
Defines functions randomsequence

Documented in randomsequence

# default number of IDs is 10 and must be smaller than 2601...
# start date: 2000-01-01
# alphabet = T: winner determined by alphabetical order!
# reversals creates x% opposite winner/loser
# ties: should ties/draws be inserted? if yes, x%
# presence: should random presence matrix be generated as well?
# if NULL:     all IDs present the entire time
# if not NULL: two numbers specify what proportion of IDs was absent what proportion of time
# e.g. c(0.2, 0.1) 20% percent were absent for on average 10% of time

#' random dominance interaction sequence
#' create a random dominance sequence for testing or simulations
#' @param nID integer, number of IDs, must be less than 2601
#' @param avgIA numeric, average number of interactions an individual is involved in
#' @param startdate character, a start date, by default \code{"2000-01-01"}
#' @param alphabet logical, should the individual within an interaction that comes first in alphabetical order be the winner? By default \code{TRUE}, which gives some orderliness in the hierarchy
#' @param reversals numeric, proportion of interactions that ends in reversed outcomes, i.e. the initial winner (if \code{alphabet=TRUE) the first according to alphanumeric order}) is changed into the loser. By default \code{0.1}
#' @param ties numeric, proportion of interactions that ends undecided
#' @param presence numeric vector of length 2. The first value indicates what proportion of individuals are absent for some time. The second value indicates the proportion of time (days) these individuals are absent
#' @return an object of class \code{randomsequence}, which is a list with the following items:
#' \item{seqdat}{an interaction sequence}
#' \item{pres}{a presence matrix, actually a \code{data.frame}}
#' @author Christof Neumann
#' @importFrom utils combn
#' @examples
#' IA <- randomsequence()
#' SEQ <- elo.seq(winner = IA$seqdat$winner, loser = IA$seqdat$loser, Date = IA$seqdat$Date,
#'                runcheck = FALSE, progressbar = FALSE)
#' stab_elo(SEQ)
#' #
#' IA <- randomsequence(presence = c(0.5, 0.5))
#' SEQ <- elo.seq(winner = IA$seqdat$winner, loser = IA$seqdat$loser, Date = IA$seqdat$Date,
#'                presence = IA$pres, runcheck = FALSE, progressbar = FALSE)
#' stab_elo(SEQ)
#' @export

randomsequence <- function(nID = 10, avgIA = 20, startdate = as.Date("2000-01-01"),
                           alphabet = TRUE, reversals = 0.1, ties = NULL,
                           presence = NULL) {

  # number of total interactions generated
  # this number may become smaller if presence matrix is implemented?
  totN <- round(nID * avgIA / 2)

  # create fictious dates and times
  dates <- seq.Date(from = startdate, by = 1, length.out = totN)
  mins <- paste("0", sample(0:59, totN, replace = TRUE), sep = "")
  mins[nchar(mins) == 3] <- substr(mins[nchar(mins) == 3], 2, 3)
  hours <- paste("0", sample(6:17, totN, replace = TRUE), sep = "")
  hours[nchar(hours) == 3] <- substr(hours[nchar(hours) == 3], 2, 3)
  times <- paste(hours, mins, sep = ":")
  rm(hours, mins)

  # create 'nID' combinations of IDs from letters
  # 1 letter  = 26
  # 2 letters = 325
  # 3 letters = 2600

  if (nID <= 26) {
    IDs <- sort(sample(letters, nID))

  if (nID > 26 & nID <= 325) {
    # make sure "in" does not occur as ID because that causes problems...
    com <- combn(26, 2)[, -177]
    samplecom <- com[, sample(1:ncol(com), nID)]
    IDs <- apply(samplecom, 2, function(x) letters[x])
    IDs <- sort(apply(IDs, 2, function(x) paste0(x[1], x[2])))

  if (nID > 325 & nID <= 2601) {
    com <- combn(26, 3)
    samplecom <- com[, sample(1:ncol(com), nID)]
    IDs <- apply(samplecom, 2, function(x) letters[x])
    IDs <- sort(apply(IDs, 2, function(x) paste0(x[1], x[2], x[3])))

  # create presence matrix
  # if not otherwise specified it is assumed that all IDs were present at all times
  pmat <- matrix(1, ncol = nID, nrow = length(dates))
  colnames(pmat) <- IDs

  # if specified in call to function, modify the presence matrix
  if (!is.null(presence)) {

    # how many and which IDs affected
    ifelse(round(nID * presence[1]) != 0,
           pID <- sample(IDs, round(nID * presence[1])),
           pID <- sample(IDs, 1))

    # modify presence matrix
    # duration of absence:
    dur <- round(presence[2] * length(dates))
    if (dur == 0) dur <- 1

    # i=pID[1]
    for (i in pID) {
      # random reference date
      rdate <- which(dates == sample(dates, 1))

      # assign whether "rdate" is exit or enter
      type <- sample(c("exit", "enter"), 1)

      # type exit
      if (type == "exit") {
        # exit date
        exdate <- rdate + dur
        if (exdate > (length(dates))) exdate <- length(dates)
        pmat[rdate:exdate, i] <- 0

      # type enter
      if (type == "enter") {
        # intro date
        indate <- rdate - dur
        if (indate < 1) indate <- 1
        pmat[indate:rdate, i] <- 0

    pmat[2, ] <- pmat[1, ]
    pmat[nrow(pmat) - 1, ] <- pmat[nrow(pmat), ]

  # make sure that at least 2 individuals were present each day...
  if (0 %in% rowSums(pmat)) for (i in which(rowSums(pmat) == 0)) pmat[i, sample(colnames(pmat), 1)] <- 1

  if (1 %in% rowSums(pmat)) for (i in which(rowSums(pmat) == 1)) pmat[i, sample(colnames(pmat)[pmat[i, ] == 0], 1)] <- 1

  # create the actual random interactions

  IA_table <- cbind(rep("", totN), rep("", totN))

  if (alphabet == FALSE) {
    for (i in 1:totN) {
      IA_table[i, ] <- sample(names(which(pmat[i, ] == 1)), 2)

  if (alphabet == TRUE) {
    for (i in 1:totN) {
      IA_table[i, ] <- sort(sample(names(which(pmat[i, ] == 1)), 2))
    # create reversals
    if (reversals > 0 & reversals < 1) {
      revsam <- sample(1:totN, round(totN * reversals))
      if (length(revsam) == 0) revsam <- sample(1:totN, 1)
      IA_table[revsam, ] <- IA_table[revsam, 2:1]

  # create the final sequence data frame
  xdata <- data.frame(Date = dates,
                      Time = times,
                      winner = IA_table[, 1],
                      loser = IA_table[, 2],
                      Draw = FALSE)

  # add proportion of interactions that ended tied/drawn (if specified)
  if (is.null(ties) == FALSE) {
    tiesam <- sample(1:totN, round(totN * ties))
    xdata$Draw[tiesam] <- TRUE

  # add Date column to pmat
  pmat <- data.frame(Date = as.Date(dates), pmat)

  xdata <- list(seqdat = xdata, pres = pmat)
  class(xdata) <- "randomsequence"

gobbios/EloRating documentation built on July 19, 2024, 4:05 a.m.