

test_data <-
    data.frame(dependent = rbinom(n = 100, prob = 0.5, size = 1),
               independent1 = rbinom(n = 100, prob = 0.5, size = 1),
               independent2 = factor(rbinom(n=100, prob = 0.5, size = 2)),
               covar1 = rnorm(n = 100, mean = 50, sd = 10),
               covar2 = factor(rbinom(n=100, prob = 0.5, size = 2)))

test_out <-
                c("independent1", "independent2"),
                c("covar1", "covar2"),

full_model1 <- glm(dependent ~ independent1 + covar1 + covar2,
                   data = test_data,
                   family = "binomial")

full_model2 <- glm(dependent ~ independent2 + covar1 + covar2,
                   data = test_data,
                   family = "binomial")

full_model_0 <- glm(dependent ~ covar1 + covar2,
                    data = test_data,
                    family = "binomial")

test_that("Calculation of unadjusted OR is accurate", {

    simple_model1 <- glm(dependent ~ independent1,
                         data = test_data,
                         family = "binomial")

    expect_equivalent(test_out[1, 3],

    simple_model2 <- glm(dependent ~ independent2,
                         data = test_data,
                         family = "binomial")

    expect_equivalent(test_out[2:3, 3],


test_that("Calculation of adjusted OR is accurate", {

    expect_equivalent(test_out[1, 4], exp(coefficients(full_model1))[2])
    expect_equivalent(test_out[2:3, 4], exp(coefficients(full_model2))[2:3])


test_that("Likelihood ratio upper and lower bounds are accurate", {
    expect_equivalent(test_out[1, 8:9],
                      suppressMessages(exp(confint(full_model1))[2, ]))
    mod_2_LR_confints <-
        as.data.frame(suppressMessages(exp(confint(full_model2))[2:3, ]))
    expect_equivalent(test_out[2:3, 8:9],

test_that("Likelihood ratio P-values are accurate", {
    expect_equivalent(lmtest::lrtest(full_model_0, full_model1)$`Pr(>Chisq)`[2],
                      test_out[1, 10])
    # At some point, need to add testing for multi-level categoricals

test_that("Wald P-values are accurate", {
    expect_equivalent(summary(full_model1)$coefficients[2, 4],
                      test_out[1, 7])
    expect_equivalent(summary(full_model2)$coefficients[2:3, 4],
                      test_out[2:3, 7])

test_that("Errors effect the appropriate row", {
    test_data_2 <- test_data
    test_data_2$independent1 <- NA
    test_out_2 <-
                    c("independent1", "independent2"),
                    c("covar1", "covar2"),
    expect_equivalent(unlist(test_out_2[1, ]),
                      c("independent1", "", rep(NA, 8)))
graggsd/epimodelR documentation built on May 23, 2019, 1:13 p.m.