
Defines functions M.default M.M M.factor M

Documented in M M.default M.factor M.M

### Copyright 2012  Georges Monette <georges@yorku.ca>
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
#  http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/

### Lfx.R
### part of the spida package
# 2012 12 05:
#  Modelled and improved from Lform: Allows estimation of effects of arbitrary
#  order evaluated over a data frame.  Correctly handles interaction terms involving
#  matrices.
#  Lfx generates a matrix that can be used as a linear hypothesis matrix in 'wald'

#' Hypothesis matrix generated by expressions for each column or term
#' Lfx facilitates generating linear hypothesis matrices for complex models by using \code{M}
#' objects to easily generate portions of the hypothesis matrix.
#' \code{Lfx(fit)} with no other arguments returns a list that is easy to edit to
#' differentiate with respect to numeric variables.
#' Creates an L matrix using expressions evaluated in \code{data} for each
#' column or multi-column term of the L matrix. Differentiating with respect
#' to numeric variables is easy.  Generating pairwise differences between factor levels
#' requires the intermediate step of creating a data frame (usually with \code{\link{expand.grid}},
#' with crossed factors to be differenced with
#' differently named versions of themselves.
#' For example, letting \code{fac} be a factor, \code{fac0}, the same factor
#' in a different order
#' and \code{x} a numerical variable:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{factor prediction: \code{M(fac)}}
#'  \item{factor pairwise differences: \code{M(fac) - M(fac0)}}
#'  \item{interaction terms: \code{M(x) * M(fac0)}}
#'  \item{zero block of the correct size: \code{0 * M(fac)}}
#' }
#' @seealso Lfx M M.default M.factor M.formula M.M <.factor >.factor <=.factor
#' =>.factor
#' @param fit a fitted model with a 'getFix' method.
#' @param expr.list a list of expressions with one component for each column
#' (or groups of columns) of the hypothesis matrix corresponding to each term
#' of the model. A term with multiple degrees of freedom can either be
#' generated as separate single terms or with an expression that evaluates to a
#' suitable matrix.
#' @param data the data frame in which expressions are evaluated.
#' @param wrap if TRUE return expression wrapped in \code{with(data, ...)}, default FALSE
#' @param debug if TRUE provide verbose output, default FALSE
#' @param formula as an argument of \code{M}, a one-sided formula defining a
#' main effect or an interaction term involving factors.
#' @param expr as an argument of \code{M}, an expression that can be evaluated
#' in each row of \code{data} to form element(s) of the corresponding row of
#' \code{L}.  formula defining a main effect or an interaction term involving
#' factors.
#' @examples
#' ##
#' ## The increase in income associated with an additional year of education
#' ##
#' data(Prestige)   # from library(car)
#' fit <- lm( income ~ (education+I(education^2)) * type, Prestige)
#' summary(fit)
#' Lfx(fit)  # generates expression to cut and paste and differentiate
#' pred <- expand.grid( education = 3:16, type = levels(Prestige$type))
#' Lf.ed <- Lfx( fit,
#'               list( 0,
#'                     1 + 0* education,
#'                     2 * M(I(education)),
#'                     0 * M(type),
#'                     1 * 1 * M(type),
#'                     2 * M(I(education)) * M(type)
#'               ),pred)
#' zw <- as.data.frame(wald(fit,Lf.ed))
#' head(zw)
#' xyplot( coef ~ education , zw, groups = type, type = 'l', auto.key = T)
#' fit2 <- lm( income ~ (education+I(education^2)) * type*women, Prestige)
#' pred <- expand.grid( education = 3:16, type = levels(Prestige$type), women=c(0,50,100))
#' Lfx(fit2)
#' Lhyp <- Lfx(fit2,
#'     list( 0,   # differentiated wrt education
#'           1 * 1,
#'           1 * M(I(education)),
#'           0 * M(type),
#'           0 * women,
#'           1 * 1 * M(type),
#'           2 * M(I(education)) * M(type),
#'           1 * 1 * women,
#'           2 * M(I(education)) * women,
#'           0 * M(type) * women,
#'           1 * 1 * M(type) * women,
#'           2 * M(I(education)) * M(type) * women
#'     ),pred)
#' Lhyp
#' Lhyp <- as.data.frame( wald(fit2, zw))
#' summary(fit2)
#' xyplot( coef ~ education|women , zw, groups = type, type = 'l', auto.key = T,
#'         ylim = c(-30000,30000))
#' ##
#' ##  Differencing of factor
#' ##
#' pred <- expand.grid( education = 3:18, women = c(0,50,100),
#'                      type = levels(Prestige$type),
#'                      type0 = levels(Prestige$type))
#' Lfx(fit2)
#' Lcomp <- Lfx(fit2,
#'   list( 0,
#'       0 * education,
#'       0 * M(I(education^2)),
#'       1 * M(type) - M(type0),
#'       0 * women,
#'       1 * education * (M(type)-M(type0)),
#'       1 * M(I(education^2)) * (M(type) - M(type0)),
#'       0 * education * women,
#'       0 * M(I(education^2)) * women,
#'       1 * (M(type)-M(type0)) * women,
#'       1 * education * (M(type) - M(type0)) * women,
#'       1 * M(I(education^2)) * (M(type) - M(type0)) * women
#'   ), pred)
#' zw <- as.data.frame( wald( fit2, Lcomp))
#' zw
#' @export
Lfx <-
  function (fit, expr.list, data = getData(fit), prefix = "1 * ", wrap = FALSE, debug = FALSE)
    # 2012-12-03:
    # 1. modified to work with M with factor instead of formula
    # 2. Lform(fit) includes comments from Lform0
    # 3. More informative error messages

