
Defines functions simulate_classification_data

Documented in simulate_classification_data

#' @title Simulate data for a Neural Network Structure.
#' @param rows An integer scaler. The number of rows in simulated data.
#' @param N An integer scaler. The number of normal random variables in X.
#' @param U An integer scaler. The number of uniform random variables in X.
#' @param C An integer scaler. The number of binary random variables in X.
#' @param matrices A list. Each element is a matrix defining the structure the layer.
#' @param activations A list. Each element is a activation function.
#' @return A matrix containing predictor variables and a response variable.
#' @examples
#' library(NeuralNetworkSimulatoR)
#' # Network with no hidden layers.
#' # Logistic regression with weights .1, .2, and .3
#' M <- list(matrix(c(.1, .2, .3), nrow = 3, ncol = 1))
#' A <- list(sigmoid_R)
#' simData <- simulate_classification_data(
#'   rows = 1000L,
#'   N = 3L, U = 0L, C = 0L,
#'   matrices = M, activations = A
#' )
#' rm(A, M, simData)
#' # Network with 1 hidden layer.
#' # 10 nodes in first layer. Activation relu
#' # 5 nodes in second layer.  Activation sigmoid_R (hidden layer)
#' M <- list(
#'   matrix(1:10, nrow = 10, ncol = 5),
#'   matrix(1:5, nrow = 5, ncol = 1)
#' )
#' A <- list(relu_R, sigmoid_R)
#' simData <- simulate_classification_data(
#'   rows = 1000L,
#'   N = 5L, U = 5L, C = 0L,
#'   matrices = M, activations = A
#' )
#' rm(A, M, simData)
#' # Network with 2 hidden layers.
#' # 10 nodes in first layer. Activation relu
#' # 5 nodes in second layer.  Activation linear_R  (hidden layer)
#' # 3 nodes in third layer.  Activation sigmoid_R  (hidden layer)
#' M <- list(
#'   matrix(1:10, nrow = 10, ncol = 5),
#'   matrix(1:5, nrow = 5, ncol = 3),
#'   matrix(1:3, nrow = 3, ncol = 1)
#' )
#' A <- list(relu_R, linear_R, sigmoid_R)
#' simData <- simulate_classification_data(
#'   rows = 1000L,
#'   N = 5L, U = 5L, C = 0L,
#'   matrices = M, activations = A
#' )
#' rm(A, M, simData)
#' @export
simulate_classification_data <- function(rows = 1000L, N = 5L, U = 5L, C = 0L, matrices, activations) {
  # Check inputs
  if (length(rows) != 1) {
    stop("Argument rows should have length one.")
  if (!is.integer(rows)) {
    stop("Argument rows should be an integer.")
  if (rows < 0) {
    stop("Argument rows nonnegative.")

  # Variable inputs
  if (length(N) != 1) {
    stop("Argument N should have length one.")
  if (!is.integer(N)) {
    stop("Argument N should be an integer.")
  if (N < 0) {
    stop("Argument N nonnegative.")

  if (length(U) != 1) {
    stop("Argument U should have length one.")
  if (!is.integer(U)) {
    stop("Argument U should be an integer.")
  if (U < 0) {
    stop("Argument U nonnegative.")

  if (length(C) != 1) {
    stop("Argument C should have length one.")
  if (!is.integer(C)) {
    stop("Argument C should be an integer.")
  if (C < 0) {
    stop("Argument C nonnegative.")

  if (length(matrices) != length(activations)) {
    stop("Arguments matrices and activations should have the same length.")

  if (length(matrices) < 1) {
    stop("Arguments matrices should have positive length.")

  # Confrim matrices dimentions are correct.
  if (nrow(matrices[[1]]) != N + U + C) {
    stop("The number of rows in the first elemet of argument matrices did not equal N + U + C.")

  if (length(matrices) > 1) {
    for (i in 2:length(matrices)) {
      tempCol <- dim(matrices[[i - 1]])[2]
      tempRow <- dim(matrices[[i]])[1]

      if (tempCol != tempRow) {
        stop(paste("Invalid dimensions between elements", i - 1, "and", i, "of argument matrices."))

  if (ncol(matrices[[length(matrices)]]) != 1) {
    stop("The last matrix must have one column. Multiheaded networks not supported.")

  # Make input data
  if (N > 0) {
    norms <- matrix(stats::rnorm(rows * N), nrow = rows, ncol = N)
    colnames(norms) <- stringr::str_c(rep("N", N), 1:N)
  } else {
    norms <- matrix(0, nrow = rows, ncol = 0)

  if (U > 0) {
    uniforms <- matrix(stats::runif(rows * U), nrow = rows, ncol = U)
    colnames(uniforms) <- stringr::str_c(rep("U", U), 1:U)
  } else {
    uniforms <- matrix(0, nrow = rows, ncol = 0)

  if (C > 0) {
    Cs <- matrix(ifelse(stats::runif(rows * C) > .5, 1, 0),
      nrow = rows, ncol = C
    colnames(Cs) <- stringr::str_c(rep("C", C), 1:C)
  } else {
    Cs <- matrix(0, nrow = rows, ncol = 0)

  IN <- cbind(norms, uniforms, Cs)

  # Make response variable
  OUT <- IN

  for (i in 1:length(matrices)) {
    OUT <- OUT %*% matrices[[i]]
    OUT <- activations[[i]](OUT)

  if (any(OUT > 1)) {
    stop("Invalid set of matrices and activations. Probability above 1.
         Using sigmoid_R or softmax_R as the last activation will probably fix this.")
  if (any(OUT < 0)) {
    stop("Invalid set of matrices and activations. Probability below 0.
         Using sigmoid_R or softmax_R as the last activation will probably fix this.")

  OUT <- matrix(stats::rbinom(nrow(OUT), 1, OUT), ncol = 1)
  colnames(OUT) <- "Response"

  OUT2 <- cbind(IN, OUT)
  colnames(OUT2) <- c(colnames(IN), colnames(OUT))

gmcmacran/NeuralNetworkSimulatoR documentation built on March 23, 2020, 12:51 a.m.