
Defines functions refine_shares refine_weights best_equal_weighted_portfolio

# Calculates the best equally-weighted portfolio available
best_equal_weighted_portfolio <- function(rtn, cov_mtx, rfr){
  # The "record" (best) portfolio found so far
  mp_pocket <- list(
    "sharpe"  = 0,
    "weights" = stats::setNames(rep(0, length(rtn)), names(rtn)),
    "exp_rtn" = 0,
    "exp_vol" = 0
  # Initialize a portfolio that will guarantee entering the while loop
  mp        <- mp_pocket
  mp$sharpe <- -1
  while(mp$sharpe < mp_pocket$sharpe){
    mp <- mp_pocket
    # Take all of the assets that AREN'T included in portfolio_weights...
      asset in setdiff(
        names(mp$weights[mp$weights != 0])
      # ...and for each one of those, add it to portfolio_weights, and weight
      # everything equally.
      # make `weights` an equal-weighted portfolio consisting of the assets
      # that are already in the portfolio, plus `asset`.
      weights <- mp$weights %>% {
        .[c(names(.[. != 0]), asset)] <- 1 / (
          length(which(. != 0)) + 1
      # calculate expected return for the portfolio given by `weights`
      exp_rtn <- as.numeric(rtn %*% as.matrix(weights))
      # calculate expected volatility for the portfolio given by `weights`
      exp_vol <- sqrt(
        as.numeric((weights %*% cov_mtx) %*% as.matrix(weights))
      # calculate expected Sharpe for the portfolio given by `weights`
      sharpe <- (exp_rtn - rfr) / exp_vol
      # store the portfolio if its Sharpe is superior
      if(sharpe > mp$sharpe){
        mp_pocket$sharpe  <- sharpe
        mp_pocket$weights <- weights
        mp_pocket$exp_rtn <- exp_rtn
        mp_pocket$exp_vol <- exp_vol

refine_weights <- function(mkt_p, rtn, vol, cov_mtx, rfr){
  # make `buy_sell_matrix`: a matrix whose row names are all the assets that
  #   appear in the inputs, and whose column names are all the assets whose 
  #   `mkt_p$weights` are >= `stp`. The values of `buy_sell_matrix` are 
  #   the Sharpe ratios that result if you start with `mkt_p$weights` and 
  #   SELL `stp` worth of the asset given buy the column index, and BUY 
  #   `stp` worth of the asset in the row index.
  # Obviously buying and selling the same asset is not useful -- these cells 
  #   are given the value -999 in `buy_sell_matrix`.
  # Step through the assets whose portfolio weights are >= to the amount
  #   we'll be adding/subtracting (otherwise they'll get negative weights)
  # Initialize loop vars
  stp    <- min(mkt_p$weights[mkt_p$weights != 0]) / 10
  counts <- 0
    buy_sell_matrix <- names(mkt_p$weights[mkt_p$weights >= stp]) %>%
          # initialize `weights` to the higher-scoped `mkt_p$weights`
          weights <- mkt_p$weights
          # take weight `stp` FROM an asset.
          weights[take_from_asset] <- weights[take_from_asset] - stp
          # create the column for `buy_sell_matrix`, and make sure it's ordered
          #   in the same order as `mkt_p$weights`.
            stats::setNames(-999, take_from_asset),
              setdiff(names(mkt_p$weights), take_from_asset),
              function(add_to_asset, wts = weights){
                wts[add_to_asset] <- wts[add_to_asset] + stp
                as.numeric(rtn %*% as.matrix(wts) - rfr) / sqrt(
                  as.numeric((wts %*% cov_mtx) %*% as.matrix(wts))
              FUN.VALUE = numeric(1)
        FUN.VALUE = numeric(length(mkt_p$weights))
    # If we got a better Sharpe ratio in `buy_sell_matrix`, keep it & update!
    if(max(buy_sell_matrix) > mkt_p$sharpe){
      add_to_asset    <- rownames(buy_sell_matrix)[
        which(buy_sell_matrix == max(buy_sell_matrix), arr.ind = TRUE)[1]
      take_from_asset <- colnames(buy_sell_matrix)[
        which(buy_sell_matrix == max(buy_sell_matrix), arr.ind = TRUE)[2]
      mkt_p$weights[add_to_asset]    <- mkt_p$weights[add_to_asset] + stp
      mkt_p$weights[take_from_asset] <- mkt_p$weights[take_from_asset] - stp
      mkt_p$sharpe <- (
        as.numeric(rtn %*% as.matrix(mkt_p$weights)) - rfr
      ) / sqrt(
          (mkt_p$weights %*% cov_mtx) %*% as.matrix(mkt_p$weights)
    } else {
      # drop `stp` by a factor of 10, but only do this `count` number of times.
      stp    <- min(mkt_p$weights[mkt_p$weights != 0]) / 10
      counts <- counts + 1
      if(counts >= 10){
  mkt_p$exp_rtn <- round(as.numeric(rtn %*% as.matrix(mkt_p$weights)), 8)
  mkt_p$exp_vol <- round(
      as.numeric((mkt_p$weights %*% cov_mtx) %*% as.matrix(mkt_p$weights))
  mkt_p$weights <- round(mkt_p$weights, 8)
  mkt_p$sharpe  <- round(mkt_p$sharpe, 8)

