"Begin Bal"] *
  MBS.CF.Table[x,"PMI"] = MBS.CF.Table[x,"Begin Bal"] * 
  MBS.CF.Table[x,"GFee"] = MBS.CF.Table[x,"Begin Bal"] * 
  MBS.CF.Table[x,"Pass Through Interest"] = MBS.CF.Table[x,"Begin Bal"] * 
  MBS.CF.Table[x,"Investor CashFlow"] = MBS.CF.Table[x,"Scheduled Prin"] + 
    MBS.CF.Table[x,"Prepaid Prin"] + 
  MBS.CF.Table[x,"Recovered Amount"] + MBS.CF.Table[x,"Pass Through Interest"]
  #' @title Bond Lab function to cash flow a bond
  #' @description calculates the bond cashflow table used in function BondCashflows.
  #' @param bond.id a character or connection referring to an object of type BondDetails.
  #' @param principal the investor principal amount.
  #' @param settlement.date a character the settlement date mm-dd-YYYY.
  #' @importFrom lubridate leap_year days
  #' @export CashFlowBond
  CashFlowBond <- function(bond.id,
    issue.date = as.Date(IssueDate(bond.id), "%m-%d-%Y")
    start.date = as.Date(DatedDate(bond.id), "%m-%d-%Y")
    end.date = as.Date(Maturity(bond.id), "%m-%d-%Y")
    lastpmt.date = as.Date(LastPmtDate(bond.id), "%m-%d-%Y")
    nextpmt.date = as.Date(NextPmtDate(bond.id), "%m-%d-%Y")
    coupon = Coupon(bond.id)
    frequency = Frequency(bond.id)       
    settlement.date = as.Date(c(settlement.date), "%m-%d-%Y")
    bondbasis = BondBasis(bond.id)
    # Test payment dates against settlement dates and roll forward if 
    # settlement date crossses over the payment date
    if(as.Date(settlement.date, format = '%m-%d-%Y') >=
       as.Date(NextPmtDate(bond.id), format = '%m-%d-%Y')){
      bond.id <- `LastPmtDate<-`(bond.id, NextPmtDate(bond.id))}
    if(as.Date(LastPmtDate(bond.id), format = '%m-%d-%Y') 
       == as.Date(NextPmtDate(bond.id), format = '%m-%d-%Y')){
      bond.id <- `NextPmtDate<-`(bond.id,
                                   as.Date(LastPmtDate(bond.id), format = "%m-%d-%Y") %m+% 
    Coupon <- CouponTypes(coupon = coupon)
    leap_day <- function(pmt.date){
      for(date in seq_along(pmt.date)){
        if(leap_year(pmt.date)[date] == TRUE & 
           month(pmt.date)[date] == 2 & day(pmt.date)[date] == 28){
          pmt.date[date] = pmt.date[date] %m+% days(1)} else {next}

    ncashflows = max(BondBasisConversion(issue.date = issue.date,
                            start.date = start.date,
                            end.date = end.date,
                            settlement.date = settlement.date,
                            lastpmt.date = start.date,
                            nextpmt.date = end.date,
                            type = bondbasis) %/% (1/frequency),1)
    monthvector <- seq(1, ncashflows,1) * (months.in.year/frequency)
    pmt.date = c(as.Date(DatedDate(bond.id), format = '%m-%d-%Y') %m+% months(monthvector))
    # Insert logic here to include leap date if actual is used.  There will need
    # to be additional logic to handle calculation basis Actual(f)/365
    pmt.date <- leap_day(pmt.date)
    #get the index number of the last payment date made to the investor
    pmtindex = if(any(pmt.date == as.Date(LastPmtDate(bond.id),format ='%m-%d-%Y')) == FALSE) {1
      } else {which(pmt.date == as.Date(LastPmtDate(bond.id),format ='%m-%d-%Y')) + 1}
    pmtdate = pmt.date[pmtindex:length(pmt.date)]
    numpayments = length(pmtdate)

    #step3 build the time period vector (n) for discounting the cashflows 
    #nextpmt date is vector of payment dates to n for each period

