sdg_child_obese: Accelerate child_obese to SDG target

View source: R/sdg_hpop.R

sdg_child_obeseR Documentation

Accelerate child_obese to SDG target


Put child_obese on SDG trajectory by halting upwards trend in the data to the 2010 value.


sdg_child_obese(df, ...)



Data frame in long format, where 1 row corresponds to a specific country, year, and indicator.


additional parameters to be passed to scenario function

See Also

HPOP SDG scenarios sdg_adult_obese(), sdg_alcohol(), sdg_child_viol(), sdg_devontrack(), sdg_fuel(), sdg_hpop_sanitation_rural(), sdg_hpop_sanitation_urban(), sdg_hpop_sanitation(), sdg_hpop_tobacco(), sdg_ipv(), sdg_overweight(), sdg_pm25(), sdg_road(), sdg_stunting(), sdg_suicide(), sdg_transfats(), sdg_wasting(), sdg_water_rural(), sdg_water_urban(), sdg_water()

gpw13/billionaiRe documentation built on Feb. 28, 2025, 2:37 a.m.