
Defines functions intGEKS_w GEKSIndex GEKS_w

Documented in GEKSIndex

# IndexNumR: a package for index number computation
# Copyright (C) 2018 Graham J. White (g.white@unswalumni.com)
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#' GEKS_w
#' Function to compute a GEKS index over a window.
#' The window size is assumed to be the number of periods available in pervar.
#' This is not exposed to the user because GEKSIndex calls this
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
GEKS_w <- function(x, pvar, qvar, pervar, indexMethod="tornqvist", prodID,
                   sample="matched", biasAdjust, weights){

  # get the window length
  window <- max(x[[pervar]]) - min(x[[pervar]]) + 1

  # initialise some matrices
  # matrix of all price indices using each month as the base period
  pindices <- matrix(0, nrow = window, ncol = window)

  # get the vector of period indices that are inside the window
  pi <- unique(x[[pervar]])

  # initialise a vector for storing NA pair information
  naPairs <- character()

  # for every period in the window...
  for(j in 1:window){

    # for every period in the window...
    for(k in 1:window){
      # if j=k then the index is 1
        pindices[j,k] <- 1
      # if we're below the diagonal, then use symmetry to
      # save computation time
      else if(j>k){
        pindices[j,k] <- 1/pindices[k,j]
      else {
        # set the period pi(j) = base period
        xt0 <- x[x[[pervar]] == pi[j],]
        # set the period pi(k) = period '1'
        xt1 <- x[x[[pervar]] == pi[k],]

        # if user asked for matching, get matched samples
          xt1 <- xt1[xt1[[prodID]] %in% unique(xt0[[prodID]]),]
          xt0 <- xt0[xt0[[prodID]] %in% unique(xt1[[prodID]]),]

        # set the price index element to NA if there are no
        # matches
          pindices[j,k] <- NA
          naPairs <- paste0(naPairs, paste0("(",j,",",k,")"), collapse = ",")
          # set the price and quantity vectors
          p0 <- xt0[[pvar]]
          p1 <- xt1[[pvar]]
          q0 <- xt0[[qvar]]
          q1 <- xt1[[qvar]]

          # calculate the price index for 'base' period j and 'next' period k
                 fisher = {pindices[j,k] <- fisher_t(p0, p1, q0, q1)},
                 tornqvist = {pindices[j,k] <- tornqvist_t(p0, p1, q0, q1)},
                 tpd = {pindices[j,k] <- tpd_t(p0, p1, q0, q1, xt0[[prodID]], xt1[[prodID]], biasAdjust, weights)},
                 walsh = {pindices[j,k] <- walsh_t(p0, p1, q0, q1)},
                 jevons = {pindices[j,k] <- jevons_t(p0, p1)})

  # compute the geometric mean of each column of the price indices matrix
  pgeo <- apply(pindices, 2, geomean, na.rm = TRUE)

  # normalise to the first period
  pgeo <- pgeo/pgeo[1]

  return(list(pgeo = pgeo, naPairs = naPairs))