refine_shares <- function(mkt_p, rtn, vol, cov_mtx, rfr, prc, aum){
  mkt_p$shares  <- floor(mkt_p$weights * aum / prc) 
  mkt_p$prices  <- prc
  mkt_p$weights <- mkt_p$shares * prc / aum
  mkt_p$exp_rtn <- as.numeric(rtn %*% as.matrix(mkt_p$weights))
  mkt_p$exp_vol <- sqrt(
    as.numeric((mkt_p$weights %*% cov_mtx) %*% as.matrix(mkt_p$weights))
  mkt_p$cash    <- as.numeric(aum - (mkt_p$shares %*% mkt_p$prices))
  pocket_sharpe <- mkt_p$sharpe
    # Every iteration of this loop tries to find a better Sharpe that can be 
    #   created by selling one asset and buying another. When that can't be 
    #   done, exit the while loop.
    shares <- mkt_p$shares
    for(asset_to_sell in names(mkt_p$shares[mkt_p$shares >= 1])){
      for(asset_to_buy in setdiff(names(shares), asset_to_sell)){
        # Only sell the max needed to buy 1 share of asset_to_buy.
        shares_to_sell    <- as.numeric(
          ceiling(prc[asset_to_buy] / prc[asset_to_sell])
        # If we don't have that many shares, next.
        if(shares_to_sell > mkt_p$shares[asset_to_sell]){next()}
        # Maximum possible amount of shares that can be bought given that we're
        #   selling shares_to_sell amount of asset_to_sell, plus cash.
        max_shares_to_buy <- as.numeric(
            sum(shares_to_sell * prc[asset_to_sell], mkt_p$cash) / 
        # Number of shares of asset_to_buy that will be bought
        number_of_shares_to_buy <- 0
        candidate_sharpe <- 0:max_shares_to_buy %>% 
              shares[asset_to_buy] <- as.numeric(
                shares[asset_to_buy] + buy_shares
              shares[asset_to_sell] <- shares[asset_to_sell] - shares_to_sell
              wts                   <- shares * prc / aum
              as.numeric(rtn %*% as.matrix(wts) - rfr) / sqrt(
                as.numeric((wts %*% cov_mtx) %*% as.matrix(wts))
            FUN.VALUE = numeric(1),
            USE.NAMES = FALSE
          ) %>% {
            max_sharpe               <- max(.)
            number_of_shares_to_buy <<- which(. == max_sharpe)
            round(max_sharpe, 8)
        if(candidate_sharpe > mkt_p$sharpe){
          mkt_p$shares[asset_to_sell]  <- mkt_p$shares[asset_to_sell] - 
          mkt_p$weights[asset_to_sell] <- round(mkt_p$shares * prc / aum, 8)
          mkt_p$sharpe                 <- candidate_sharpe
          mkt_p$ex_return              <- round(
              exp_rtn %*% as.matrix(mkt_p$weights)
          mkt_p$ex_volatility          <- round(
                (mkt_p$weights %*% cov_mtx) %*% as.matrix(mkt_p$weights)
          mkt_p$cash                   <- round(
            aum - (mkt_p$shares %*% mkt_p$prices), 
    if(mkt_p$sharpe == pocket_sharpe){
    } else {
      pocket_sharpe <- mkt_p$sharpe
gothic-hedge-society/FinancieR documentation built on June 18, 2022, 4:55 a.m.