sdg_ipv: Accelerate ipv to SDG target

View source: R/sdg_hpop.R

sdg_ipvR Documentation

Accelerate ipv to SDG target


Put hpop_tobacco on SDG trajectory by targeting 0 by 2030.


sdg_ipv(df, scenario_col = "scenario", ...)



Data frame in long format, where 1 row corresponds to a specific country, year, and indicator.


Column name of column with scenario identifiers. Useful for calculating contributions on data in long format rather than wide format.


additional parameters to be passed to scenario function

See Also

HPOP SDG scenarios sdg_adult_obese(), sdg_alcohol(), sdg_child_obese(), sdg_child_viol(), sdg_devontrack(), sdg_fuel(), sdg_hpop_sanitation_rural(), sdg_hpop_sanitation_urban(), sdg_hpop_sanitation(), sdg_hpop_tobacco(), sdg_overweight(), sdg_pm25(), sdg_road(), sdg_stunting(), sdg_suicide(), sdg_transfats(), sdg_wasting(), sdg_water_rural(), sdg_water_urban(), sdg_water()

gpw13/billionaiRe documentation built on Sept. 27, 2024, 10:05 p.m.