#' Compute a GEKS multilateral index
#' A function to calculate a GEKS multilateral price index
#' @param x A dataframe containing price, quantity, a time period identifier
#' and a product identifier. It must have column names.
#' @param pvar A character string for the name of the price variable
#' @param qvar A character string for the name of the quantity variable
#' @param prodID A character string for the name of the product identifier
#' @param pervar A character string for the name of the time variable. This variable
#' must contain integers starting at period 1 and increasing in increments of 1 period.
#' There may be observations on multiple products for each time period.
#' @param indexMethod A character string to select the index number method. Valid index
#' number methods are fisher, tornqvist, tpd, jevons or walsh. The default is tornqvist.
#' @param sample A character string specifying whether matching is to be performed.
#' The default is to use matching.
#' If sample=matched then any products that are not present in comparison periods
#' are removed prior to estimating the index for those periods.
#' @param window An integer specifying the length of the window.
#' @param splice A character string specifying the splicing method. Valid methods are
#' window, movement, half, mean, fbew or fbmw, wisp, hasp or mean_pub. The default is mean.
#' See details for important considerations when using fbew and fbmw.
#' @param biasAdjust whether to adjust for bias in the coefficients of the bilateral TPD index.
#' The default is FALSE because making this adjustment will break transitivity of the
#' GEKS index.
#' @param weights the type of weighting for the bilateral TPD index. Options are
#' "unweighted" to use ordinary least squares, "shares" to use weighted least squares
#' with expenditure share weights, and "average" to use weighted least squares
#' with the average of the expenditure shares over the two periods. See details for more
#' information
#' @param intGEKS whether to estimate the intersection GEKS method. This method performs
#' additional product matching over the sample = "matched" option. See Lamboray and Krsinich
#' 2015 for more information.
#' @param imputePrices the type of price imputation to use for missing prices.
#' Currently only "carry" is supported to used carry-forward/carry-backward prices.
#' Default is NULL to not impute missing prices.
#' @details The splicing methods are used to update the price index when new data become
#' available without changing prior index values. The window, movement, half and mean splices
#' use the most recent index value as the base period, which is multiplied by a price movement
#' computed using new data. The fbew (Fixed Base Expanding Window) and fbmw (Fixed Base Moving
#' Window) use a fixed base onto which the price movement using new data is applied. The base
#' period is updated periodically. IndexNumR calculates which periods are the base periods using
#' \code{seq(from = 1, to = n, by = window - 1)}, so the data must be set up correctly and the
#' right window length chosen. For example, if you have monthly data and want December
#' of each year to be the base period, then the first period in the data must be December
#' and the window must be set to 13.
#' @examples
#' # compute a GEKS mutlilateral index with mean splicing
#' GEKSIndex(CES_sigma_2, pvar = "prices", qvar = "quantities", pervar = "time",
#' prodID = "prodID", indexMethod = "tornqvist", window=11, splice = "mean")
#' # compute a GEKS multilateral index with window splicing and the Fisher index method
#' GEKSIndex(CES_sigma_2, pvar = "prices", qvar = "quantities", pervar = "time",
#' prodID = "prodID", indexMethod = "fisher", window=11, splice = "mean")
#' @references Ivancic, L., W.E. Diewert and K.J. Fox (2011), "Scanner Data,
#' Time Aggregation and the Construction of Price Indexes", Journal of
#' Econometrics 161, 24-35.
#' Lamboray, C. and F. Krsinich (2015), "A Modification of the GEKS Index When
#' Product Turnover is High", Paper presented at the fourteenth Ottawa Group
#' meeting, 20-22 May 2015, Tokyo, Japan.
#' @export
GEKSIndex <- function(x, pvar, qvar, pervar,indexMethod = "tornqvist", prodID,
                      sample = "matched", window = 13, splice = "mean", biasAdjust = FALSE,
                      weights = "average", intGEKS = FALSE, imputePrices = NULL){

  # check that only valid index methods are chosen
  if(!(tolower(indexMethod) %in% c("fisher","tornqvist", "tpd", "walsh", "jevons"))){
    stop("Not a valid index number method.")

  # check that only valid splice methods are chosen
  if(!(tolower(splice) %in% c("mean", "window", "movement", "half", "fbew", "fbmw", "wisp", "hasp", "mean_pub"))){
    stop("Not a valid splicing method.")

  # check valid column names are given
  colNameCheck <- checkNames(x, c(pvar, qvar, pervar, prodID))
  if(colNameCheck$result == FALSE){

  # check that the time period variable is continuous
  timeCheck <- isContinuous(x[[pervar]])
  if(timeCheck$result == FALSE){
    stop(paste("The time period variable is not continuous.",
               "Missing periods:", timeCheck$missing))

  # check that columns are the right class
  x <- checkTypes(x, pvar, qvar, pervar)

  # check that data are unique by time and product ID
  tpCheck <- checkTimeProdUnique(x, pervar, prodID)
  if(tpCheck$result == FALSE){
    stop("Products must only have one observation for each time period. If you have multiple observations on products for one or more time periods, combine this information using unitValues() or another method before calculating the price index.")

