
Defines functions cleanAndMergeDominicks getDominicksFileName dominicksData

Documented in dominicksData

#' Get data from the Dominicks dataset
#' @description The Dominicks Scanner data, provided by the University of Chicago Booth School of Business,
#' contains around 5 years of product-level
#' data from over 100 stores, collected from 1989-1994. The data consist
#' of a UPC file that contains information on the products, and a
#' movement file that contains the information on prices and sales. For
#' a complete description of the data, see
#' \href{https://www.chicagobooth.edu/research/kilts/research-data/dominicks}{Dominicks data website}
#' and the
#' \href{https://www.chicagobooth.edu/-/media/enterprise/centers/kilts/datasets/dominicks-dataset/dominicks-manual-and-codebook_kiltscenter}{Dominicks data user manual}.
#' This function downloads and merges the movement and UPC files, then merges the
#' result with data detailing the dates of each of the weeks in the movement file.
#' @details
#' The following transformations are performed on the data:
#' \itemize{
#'     \item The quantity variable is set to MOVE, which is the number of individual units sold
#'     \item The price variable is set to PRICE/QTY, which is the unit price. This accounts
#'     for the fact that sometimes products are sold in bundles (e.g., two-for-one promotions).
#'     \item expenditure is given by PRICE*MOVE/QTY.
#'     \item All observations where the variable OK equals 0, or price is less than or equal to 0, are dropped.
#' }
#' If you have already downloaded the movement and UPC csv files for a category from
#' the website, then you can pass the file paths of those files to the function
#' and just have it combine them with the weeks dataset. The default is to download
#' the files for you from the website.
#' The products available are:
#' \itemize{
#'     \item Analgesics
#'     \item Bath Soap
#'     \item Beer
#'     \item Bottled Juices
#'     \item Cereals
#'     \item Cheeses
#'     \item Cigarettes
#'     \item Cookies
#'     \item Crackers
#'     \item Canned Soup
#'     \item Dish Detergent
#'     \item Front-end-candies
#'     \item Frozen Dinners
#'     \item Frozen Entrees
#'     \item Frozen Juices
#'     \item Fabric Softeners
#'     \item Grooming Products
#'     \item Laundry Detergents
#'     \item Oatmeal
#'     \item Paper Towels
#'     \item Refrigerated Juices (not currently available)
#'     \item Soft Drinks
#'     \item Shampoos
#'     \item Snack Crackers
#'     \item Soaps
#'     \item Toothbrushes
#'     \item Canned Tuna
#'     \item Toothpastes
#'     \item Bathroom Tissues
#' }
#' @param x the name of the category to retrieve, see details for list.
#' @param movementcsv the path to the movement csv file for one product category. The default is NULL,
#' which downloads the file from the website.
#' @param UPCcsv the path to the UPC csv file for one product category. The default is NULL,
#' which downloads the file from the website.
#' @export
#' @references James M. Kilts Center, University of Chicago Booth School of Business
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' analgesics <- dominicksData("Analgesics")
#' }
dominicksData <- function(x, movementcsv = NULL, UPCcsv = NULL){

  dlMove <- ifelse(is.null(movementcsv), TRUE, FALSE)
  dlUPC <- ifelse(is.null(UPCcsv), TRUE, FALSE)

  movementBaseURL <- "https://www.chicagobooth.edu/-/media/enterprise/centers/kilts/datasets/dominicks-dataset/movement_csv-files/"
  UPCBaseURL <- "https://www.chicagobooth.edu/-/media/enterprise/centers/kilts/datasets/dominicks-dataset/upc_csv-files/"

  if(!dlMove && !file.exists(movementcsv)){
    stop(paste("movement file", movementcsv, "does not exist."))

  if(!dlUPC && !file.exists(UPCcsv)){
    stop(paste("UPC file", UPCcsv, "does not exist."))

