
#' Calculates Procrustes distances for all nC2 combinations of a 3-dimensional array of shapes
#' Adapted from "shapes" package by Ian L. Dryden <ian.dryden@nottingham.ac.uk>
#' @param x 3-dimensional array of shapes. Every zth element should be a different shape.
#' @param type string indicating the type of distance; "full" full Procrustes distance,
#' "partial" partial Procrustes distance,
#' "Riemannian" Riemannian shape distance,
#' "sizeandshape" size-and-shape Riemannian/Procrustes distance
#' @param reflect Logical. If reflect = TRUE then reflection invariance is included.
#' @return A matrix of all calculated distance. Each distance is labeled by the shapes used for calculation.
#' @author Goutham Swaminathan \email{goutham1220@gmail.com}
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils combn
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'bone_shapes = bone_list$x
#'bone_shapes = cbind(bone_shapes, bone_list$y)
#'bone_1 = bone_shapes[1:100,]
#'bone_2 = bone_shapes[101:200,]
#'bone_3 = bone_shapes[201:300,]
#'bones = array(c(bone_1, bone_2, bone_3), dim = c(100, 2, 3))
#'shape_proc_distance(bones, type = "full")
#' }

shape_proc_distance <- function (x, type = "full", reflect = FALSE){

  distances = vector()

  comb_x = combn(dim(x)[3], 2)

  for(i in 1:ncol(comb_x)){

    x_ref = comb_x[1,i]
    y_ref = comb_x[2,i]
    x_val <- x[,,x_ref]
    y_val <- x[,,y_ref]

    if (type == "full") {
      distances[i] = sin(riemdist(x_val, y_val, reflect = reflect))
    if (type == "partial") {
      distances[i] <- sqrt(2) * sqrt(abs(1 - cos(riemdist(x_val, y_val, reflect = reflect))))
    if (type == "Riemannian") {
      distances[i] <- riemdist(x_val, y_val, reflect = reflect)
    if (type == "sizeandshape") {
      distances[i] <- ssriemdist(x_val, y_val, reflect = reflect)

    names(distances)[i] = paste(x_ref, y_ref, sep = " ")

goutham1220/shipshape documentation built on May 21, 2019, 10:11 a.m.