  # get the number of periods
  n <- max(x[[pervar]],na.rm = TRUE)
    stop("The window length exceeds the number of periods in the data")

  # apply price imputation
           "carry" = {x <- imputeCarryPrices(x, pvar, qvar, pervar, prodID)},
           stop("Invalid imputePrices argument"))

  # sort the dataset by time period and product ID
  x <- x[order(x[[pervar]], x[[prodID]]),]

  # initialise some matrices
  # final price index
  pGEKS <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = 1)

  # set the sequence of base periods for fbew and fbmw splices
  bases <- seq(from = 1, to = n, by = window - 1)

  # first estimate a GEKS index for the first (window) observations
  # subset the window of data to use
  xWindow <- x[x[[pervar]] >= 1 & x[[pervar]] <= window,]

  # call GEKS_w on first window
    tempGEK <- intGEKS_w(xWindow, pvar, qvar, pervar, indexMethod, prodID,
                      sample, biasAdjust, weights)
  } else {
    tempGEK <- GEKS_w(xWindow, pvar, qvar, pervar, indexMethod, prodID,
                      sample, biasAdjust, weights)

  pGEKS[1:window,1] <- tempGEK$pgeo

  # initiate a vector of warnings for NAs
  if(length(tempGEK$naPairs) > 0){
    naWarn <- paste0("1 to ",window,": ",tempGEK$naPairs,"\n")
    naWarn <- character()

  # use a splicing method to compute the rest of the index
    for(i in 2:(n-window+1)){

      # find the base period for fbew and fbmw splices
      base <- max(bases[bases <= i + window - 2])

      # set the old GEKS window
        old <- pGEKS[(i-1):(i+window-2),1]
      else {
        old <- new

      # set the base value for fbew
      fbewBase <- pGEKS[base,1]

      # fetch the next window of data
      if(splice == "fbew"){
        xWindow <- x[x[[pervar]] >= base & x[[pervar]] < i + window,]
      else {
        xWindow <- x[x[[pervar]] >= i & x[[pervar]] < i + window,]

      # call GEKS_w on first window
        tempGEK <- intGEKS_w(xWindow, pvar, qvar, pervar, indexMethod, prodID,
                             sample, biasAdjust, weights)
      } else {
        tempGEK <- GEKS_w(xWindow, pvar, qvar, pervar, indexMethod, prodID,
                          sample, biasAdjust, weights)
      new <- tempGEK$pgeo

      if(length(tempGEK$naPairs) > 0){
        naWarn <- paste0(naWarn, i, " to ",i+window-1,": ",
                         tempGEK$naPairs, "\n")

      # splice the new datapoint on
             fbew = {pGEKS[i+window-1,1] <- fbewBase*new[length(new)]},
             fbmw = {pGEKS[i+window-1,1] <- fbewBase*new[length(new)]/new[length(new)-(i+window-1-base)]},
             wisp = {pGEKS[i+window-1,1] <- splice_t(pGEKS[i+window-2,1], pGEKS[(i-1):(i+window-2)], new, method="window")},
             hasp = {pGEKS[i+window-1,1] <- splice_t(pGEKS[i+window-2,1], pGEKS[(i-1):(i+window-2)], new, method="half")},
             mean_pub = {pGEKS[i+window-1,1] <- splice_t(pGEKS[i+window-2,1], pGEKS[(i-1):(i+window-2)], new, method="mean")},
             pGEKS[i+window-1,1] <- splice_t(pGEKS[i+window-2,1], old, new, method=splice))


  # if there were periods where there were no overlapping products then
  # print a warning
  if(length(naWarn) > 0){
    warning(paste0("The following windows contained bilateral comparisons where no overlapping products were found: \n",
                   "Window: Pairs \n",naWarn))