  # get files if needed
    UPCfilename <- getDominicksFileName(x, "upc")
    UPCcsv <- tempfile(fileext = ".csv")
    utils::download.file(url = paste0(UPCBaseURL, UPCfilename), destfile = UPCcsv)

  UPCFile <- utils::read.csv(UPCcsv)
  if(dlUPC) unlink(UPCcsv)

    movementFilename <- getDominicksFileName(x, "movement")
    movementZip <- tempfile(fileext = ".zip")
    utils::download.file(url = paste0(movementBaseURL,
                               ifelse(movementFilename == "wana.csv",
                                      sub(pattern = "\\.csv", replacement = "_csv.zip", movementFilename),
                                      sub(pattern = "\\.csv", replacement = ".zip", movementFilename))),
                  destfile = movementZip)
    movementcsv <- unz(movementZip, filename = movementFilename)

  movementFile <- utils::read.csv(movementcsv)
  if(dlMove) unlink(movementZip)

  # clean files and calculate required columns
  merged <- cleanAndMergeDominicks(movementFile, UPCFile)



#' get the file name for given category and file type
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
getDominicksFileName <- function(category, upcORMovement){

  categories <- c("Analgesics", "Bath Soap", "Beer", "Bottled Juices", "Cereals",
                  "Cheeses", "Cigarettes", "Cookies", "Crackers", "Canned Soup",
                  "Dish Detergent", "Front-end-candies", "Frozen Dinners", "Frozen Entrees",
                  "Frozen Juices", "Fabric Softeners", "Grooming Products", "Laundry Detergents",
                  "Oatmeal", "Paper Towels", "Refrigerated Juices", "Soft Drinks", "Shampoos",
                  "Snack Crackers", "Soaps", "Toothbrushes", "Canned Tuna", "Toothpastes",
                  "Bathroom Tissues")

  xPos <- grep(paste0("^", category, "$"), categories, ignore.case = TRUE)

  if(length(xPos) == 0){
    stop(paste("Category", category, "does not exist in the Dominicks data"))

  UPCfiles <- c("upcana.csv", "upcbat.csv", "upcber.csv", "upcbjc.csv", "upccer.csv",
                "upcche.csv", "upccig.csv", "upccoo.csv", "upccra.csv", "upccso.csv",
                "upcdid.csv", "upcfec.csv", "upcfrd.csv", "upcfre.csv", "upcfrj.csv",
                "upcfsf.csv", "upcgro.csv", "upclnd.csv", "upcoat.csv", "upcptw.csv",
                "Not Available", "upcsdr.csv", "upcsha.csv", "upcsna.csv", "upcsoa.csv",
                "upctbr.csv", "upctna.csv", "upctpa.csv", "upctti.csv")

  movementFiles <- c("wana.csv", "wbat.csv", "wber.csv", "wbjc.csv", "wcer.csv", "wche.csv",
                     "wcig.csv", "wcoo.csv", "wcra.csv", "wcso.csv", "wdid.csv", "wfec.csv",
                     "wfrd.csv", "wfre.csv", "wfrj.csv", "wfsf.csv", "wgro.csv", "wlnd.csv",
                     "woat.csv", "wptw.csv", "Not Available", "wsdr.csv", "wsha.csv",
                     "wsna.csv", "wsoa.csv", "wtbr.csv", "wtna.csv", "wtpa.csv", "wtti.csv")

  if(UPCfiles[xPos] == "Not Available"){
    stop(paste("Category", category, "is a category, but the csv files are not available."))

         "upc" = UPCfiles[xPos],
         "movement" = movementFiles[xPos])


#' clean and merge movement and upc files
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
cleanAndMergeDominicks <- function(movementFile, UPCFile){

  # clean files and calculate required columns
  movementFile <- movementFile[movementFile$OK == 1 & movementFile$PRICE > 0,]

  # MOVE is the number of units sold, QTY is the number of units in a bundle
  # and PRICE is the price of a bundle, so expenditure is given by PRICE * MOVE / QTY
  movementFile$EXPENDITURE <- movementFile$PRICE * movementFile$MOVE / movementFile$QTY

  # we want to use the quantity of individual units sold, which is MOVE, not the number
  # of units in a bundle
  movementFile$QUANTITY <- movementFile$MOVE

  # we need to make the price for a single unit, so that it correctly corresponds to QUANTITY
  # since PRICE is the bundle price, we calculate the unit price as PRICE / QTY
  movementFile$PRICE <- movementFile$PRICE / movementFile$QTY

  # remove the columns we don't need
  keepCols <- !colnames(movementFile) %in% c("MOVE", "QTY", "PRICE_HEX", "PROFIT_HEX", "OK")
  movementFile <- movementFile[,keepCols]

  # lower case names are nicer to work with
  names(movementFile) <- tolower(names(movementFile))
  names(UPCFile) <- tolower(names(UPCFile))

  # merge with weeks and UPC file
  merged <- merge(movementFile, UPCFile, by = "upc")
  merged <- merge(merged, IndexNumR::DominicksWeeks, by = "week")


grahamjwhite/IndexNumR documentation built on Nov. 12, 2023, 6:44 p.m.