sdg_art: Accelerate art to SDG target

View source: R/sdg_uhc.R

sdg_artR Documentation

Accelerate art to SDG target


Put art on SDG target trajectory by aiming at 100 by 2030 if there are 2 values or more reported. Otherwise, business as usual.


sdg_art(df, end_year = 2030, ...)



Data frame in long format, where 1 row corresponds to a specific country, year, and indicator.


End year(s) for contribution calculation, defaults to 2019 to 2025.


additional parameters to be passed to scenario function

See Also

UHC SDG scenarios sdg_anc4(), sdg_beds(), sdg_bp(), sdg_doctors(), sdg_dtp3(), sdg_fh(), sdg_fpg(), sdg_fp(), sdg_hwf(), sdg_itn(), sdg_nurses(), sdg_pneumo(), sdg_tb(), sdg_uhc_sanitation(), sdg_uhc_tobacco()

gpw13/billionaiRe documentation built on Feb. 28, 2025, 2:37 a.m.