
Defines functions CalcScore

Documented in CalcScore

#' Matrix of score for the propensity score.
#' @param dta The data set including (at least) the treatment and covaratiates.
#' @param neigh_ind A list including one element for each neighborhood. That
#' element includes the indices of the observations in dta that belong to each
#' neighborhood. Can be left NULL if dta includes a column neigh.
#' @param phi_hat A list with two elements. The first one is a vector of
#' coefficients of the propensity score, and the second one is the random
#' effect variance.
#' @param cov_cols The indeces including the covariates of the propensity score
#' model.
#' @param trt_name The name of the treatment column. If it is 'A', you can
#' leave NULL.
#' @export
CalcScore <- function(dta, neigh_ind = NULL, phi_hat, cov_cols,
                      trt_name = NULL, integral_bound = 10) {
  dta <- as.data.frame(dta)
  if (is.null(neigh_ind)) {
    n_neigh <- max(dta$neigh)
    neigh_ind <- sapply(1 : n_neigh, function(x) which(dta$neigh == x))
  n_neigh <- length(neigh_ind)
  re_var <- phi_hat[[2]]
  num_gamma <- length(phi_hat$coefs) + (re_var > 0)
  phi_hat$coefs <- matrix(phi_hat$coefs, ncol = 1)

  if (is.null(trt_name)) {
    trt_name <- 'A'
  trt_col <- which(names(dta) == trt_name)

  scores <- matrix(NA, nrow = num_gamma, ncol = n_neigh)
  for (nn in 1 : n_neigh) {
    Ai <- dta[neigh_ind[[nn]], trt_col]
    Xi <- dta[neigh_ind[[nn]], cov_cols]
    hess_function <- function(gamma) {
      phi_hat_hess <- NULL
      if (re_var == 0) {
        phi_hat_hess$coefs <- gamma
        phi_hat_hess$re_var <- 0
      } else {
        phi_hat_hess$coefs <- gamma[- num_gamma]
        phi_hat_hess$re_var <- gamma[num_gamma]
      likelihood <- Denominator(A = Ai, X = Xi, phi_hat = phi_hat_hess,
                                include_alpha = FALSE,
                                integral_bound = integral_bound)
    hess_x <- as.numeric(phi_hat$coefs)
    if (re_var > 0) {
      hess_x <- c(hess_x, re_var)
    scores[, nn] <- numDeriv::grad(hess_function, x = hess_x)

gpapadog/Interference documentation built on Oct. 30, 2022, 9:20 p.m.