
#' @title Extracts URLs of restaurants (in en, cn, tw, or kr) 
#'        listed on tabelog for a given city.
#' @description 
#' These URLs are sorted by the ratings of the restaurants in descending order.
#' @param shopURLs_ja a character vector of the Japanese versioned URLs. 
#' @param lang string of 4 possible values: "en", "cn", "tw", "kr".
#' @return a character vector of URLs of the given language.
#' @export

get_shopURLs = function(shopURLs_ja, lang = "en") {
        # Converts the URLs to Japanese sites to URLs to sites in user specified
        #       language
        # Returns a character vector of URLs of sites in user specified language
        # shopURLs_ja: character vector of URLs to sites in Japanese
        # lang: string, language of values: "en", "cn", "tw", "kr"
        tryCatch({ lang %in% c("en", "cn", "tw", "kr")
        }, error = function(e) "Language is not supported. Please enter one of
                        these languages: 'en', 'cn', 'tw', 'kr'"
        gsub("\\.com", paste("\\.com", lang, sep="/"), shopURLs_ja)
gmlang/RTabelog documentation built on May 6, 2019, 6 p.m.