#' Semidefinite Programming-based Protein Structure Determination
#' \code{sprosr} compute the three dimensional strucutre of a protein
#' molecule using its amino acid sequences using the semidefinite programming-based
#' protein structure determination (SPROS) method of Ramandi (2011)
#' @details
#' The input files requires by sprosr follow the typical CYANA format. Each is a table with the following columns (no headers required).
#' Sequence File (seq) \cr
#' column 1: amino acid residue name \cr
#' column 2: residue number \cr
#' Torsion Angle Restraint File (aco) \cr
#' column 1: residue number (corresponding to seq file) \cr
#' column 2: amino acid residue name \cr
#' column 3: angle identifier, one of PHI or PSI \cr
#' column 4: the lower limit of the angle specified in column 3 \cr
#' column 5: the upper limit of the angle specified in column 3 \cr
#' Distance Restraint File (upl) \cr
#' column 1: residue number of the first atom (corresponding to seq file) \cr
#' column 2: amino acid residue name of the first atom \cr
#' column 3: atom name of the first atom \cr
#' column 4: residue number of the second atom (corresponding to seq file) \cr
#' column 5: amino acid residue name of the second atom \cr
#' column 6: atom name of the second atom \cr
#' column 7: upper distance limit (in Angstroms) \cr
#' @param seq A table containing the amino acid sequence of the protein in CYANA .seq format
#' @param aco A table containing the angle constraint information in CYANA .aco format
#' @param upl A table containing the distance constraint information in CYANA .upl format
#' @param hydrogen_omission Should side-chain hydrogen atoms be omitted? TRUE/FALSE. Default is FALSE
#' @param in_min_res User overwrite of the minimum residue number.
#' @param in_max_res User overwrite of the maximum residue number.
#' @param f Vector of length five detailing the multiplicative factors to be used. See details for more.
# #' @param hbond The file path locating the hydrogen bond restraint file. See details for more information on the format of this file.
# #' @param hbondWrite The file path to which the updated hydrogen bond restraint file is written.
#' @return
#' \item{X}{Matrix containing the three dimensional point configuration of the protein structure.}
#' \item{report}{A list containing the final violations of the protein}
#' @references
#' Ramandi, Babak A., (2011). New Approaches to Protein NMR Automation. PhD Thesis.
#' https://uwspace.uwaterloo.ca/bitstream/handle/10012/6389/Alipanahi_Ramandi_Babak.pdf;sequence=1
#' @export
#' @import sdpt3r
#' @importFrom utils data
sprosr <- function(seq, aco, upl, hydrogen_omission=1, f=c(10,10,10,10,10), in_max_res=NULL, in_min_res=NULL){
################### READ IN DATA FILES #####################
#Read in sequence file
temp.seq <- read.seq(seq)
seq <- temp.seq$seq
num <- temp.seq$num
max_res <- max(num)
min_res <- min(num)
num_upl <- length(upl) #If there is more than one UPL table
#Hydrogen Bonds
# if(is.null(hbondWriteFile)){
# stop("Must provide a file path to write hbond data")
# }
# read.hbond(hbondFile)
# num_upl <- num_opl + 1
# uplFile[[num_upl]] <- hbondWriteFile
raw_up <- matrix(list(), nrow=1, ncol=num_upl)
raw_up_ho <- matrix(list(), nrow=1, ncol=num_upl)
temp_min_res <- Inf
temp_max_res <- -Inf
for(i in 1:num_upl){
raw_up[[1,i]] <- read.dist(upl[[i]], A)
raw_up_ho[[1,i]] <- read.dist(upl[[i]], A, hydrogen_omission)
temp_min_res <- min(temp_min_res, min(raw_up[[i]]$tres, raw_up[[i]]$sres))
temp_max_res <- max(temp_max_res, max(raw_up[[i]]$tres, raw_up[[i]]$sres))
min_res <- max(temp_min_res-1,min_res)
min_res <- in_min_res
max_res <- min(temp_max_res+1,max_res)
max_res <- in_max_res
#Remove informationless parts (w/o constraints)
ind_del_N <- num < min_res
ind_del_C <- num > max_res
ind_del <- ind_del_N | ind_del_C
seq <- seq[-ind_del]
num <- num[-ind_del]
#Read in angle constraints
out <- read.angle(aco, num)
phi_cons <- out$phi
psi_cons <- out$psi
############ GENERATE A RANDOM STRUCTURE #################
out <- ang_sampler(seq, phi_cons, psi_cons)
phi <- out$phi
psi <- out$psi
out <- generate_protein(seq, num, phi, psi, A)
wh_rand_X <- out$X
wh_Comp <- out$Comp
rand_X <- out$new_X
