#'Nonparametric Position Formulation
#'\code{npf} returns a completed Euclidean Distance Matrix D, with dimension d,
#' from a partial Euclidean Distance Matrix using the methods of Fang & O'Leary (2012)
#'This is an implementation of the Nonconvex Position Formulation (npf)
#' for Euclidean Distance Matrix Completion, as proposed in 'Euclidean
#' Distance Matrix Completion Problems' (Fang & O'Leary, 2012).
#' The method seeks to minimize the following:
#' \deqn{||A \cdot (D - K(XX'))||_{F}^{2}}
#' where the function K() is that described in gram2edm, and the norm is Frobenius. Minimization is over X, the nxp matrix of node locations.
#' The matrix D is a partial-distance matrix, meaning some of its entries are unknown.
#' It must satisfy the following conditions in order to be completed:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{diag(D) = 0}
#' \item{If \eqn{a_{ij}} is known, \eqn{a_{ji} = a_{ij}}}
#' \item{If \eqn{a_{ij}} is unknown, so is \eqn{a_{ji}}}
#' \item{The graph of D must be connected. If D can be decomposed into two (or more) subgraphs,
#' then the completion of D can be decomposed into two (or more) independent completion problems.}
#' }
#'@param D An nxn partial-distance matrix to be completed. D must satisfy a list of conditions (see details), with unkown entries set to NA.
#'@param A a weight matrix, with \eqn{h_{ij} = 0} implying \eqn{a_{ij}} is unknown. Generally, if \eqn{a_{ij}} is known, \eqn{h_{ij} = 1}, although any non-negative weight is allowed.
#'@param d the dimension of the resulting completion
#'@param dmax the maximum dimension to consider during dimension relaxation
#'@param decreaseDim during dimension reduction, the number of dimensions to decrease each step
#'@param stretch should the distance matrix be multiplied by a scalar constant? If no, stretch = NULL, otherwise stretch is a positive scalar
#'@param method The method used for dimension reduction, one of "Linear" or "NLP".
#'@param toler convergence tolerance for the algorithm
#'\item{D}{an nxn matrix of the completed Euclidean distances}
#'\item{optval}{the minimum value achieved of the target function during minimization}
#'D <- matrix(c(0,3,4,3,4,3,
#' 3,0,1,NA,5,NA,
#' 4,1,0,5,NA,5,
#' 3,NA,5,0,1,NA,
#' 4,5,NA,1,0,5,
#' 3,NA,5,NA,5,0),byrow=TRUE, nrow=6)
#'A <- matrix(c(1,1,1,1,1,1,
#' 1,1,1,0,1,0,
#' 1,1,1,1,0,1,
#' 1,0,1,1,1,0,
#' 1,1,0,1,1,1,
#' 1,0,1,0,1,1),byrow=TRUE, nrow=6)
#'edmc(D, method="npf", d=3, dmax=5)
#'@seealso \code{\link{gram2edm}}
#'@import truncnorm
#'@import lbfgs
#'@importFrom nloptr cobyla
npf <- function(D,
stretch = NULL,
method = "Linear",
############ Input Checking #############
#Checks for D
if(nrow(D) != ncol(D)){
stop("D must be a symmetric matrix")
}else if(!is.numeric(D)){
stop("D must be a numeric matrix")
}else if(!is.matrix(D)){
stop("D must be a numeric matrix")
}else if(any(diag(D) != 0)){
stop("D must have a zero diagonal")
}else if(!isSymmetric(unname(D),tol=1e-8)){
stop("D must be a symmetric matrix")
}else if(!any(is.na(D))){
stop("D must be a partial distance matrix. Some distances must be unknown.")
