billion_group_mean: Calculate average per Billion group

View source: R/calculate_uhc_billion.R

billion_group_meanR Documentation

Calculate average per Billion group


Calculates average per Billion group, taking into account number of indicators available for use in the calculation. It returns NA (and thus NA when calculated as ASC) if any indicator is missing. The only exception is if insecticide treated nets is missing.


billion_group_mean(ind, transform_value, ind_ids)



Vector of inds


Vector of transformed values


Named vector of indicator codes for input indicators to the Billion. Although separate indicator codes can be used than the standard, they must be supplied as a named vector where the names correspond to the output of billion_ind_codes().

gpw13/billionaiRe documentation built on Feb. 28, 2025, 2:37 a.m.