
#' Proposing coefficients for the Jump Pver MCMC move.
#' The Jump Over move is accompanied with proposing new slopes that ensure a
#' continuous ER.
#' @param current_coefs The current coefficients of the MCMC. Three dimensional
#' array with dimensions corresponding to exposure/outcome model, experiment,
#' and coefficients (intercept, slope, covariates).
#' @param prop_cuts Numeric vector with the K locations of the proposed
#' experiment configuration.
#' @param cuts Numeric vector with the K locations of the current experiment
#' configuration.
#' @param curr_exper_same Numeric vector. Indices of experiments in the current
#' experiment configuration that did not get combined or split. They should be
#' in the same order as prop_exper_same.
#' @param prop_exper_same Numeric vector with the indices of the experiments
#' in the proposed experiment configuration that did not get combined or split.
#' @param curr_exper_comb Numeric vector of length two with entries the indices
#' of the experiments with respect to the current experiment configuration that
#' were proposed to be combined.
#' @param prop_exper_comb Numeric. Index of the experiment in the proposed
#' experiment configuration corresponding to the combined experiment.
#' @param curr_exper_split Numeric. Index of the experiment in the current
#' experiment configuration that is proposed to be split.
#' @param prop_exper_split Numeric vector of length two. Indices of the
#' experiments in the proposed experiment configuration that are the result of
#' a split in an experiment.
#' @param jump_slope_tune Numeric. The standard deviation of the proposal on
#' slopes for the two experiments in the proposed experiment configuration that
#' are the result of an experiment's split.
JumpOverCoef <- function(current_coefs, prop_cuts, cuts, curr_exper_same,
                         prop_exper_same, curr_exper_comb, prop_exper_comb,
                         curr_exper_split, prop_exper_split, jump_slope_tune) {
  K <- dim(current_coefs)[2] - 1
  # We need to set new coefficients.
  proposed_coefs <- current_coefs
  proposed_coefs[2, , 1 : 2] <- NA
  # Intercept of first experiment.
  proposed_coefs[2, 1, 1] <- current_coefs[2, 1, 1]
  # Intercept and slope of unchanged experiments, intercept of next.
  if (length(prop_exper_same) > 0) {  # For K greater or equal to 3.
    for (ee in 1 : length(prop_exper_same)) {
      set_exper <- prop_exper_same[ee]
      proposed_coefs[2, set_exper, ] <- current_coefs[2, curr_exper_same[ee], ]
      if (set_exper <= K) {
        next_int <- proposed_coefs[2, set_exper, 1]
        interval <- prop_cuts[set_exper + 1] - prop_cuts[set_exper]
        next_int <- next_int + proposed_coefs[2, set_exper, 2] * interval
        proposed_coefs[2, set_exper + 1, 1] <- next_int
  # Intercept of combined experiment.
  set_exper <- prop_exper_comb
  proposed_coefs[2, set_exper, 1] <- current_coefs[2, curr_exper_comb[1], 1]
  # Intercept of next to combined.
  if (curr_exper_comb[2] < K + 1) {
    next_int <- current_coefs[2, curr_exper_comb[2] + 1, 1]
    proposed_coefs[2, set_exper + 1, 1] <- next_int
  } else {
    next_int <- proposed_coefs[2, set_exper, 1]
    interval <- cuts[curr_exper_comb[1] + 1] - cuts[curr_exper_comb[1]]
    next_int <- next_int + current_coefs[2, curr_exper_comb[1], 2] * interval
    interval <- cuts[curr_exper_comb[2] + 1] - cuts[curr_exper_comb[2]]
    next_int <- next_int + current_coefs[2, curr_exper_comb[2], 2] * interval
  # Slope of the combined experiment.
  interval <- prop_cuts[set_exper + 1] - prop_cuts[set_exper]
  slope_set <- (next_int - proposed_coefs[2, set_exper, 1]) / interval
  proposed_coefs[2, set_exper, 2] <- slope_set
  # Slope of the first experiment that was split.
  u <- rnorm(1, mean = 0, sd = jump_slope_tune)
  slope_split <- current_coefs[2, curr_exper_split, 2] + u
  proposed_coefs[2, prop_exper_split[1], 2] <- slope_split
  # Intercept of the second experiment that was split.
  set_exper <- prop_exper_split[2]
  interval <- prop_cuts[set_exper] - prop_cuts[set_exper - 1]
  next_int <- proposed_coefs[2, set_exper - 1, 1]
  next_int <- next_int + proposed_coefs[2, set_exper - 1, 2] * interval
  proposed_coefs[2, set_exper, 1] <- next_int
  # Setting the slope of the second experiment that was split.
  next_int <- current_coefs[2, curr_exper_split, 1]
  interval <- cuts[curr_exper_split + 1] - cuts[curr_exper_split]
  next_int <- next_int + current_coefs[2, curr_exper_split, 2] * interval
  interval <- prop_cuts[set_exper + 1] - prop_cuts[set_exper]
  slope_split <- (next_int - proposed_coefs[2, set_exper, 1]) / interval
  proposed_coefs[2, set_exper, 2] <- slope_split
  # Lastly, what would the u be for the reversed move.
  # This will be used in the calculation of the proposal ratio.
  u_rev <- current_coefs[2, curr_exper_comb[1], 2]
  u_rev <- u_rev - proposed_coefs[2, prop_exper_comb, 2]
  return(list(proposed_coefs = proposed_coefs, u = u, u_rev = u_rev))
gpapadog/LERCA documentation built on June 4, 2019, 11:40 a.m.