#' intGEKS_w
#' Function to compute the intersection GEKS index over a window.
#' The window size is assumed to be the number of periods available in pervar.
#' This is not exposed to the user because GEKSIndex calls this
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
intGEKS_w <- function(x, pvar, qvar, pervar, indexMethod="tornqvist", prodID,
                      sample="matched", biasAdjust, weights){

  # get the window length
  window <- max(x[[pervar]]) - min(x[[pervar]]) + 1

  # initialise some matrices
  # matrix of all price indices using each month as the base period
  pindices <- matrix(1, nrow = window, ncol = 1)
  pgeks <- matrix(1, nrow = window, ncol = 1)

  # get the vector of period indices that are inside the window
  pi <- unique(x[[pervar]])

  # initialise a vector for storing NA pair information
  naPairs <- character()

  # for every period in the window...
  for(j in 2:window){

    # for every period in the window...
    for(k in 1:window){

      # set the period pi(j-1) = base period
      xt0 <- x[x[[pervar]] == pi[j-1],]
      # set the period pi(j) = comparison period
      xt1 <- x[x[[pervar]] == pi[j],]
      # set the k period sample
      xtk <- x[x[[pervar]] == pi[k],]
      intProds <- unique(xtk[[prodID]])

      # get matched sample across periods j, j-1, k
      xt1 <- xt1[xt1[[prodID]] %in% unique(xt0[[prodID]]),]
      xt0 <- xt0[xt0[[prodID]] %in% unique(xt1[[prodID]]),]
      xt1 <- xt1[xt1[[prodID]] %in% intProds,]
      xt0 <- xt0[xt0[[prodID]] %in% intProds,]
      xtk <- xtk[xtk[[prodID]] %in% unique(xt0[[prodID]]),] # only need to do this against one of xt0 or xt1

      # set the price index element to NA if there are no
      # matches
      if(nrow(xt1) == 0){
        pindices[j,k] <- NA
        naPairs <- paste0(naPairs, paste0("(",j,",",k,")"), collapse = ",")
        # set the price and quantity vectors
        p0 <- xt0[[pvar]]
        p1 <- xt1[[pvar]]
        q0 <- xt0[[qvar]]
        q1 <- xt1[[qvar]]
        pk <- xtk[[pvar]]
        qk <- xtk[[qvar]]

        # calculate the price index for 'base' period j-1 and period k
        pbIndex <- switch(tolower(indexMethod),
                          fisher = {fisher_t(p0, pk, q0, qk)},
                          tornqvist = {tornqvist_t(p0, pk, q0, qk)},
                          tpd = {tpd_t(p0, pk, q0, qk, xt0[[prodID]], xtk[[prodID]], biasAdjust, weights)},
                          walsh = {walsh_t(p0, pk, q0, qk)},
                          jevons = {jevons_t(p0, pk)})

        # calculate the price index for period k and comparison period j
        pcIndex <- switch(tolower(indexMethod),
                          fisher = {fisher_t(pk, p1, qk, q1)},
                          tornqvist = {tornqvist_t(pk, p1, qk, q1)},
                          tpd = {tpd_t(pk, p1, qk, q1, xtk[[prodID]], xt1[[prodID]], biasAdjust, weights)},
                          walsh = {walsh_t(pk, p1, qk, q1)},
                          jevons = {jevons_t(pk, p1)})

        pindices[k, 1] <- (pbIndex*pcIndex)


    pgeks[j, 1] <- prod(pindices)^(1/window)


  # normalise to the first period
  pgeks <- pgeks/pgeks[1,1]

  # chain the period-on-period indexes
  pgeks <- cumprod(pgeks)

  return(list(pgeo = pgeks, naPairs = naPairs))
grahamjwhite/IndexNumR documentation built on Nov. 12, 2023, 6:44 p.m.