Man pages for graeberlab-ucla/glab.library
Data Analysis Functions

calculate_signature_scorescalculate signature scores
gsea_squared#GSEA-squared (last mod. 07/2019 ksheu)
intersect_allIntersects all lists
intersect_doPCA_from_file_and_project_second_datasetPCA from file and project second dataset
ladder.plotladder plot with ks p-value
PCA_from_filePCA from file
plot_cca_loadingsTitle: Plot regularized canonical correlation analysis...
plot_pcaPlot PCA
plot_pca_gradient_fillPlot PCA Gradient Fill
plot_pca_gradient_fill_missingGrey90Plot PCA Gradient Fill
plot_pca_gradient_fill_repelPlot PCA Gradient Fill
plot_pca_paint_crisprPlot PCA Paint Crispr
plot_pca_paint_crispr_repelPlot PCA Paint Crispr
plot_pca_paint_genePlot PCA Paint Gene
plot_pca_paint_gene_on_crisprPlot PCA Paint Gene on Crispr
plot_pca_paint_gene_repelPlot PCA Paint Gene
plot_pca_paint_vectorPlot PCA Paint Crispr
plot_pca_projectionPlot PCA projection and data points from original PCA
plot_pca_projection_labeloptionsPlot PCA projection and data points from original PCA
plot_pca_repelPlot PCA
plot_plsPlot PLS
plot_pls_varimaxPlot PLS
plot_varimaxPlot varimax PCA
plot_varimax_gradient_fillPlot varimax PCA
plot_varimax_paint_genePlot varimax PCA Paint Gene
plot_varimax_shapePlot varimax PCA
plot_varimax_shape_sizePlot varimax PCA
PLSR_from_filePartial Least Squares Regression from file Last mod: 3/17/20,...
PLSR_from_file_and_predict_second_datasetPartial Least Squares and predict second dataset
run_ccaRun regularized canonical correlation analysis edited from...
spinning_3d_pca_linkPlot PCA scores in 3d space. Link to locally saved 3d html...
varimax_from_fileVarimax rotation from file Last mod: 4/2018, ksheu
graeberlab-ucla/glab.library documentation built on Oct. 28, 2024, 10:48 a.m.