    Lfx0 <- function(fit, factors = getFactorNames(fit), wrap = FALSE,
                       debug = debug) {
      ts <- colnames(attr(terms(fit),'factors'))
      ts <- strsplit(ts,":")
      if(debug) disp(ts)
      # add functions as well because some might generate matrices:

      facl <- lapply( ts, function(x) x %in% factors | grepl(")",x))
      if(debug) disp(facl)
      ret <- lapply( seq_along(facl),  function(i){
               function(j) if(facl[[i]][j])
                 paste("M(",ts[[i]][j],")", sep = "") else ts[[i]][j]

      ret <- lapply( ret, paste, collapse = " * ")
      ret <- lapply( ret, function(s) paste(prefix,s,sep=""))  # add prefix
      ret <- do.call( paste, c("list( 1",ret, sep = ",\n"))
      ret <- paste(ret,"\n)")
      if (wrap) ret <- paste("with(data, do.call( cbind,\n",
                             ret, "\n ))\n")

    if (missing(expr.list)) return( Lfx0(fit, wrap = wrap, debug = debug))
    gg <- getFix(fit)
    Lsub <- do.call(cbind, eval(substitute(expr.list), data))
    L <- Lsub
    rownames(L) <- rownames(data)
    colnames(L) <- names(gg$fixed)

    attr(L, "data") <- data

# 2012 12 03: Replaced with following functions
# M <- function(form, ..., keep.intercept = FALSE) {
#   ret <- model.matrix(form,...)
#   if( !keep.intercept ){
#     pos <- grep( '^\\(Intercept\\)$', colnames(ret))
#     ret <- if( length(pos) ) ret[, -pos]
#   }
#   ret
# }

# To do: return object of type "M" and
# define '*' method to do column by column multiplication
# -- DONE

#' Method to generate hypothesis matrices from formulas
#' Interprets a formula to generate the corresponding portion of a hypothesis matrix. See examples in \code{\link[spida2]{Lfx}}. Creates an 'M' object with methods to generate coefficients to estimate interaction terms and comparisons of factor levels.
#' @param form formula
#' @param ... other arguments
#' @param keep.intercept (default: FALSE) if TRUE generate a column for the intercept term
#' @seealso \code{\link[spida2]{Lfx}}
#' @export
M <- function(x,...) UseMethod("M")

#' @describeIn M formula method
#' @export
M.formula <- function (form, ..., keep.intercept = FALSE) {
  ret <- model.matrix(form, ...)
  if (!keep.intercept) {
    pos <- grep("^\\(Intercept\\)$", colnames(ret))
    ret <- if (length(pos))
      ret[, -pos]
  class(ret) <- 'M'
#' @describeIn M factor method
#' @export
M.factor <- function( x, base = NULL, ...) {
  ret <- contrasts(x)[x,]
  if( ! is.null(base)) {
    if ( !is.factor(base)) stop("base must be a factor")
    if (!identical(levels(x), levels(base))) warning("'x' and 'base' should have identical levels")
    ret <- ret - contrasts(base)[base,]
  class(ret) <- 'M'
#' @describeIn M method for M object
#' @export
M.M <- function(x, ...) x
#' @describeIn M default method
#' @export
M.default <- function(x,...) {
  x <- cbind(x)
  class(x) <- c('M',attr(x,"class"))
#' @describeIn M multiplication of M objects
#' @export
"*.M" <- function (e1, e2) {
  # column by column multiplication
  # to expand interaction terms
  # LHS runs fastest
  if( !inherits(e1,"M") && is.numeric(e1) && length(e1) == 1) {
    return( M( e1 * unclass(e2)))
  if( !inherits(e2,"M") && is.numeric(e2) && length(e2) == 1) {
    return( M( unclass(e1) * e2))
  e1 <- cbind(e1)
  e2 <- cbind(e2)
  n1 <- ncol(e1)
  n2 <- ncol(e2)
  ret <- c(e1) * c(apply(e2, 2, rep, n1))
  ret <- matrix(ret, nrow = nrow(e1))
  #  rownames(ret) <- rownames(e1)
  if (!is.null(c1 <- colnames(e1)) && !is.null(c2 <- colnames(e2))) {
    cn <- paste(rep(c1, length(c2)), rep(c2, each = length(c1)),
                sep = ":")
    colnames(ret) <- cn
  class(ret) <- "M"

# To make is easier to generate pairwise comparisons without
# redundancies
# e.g.
#  > pred <- expand.grid( type = levels(Prestige$type),
#                        type0 = levels(Prestige$type),
#                        education = seq(6,18,3))
#  > pred <- subset( pred, type0 < type)

#' @describeIn M '<' method for factors
#' @export
"<.factor" <- function(x,y) {
  if ( ! identical( levels(x), levels(y))) warning( "Different 'levels' in x and y")
  as.numeric(x) < as.numeric(y)

#' @describeIn M '>' method for factors
#' @export
">.factor" <- function(x,y) {
  if ( ! identical( levels(x), levels(y))) warning( "Different 'levels' in x and y")
  as.numeric(x) > as.numeric(y)
#' @describeIn M '<=' method for factors
#' @export
"<=.factor" <- function(x,y) {
  if ( ! identical( levels(x), levels(y))) warning( "Different 'levels' in x and y")
  as.numeric(x) <= as.numeric(y)

#' @export
#' @describeIn M '>=' method for factors
">=.factor" <- function(x,y) {
  if ( ! identical( levels(x), levels(y))) warning( "Different 'levels' in x and y")
  as.numeric(x) >= as.numeric(y)
gmonette/spida2 documentation built on July 14, 2024, 12:45 p.m.