    time.period <- numeric(numpayments)
    for(pmt in seq_along(pmtdate))
      time.period[pmt] = BondBasisConversion(
        issue.date = issue.date, 
        start.date = settlement.date, 
        end.date = end.date, 
        settlement.date = settlement.date,
        lastpmt.date = lastpmt.date, 
        nextpmt.date = pmtdate[pmt], 
        type = bondbasis)
    #step4 Count the number of cashflows 
    #num.periods is the total number of cashflows to be received
    #num.period is the period in which the cashflow is received
    num.periods = length(time.period)
    col.names <- c("Period",                   #1
                   "Date",                     #2
                   "Time",                     #3
                   "Principal Outstanding",    #4
                   "Coupon",                   #5
                   "Coupon Income",            #6
                   "Principal Paid",           #7
                   "TotalCashFlow",            #8
                   "Present Value Factor",     #9
                   "Present Value",            #10
                   "Duration",                 #11
                   "Convexity Time",           #12
                   "CashFlow Convexity",       #13
                   "Convexity")                #14
    num.columns <- length(col.names)
    Bond.CF.Table <- array(data = NA, c(num.periods, num.columns), 
                           dimnames = list(seq(c(1:num.periods)),col.names))  
    for(i in 1:num.periods){
      Bond.CF.Table[i,"Period"] = i
      Bond.CF.Table[i,"Date"] = pmtdate[i]
      Bond.CF.Table[i,"Time"] = time.period[i]
      Bond.CF.Table[i,"Principal Outstanding"] = principal
      Bond.CF.Table[i,"Coupon"] = CouponBasis(Coupon)
      Bond.CF.Table[i,"Coupon Income"] = 
        Bond.CF.Table[i,"Coupon"] * 
        BondBasisConversion(issue.date = issue.date,
                            #this will need more logic for other than actual
                            start.date = as.Date(ifelse(i == 1, lastpmt.date,
                                                        as.Date(Bond.CF.Table[i-1, 'Date'], 
                                                                origin = "1970-01-01")),
                                                 origin = '1970-01-01'),
                            end.date = end.date,
                            settlement.date = as.Date(ifelse(i == 1, lastpmt.date,
                            as.Date(Bond.CF.Table[i-1, 'Date'], origin = "1970-01-01")),
                            origin = '1970-01-01'),
                            lastpmt.date = as.Date(ifelse(i == 1, lastpmt.date, 
                            as.Date(Bond.CF.Table[i-1, 'Date'], origin = "1970-01-01")),
                            origin = '1970-01-01'),
                            nextpmt.date = as.Date(ifelse(i == 1, nextpmt.date, 
                            as.Date(Bond.CF.Table[i, 'Date'], origin = "1970-01-01")),
                            origin = '1970-01-01'),
                            type = bondbasis) *
        Bond.CF.Table[i,"Principal Outstanding"]
      if(as.Date(Bond.CF.Table[i,"Date"], origin = "1970-01-01") == end.date) {
        Bond.CF.Table[i,"Principal Paid"] = principal
      } else {Bond.CF.Table[i,"Principal Paid"] = 0}
      Bond.CF.Table[i,"TotalCashFlow"] = 
        Bond.CF.Table[i,"Coupon Income"] + Bond.CF.Table[i,"Principal Paid"]
  #' @title Bond Lab function to cash flow a discount bill.
  #' @description Calculates the bill cash flow table used in the BillCashFlow function.
  #' @param bill.id a character or connection referring to an object of type BillDetails.
  #' @param principal A numeric value the principal.
  #' @param settlement.date A character the settlement date mm-dd-YYYY
  #' @importFrom lubridate leap_year days
  #' @export CashFlowBill
  CashFlowBill <- function(bill.id, 
    issue.date = as.Date(IssueDate(bill.id), format = "%m-%d-%Y")
    start.date = as.Date(DatedDate(bill.id), format = "%m-%d-%Y")
    lastpmt.date = as.Date(IssueDate(bill.id), format = "%m-%d-%Y")
    end.date = as.Date(Maturity(bill.id), format = "%m-%d-%Y")
    settlement.date = as.Date(c(settlement.date), format = "%m-%d-%Y")
    bondbasis = as.Date(BondBasis(bill.id), format = "%m-%d-%Y")
  leap_day <- function(pmt.date){
    for(date in seq_along(pmt.date)){
      if(leap_year(pmt.date)[date] == TRUE & 
         month(pmt.date)[date] == 2 & day(pmt.date)[date] == 28){
        pmt.date[date] = pmt.date[date] %m+% days(1)} else {next}
  Coupon = CouponTypes(coupon = 0)
  # Insert logic here to include leap date if actual is used.  There will need
  # to be additional logic to handle calculation basis Actual(f)/365
  pmt.date = end.date
  pmt.date = leap_day(pmt.date)
  # Index number of the last payment of a bill is 1
  numpayments = 1
  pmtdate = pmt.date
  #step3 build the time period vector (n) for discounting the cashflows 
  #nextpmt date is vector of payment dates to n for each period
  time.period <- difftime(end.date, settlement.date, units = c('days')) /360
  num.periods = length(pmt.date)
  #step4 Count the number of cashflows 
  #num.periods is the total number of cashflows to be received
  #num.period is the period in which the cashflow is received
  num.periods = length(time.period)
  col.names <- c("Period",                   #1
                 "Date",                     #2
                 "Time",                     #3
                 "Principal Outstanding",    #4
                 "Coupon",                   #5
                 "Coupon Income",            #6
                 "Principal Paid",           #7
                 "TotalCashFlow",            #8
                 "Present Value Factor",     #9
                 "Present Value",            #10
                 "Duration",                 #11
                 "Convexity Time",           #12
                 "CashFlow Convexity",       #13
                 "Convexity")                #14
  num.columns <- length(col.names)
  Bill.CF.Table <- array(data = NA, c(num.periods, num.columns), 
                         dimnames = list(seq(c(1:num.periods)),col.names)) 
  for(i in 1:num.periods){
    Bill.CF.Table[i,"Period"] = i
    Bill.CF.Table[i,"Date"] = pmtdate[i]
    Bill.CF.Table[i,"Time"] = time.period[i]
    Bill.CF.Table[i,"Principal Outstanding"] = principal
    Bill.CF.Table[i,"Coupon"] = CouponBasis(Coupon)
    Bill.CF.Table[i,"Coupon Income"] = 
      Bill.CF.Table[i,"Coupon"] * CouponBasis(Coupon) * Bill.CF.Table[i,"Principal Outstanding"]
    if(as.Date(Bill.CF.Table[i,"Date"], origin = "1970-01-01") == end.date) {
      Bill.CF.Table[i,"Principal Paid"] = principal
    } else {Bill.CF.Table[i,"Principal Paid"] = 0}
    Bill.CF.Table[i,"TotalCashFlow"] = 
      Bill.CF.Table[i,"Coupon Income"] + Bill.CF.Table[i,"Principal Paid"]
glennmschultz/BondLab documentation built on May 11, 2021, 5:29 p.m.