#Check that D is connected
Test <- D
Test[which(is.na(D))] <- 0
TestSums <- rowSums(Test)
if(any(TestSums == 0)){
stop("D must be a connected matrix")
#General Checks for A
stop("A must be a numeric matrix")
}else if(!is.matrix(A)){
stop("A must be a numeric matrix")
}else if(any(A < 0)){
stop("All entries in A must be non-negative")
}else if(any(rowSums(A) == 0)){
stop("A must be a connected matrix")
#General Checks for d
stop("d must be a numeric integer")
}else if(length(d) != 1){
stop("d must be a numeric integer")
}else if(!(d %% 2 == 1 | d %% 2 == 0)){
stop("d must an integer")
#General Checks for dmax
stop("dmax must be a numeric integer")
}else if(length(dmax) != 1){
stop("dmax must be a numeric integer")
}else if(!(dmax %% 2 == 1 | dmax %% 2 == 0)){
stop("dmax must an integer")
#General Checks for Stretch
S <- 1
}else if(length(stretch) == 1){
S <- stretch
}else if(length(stretch) == 2){
S <- runif(stretch[1],stretch[2])
}else if(stretch == "Unif"){
S <- runif(1,1.25,2.5)
stop("Invalid stretch argument")
#General checks for toler
stop("The completion tolerance, toler, must be a numeric object")
}else if(toler <= 0){
stop("The completion tolerance, toler, must be greater than 0")
############## FUNCTION START ###################
Unknown <- which(is.na(D))
D[Unknown] <- 0
D <- D * D
A <- matrix(rep(1,nrow(D)^2),nrow=nrow(D))
A[Unknown] <- 0
#Create Graph Object and shortest path object for use later
GraphA <- graph.adjacency(sqrt(D),mode="undirected",weighted=TRUE)
ShortestPaths <- shortest.paths(GraphA)
#Get pre=EDM F by solving all-pairs shortest path problem for D
FInit <- npfCreateF(D, GraphA, ShortestPaths)
POptim <- npfDimRelax(D, A, FInit,d,dmax,decreaseDim=1, S, toler, Method=method)
if(is.null(POptim)){ #If Dim Relax was unsuccessful, do a local minimization
P <- npfConfigInit(FInit,d)
P <- P*S
PVector <- as.vector(P)
POptim <- lbfgs(npfLocalMin,npfGr,vars= PVector,A=D,H=A,invisible=1)
PSolVect <- as.vector(POptim$par)
PSol <- matrix(PSolVect,nrow=nrow(A), byrow=FALSE)
fPSol <- npffAH(D,A,PSol)
PSolVect <- as.vector(POptim)
PSol <- matrix(PSolVect,nrow=nrow(D), byrow=FALSE)
fPSol <- npffAH(D,A,PSol)
while(fPSol > toler){
fPSolOld <- fPSol
fAHP <- fPSol
FHat <- FInit
S <- 1
}else if(length(stretch) == 1){
S <- stretch
}else if(length(stretch) == 2){
S <- runif(stretch[1],stretch[2])
}else if(stretch == "Unif"){
S <- runif(1,1.25,2.5)
for(i in 1:100){
FHatTemp <- npfCreateFHat(D,GraphA, ShortestPaths)
PTemp <- npfConfigInit(FHatTemp,d)
fAHPTemp <- npffAH(D,A,PTemp)
if(fAHPTemp < fAHP){
P <- PTemp
fAHP <- fAHPTemp
FHat <- FHatTemp
POptim <- npfDimRelax(D, A, FHat,d,dmax,decreaseDim=1,S,toler, Method=method)
if(is.null(POptim)){ #If DimRelax is unsuccessful, do a local minimization
P <- npfConfigInit(FHat,d)
P <- P*S
PVector <- as.vector(P)
POptim <- lbfgs(npfLocalMin,npfGr,vars= PVector,A=D,H=A,invisible=1)
PSolVect <- as.vector(POptim$par)
PSol <- matrix(PSolVect,nrow=nrow(D), byrow=FALSE)
fPSol <- npffAH(D,A,PSol)
if((fPSol-fPSolOld)/fPSolOld < sqrt(toler) | fPSol < toler){
DSol <- sqrt(gram2edm(PSol %*% t(PSol)))
return(list(D=DSol,optval=fPSol, PSol))
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