
# parameter_class

# member functions for the parameter class, representing (hyper) parameters 
# of a gpe model

#' @name parameter
#' @rdname parameter
#' @title gpe parameter class
#' @description Functions to create and interact with parameter objects
#' @param value the value of the parameter, on its true scale.
#' @param x a parameter object, or an object to be tested as one.
#' @param object a parameter object, or an object to be tested as one.
#' @param continuous whether to return (or update) with the true value of the 
#' parameter or with the value of its continuous transform.
#' @param new_value a new value to assign to the parameter, given either on 
#' the true scale, or on the scale of its continuous transform, depending on
#' \code{continuous}.
#' @param \dots further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @details The constructor functions (\code{pos}, \code{unit} and \code{unc}) return 
#' parameter objects with a set value. These objects contain member functions to test
#' whether other values are within the constraints of the parameter and to convert 
#' between the true value and a continuous transformation of it. 
#' \code{unit} creates a parameter constrained to be on the unit interval 
#' (greater than 0 and less than 1).
#' \code{pos} creates a parameter constrained to be positive.
#' \code{unc} creates an unconstrained (continuously supported) parameter.
#' The value (either the true value or a continuous transformation) of the 
#' parameter can be returned by executing the object.
#' The value can be changed using the \code{update} method.
#' \code{is.parameter} returns a logical indicating whether the 
#' object is a gpe parameter object. \code{print} returns a very simple summary
#' of the parameter, its transformations and its support.

#' @rdname parameter
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # create a parameter on the unit interval
#' # with initial value of 0.9
#' p <- unit(0.9)
#' # return value (on true scale)
#' p()
#' # return value on continuous scale
#' p(continuous = TRUE)
unit <- function (value = 0.5) {
  # define parameter on the unit interval
  createParameterConstructor(type = 'unit',
                             value = value,
                             true2cont = function(x) qlogis(x),
                             cont2true = function(x) plogis(x),
                             test = function(x) all(x < 1 & x > 0))

#' @rdname parameter
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # create a strictly positive parameter
#' # with initial value of 2.5
#' sigma <- pos(2.5)
#' # return value (on true scale)
#' sigma()
#' # return value on continuous scale
#' sigma(continuous = TRUE)
pos <- function (value = 1) {
  # define transformation for positive numbers  
  createParameterConstructor(type = 'pos',
                             value = value,
                             true2cont = function(x) log(x),
                             cont2true = function(x) exp(x),
                             test = function(x) all(x > 0))

#' @rdname parameter
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # create an unconstrained (continuous support) parameter
#' # with initial value of -3
#' x <- unc(-3)
#' # return value (on true scale)
#' x()
#' # return value on continuous scale
#' x(continuous = TRUE)
unc <- function (value = 0) {
  # define unconstrained parameter
  createParameterConstructor(type = 'unc',
                             value = value,
                             true2cont = function(x) x,
                             cont2true = function(x) x,
                             test = function(x) all(is.numeric(x)))

#' @rdname parameter
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # are these parameters? 
#' is.parameter(p)
#' is.parameter(sigma)
is.parameter <- function (x) {
  # test whether x is a parameter
  ans <- inherits(x, 'parameter')
  return (ans)

#' @rdname parameter
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # update on the true scale
#' p <- update(p, 0.6)
#' p()
#' # update on the continuous scale
#' p <- update(p, -1, continuous = TRUE)
#' p()
update.parameter <- function(object, new_value, continuous = FALSE, ...) {
  # function to update value of a parameter
  # parameter is the parameter,
  # new_value is the new value
  # cont specifies whether new_value is provided on the scale of the 
  # continuous transformation
  # check it's a valid parameter

  # check the length of new_value
  if (length(object()) != length(new_value)) {
    stop ('new_value is the wrong length')
  # if the value is provided on the continuous scale
  if (continuous) {
    # switch it to the true scale
    new_value <- cont2true(object)(new_value)
  # test the new value
  if (!test(object)(new_value)) {
    stop ('new_value is not within the constraints of this parameter')
  # create a new parameter object, with this value
  object <- do.call(environment(object)$object$type,
                    list(value = new_value))
  # return the parameter
  return (object)


#' @rdname parameter
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # print summaries of these parameters and their member functions
#' p
#' sigma
#' x
print.parameter <- function (x, ...) {
  # print function for parameter objects  
  # first check it's a valid parameter object
  # get type
  type <- environment(x)$object$type
  # print all of these things
  cat('parameter object of type:',
      '\n\tcurrent value:\t\t\t\t\t\t\t',
      paste(x(), collapse = ', '),
      '\n\ttest function:\t\t\t\t\t\t\t',
      '\n\tcont2true function:\t\t',
      '\n\ttrue2cont function:\t\t',
goldingn/gpe documentation built on May 17, 2019, 7:41 a.m.