
Defines functions bt_guess_month

Documented in bt_guess_month

#' Guesses month index of several languages.
#' Works on string or char vector.
#' Currently German, French, Spanish, Russian, Bahasa, Italian, Arabic-gregorian, Dutch
#' Only first result returned if there are multiple matches.
#' NB CJK languages dates are 1月,2月,3月。。。12月
#' so can use str_extract(string, "\\d{1,2}") or equivalent
#' @param tgt.string string containing month in supported languages
#' @return integer number of guessed month
#' @references www.globaltradealert.org
#' @Author Callum Campbell for Global Trade Alert.

bt_guess_month = function(tgt.string){

  # months. feel free to add more languages

  #NB CJK languages NB: dates are 1月,2月,3月。。。12月 so can use str_extract(string, "\\d{1,2}") or equivalent
  #use a regex . instead of diacritic chars - otherwise you will get problems.

  #unbelievably the months names used to be saved here in the code, but the
  #russian ones were causing encoding errors when trying to install the package
  #from github.

  #even with the russian bit commented out, it still caused an error as the glyphs themselves were corrupting something

  #for reference, the structure of a language's months var should be like this:
  #german = c("[Jj]anuar", "[Ff]ebruar", "[Mm].rz", "[Aa]pril", "[Mm]ai", "[Jj]uni", "[Jj]uli", "[Aa]ugust", "[Ss]eptember", "[Oo]ktober", "[Nn]ovember", "[Dd]ezember")

  #nb upper/lowercase allowances, and replacement of any diacritics with regex '.' (diacritics often cause corruption)

  #use the below line to re-save the month names
  #month.names = data.frame(german = german, french=french, spanish=spanish, russian=russian, portuguese=portuguese, italian=italian, bahasa=bahasa, arabic.gregorian=arabic.gregorian)
  #save(month.names, file="0 gtabastiat/data/month_names.rda")

  #load(file="0 gtabastiat/data/month_names.rda")

  #Encoding(month.names) <- "UTF-8" #required for russian to work

  months.master = apply(gtabastiat::month.names, 1, paste, collapse=")|(")

  months.master = paste0("(", months.master, ")")

  #this looks weird because the syntax of sapply() and grepl() mean that the 'y'
  #variable in the sapply() is used as the 'x' variable in the grepl()

  month_returner = function(tgt.string){
           function(x, y) grepl(pattern = x, x = y,
                                ignore.case = T,
                                perl = T),
           y=tgt.string) %>%
      as.logical() %>%
      which() %>%

    return(sapply(tgt.string, month_returner))

global-trade-alert/gtabastiat documentation built on June 4, 2023, 6:40 a.m.