Comp <- out$hComp
out <- generate_protein(seq, num, phi, psi, A)
rand_X <- out$X
Comp <- out$Comp
wh_rand_X <- rand_X
wh_Comp <- Comp
out <- ang_dist_conmaker(phi_cons, psi_cons, wh_Comp)
ang_lo_cons <- out$lo_cons
ang_up_cons <- out$up_cons
############### PERFORM REDUCTION ####################
dont_compute_U <- 1
out <- reducer(rand_X, Comp)
U <- out$U
Comp$cliq.dims <- out$cliq_dims
out <- reducer(wh_rand_X, wh_Comp, dont_compute_U)
wh_U <- out$U
wh_Comp$cliq.dims <- out$cliq_dims
out <- reducer(rand_X, Comp)
U <- out$U
Comp$cliq_dims <- out$cliq_dims
wh_Comp <- Comp
################ GENERATE BOUNDS #####################
sdp_lo_bounds <- c()
start <- 0
wh_up_bounds <- matrix(rep(NaN,50000*4), ncol=4)
for(i in 1:num_upl){
temp_upl <- upper_maker(raw_up[[1,i]], wh_Comp)
wh_up_bounds[(start+1):(start+nrow(temp_upl)),] <- temp_upl
start <- start + nrow(temp_upl)
index_bad <- which(is.nan(wh_up_bounds[,1]))
if(length(index_bad) > 0){
wh_up_bounds <- wh_up_bounds[-index_bad,]
start <- 0
ho_up_bounds <- matrix(rep(NaN,50000*4), ncol=4)
for(i in 1:num_upl){
temp_upl <- upper_maker(raw_up_ho[[1,i]], wh_Comp)
ho_up_bounds[(start+1):(start+nrow(temp_upl)),] <- temp_upl
start <- start + nrow(temp_upl)
index_bad <- which(is.nan(ho_up_bounds[,1]))
if(length(index_bad) > 0){
ho_up_bounds <- ho_up_bounds[-index_bad,]
#Torsion angles
wh_up_bounds <- rbind(wh_up_bounds, ang_up_cons)
wh_sdp_lo_bounds <- ang_lo_cons
#Equality Constraints
wh_eq_cons <- equality_con_former(wh_rand_X, wh_Comp)
eq_cons <- equality_con_former(rand_X, Comp)
#upper bounds
up_bounds <- map_bounds(ho_up_bounds, Comp$atoms_map)
ang_up_bounds <- map_bounds(ang_up_cons, Comp$atoms_map)
up_bounds <- rbind(up_bounds, ang_up_bounds)
#vdw bounds
wh_vdw_bounds <- vdw_bound_maker(wh_Comp)
vdw_bounds <- vdw_bound_maker(Comp)
sdp_lo_bounds <- map_bounds(ang_lo_cons, Comp$atoms_map)
up_bounds[,4] <- wh_up_bounds[,4]
#Equality Constraints
wh_eq_cons <- equality_con_former(rand_X, Comp)
eq_cons <- wh_eq_cons
#upper bounds
up_bounds <- wh_up_bounds
#vdw bounds
wh_vdw_bounds <- vdw_bound_maker(wh_Comp)
vdw_bounds <- wh_vdw_bounds
sdp_lo_bounds <- wh_sdp_lo_bounds
lo_bounds <- rbind(vdw_bounds, sdp_lo_bounds)
wh_lo_bounds <- rbind(wh_vdw_bounds, sdp_lo_bounds)
################### SOLVE THE SDP ########################
rawX <- solve_sdpt3(U, eq_cons, up_bounds, sdp_lo_bounds,matrix(,nrow=0,ncol=0), f)
orig_rawX <- rawX
rawX <- rawX[1:3,]
############### ANALYSIS OF OUTPUT #######################
message("Violation (raw)")
check_eq_cons <- equality_con_former(rand_X, Comp, 2)
report <- protchecker(rawX, Comp, check_eq_cons, lo_bounds, up_bounds, 1)
################# POST PROCESSING ########################
if(hydrogen_omission == 0){
W <- c(2, 1, 1, -1)
}else if(hydrogen_omission == 1){
W <- c(2, 1, 1, -1)
stop("Incorrect hydrogen_omission")
#Phase I
#Refinement by HANSO
out <- hanso_post_processing(rand_X, rawX, Comp, lo_bounds, up_bounds, W, f)
pX <- out$X
message("Violations (GD-I)")
p_report <- protchecker(pX, Comp, check_eq_cons, lo_bounds, up_bounds, 1)
if(sum(p_report$phi[!is.nan(p_report$phi)] > 0) > 0.5*length(p_report$phi)){
pX[1,] <- -pX[1,]
p_report <- protchecker(pX, Comp, check_eq_cons, lo_bounds, up_bounds, 0)
#Correct Chiralities
message("Correcting Chiralities")
pXc <- chirality_correction(pX, Comp, p_report$chiral)
message("Violations (after fixing chiralities)")
p_report <- protchecker(pX, Comp, check_eq_cons, lo_bounds, up_bounds, 1)
out <- hanso_post_processing(rand_X, pXc, Comp, lo_bounds, up_bounds, W, f)
pX <- out$X
message("Violations (GD-II)")
pc_report <- protchecker(pX, Comp, check_eq_cons, lo_bounds, up_bounds, 1)
message("Correcting Chiralities")
pXc <- chirality_correction(pX, Comp, pc_report$chiral)
message("Put Hydrogen atoms back")
pX_wh <- hydrogen_mapper(pXc, wh_rand_X, Comp, wh_Comp, A)
check_eq_cons_wh <- equality_con_former(wh_rand_X, wh_Comp, 2)
message("Violations (after putting hydrogen atoms back")
f_report <- protchecker(pX_wh, wh_Comp, check_eq_cons_wh, wh_lo_bounds, wh_up_bounds,1)
out <- hanso_post_processing(wh_rand_X, pX_wh, wh_Comp, wh_lo_bounds, wh_up_bounds, W, f)
fX <- out$X
wh_info <- out$info
message("Violation (FINAL)")
final_report <- protchecker(fX, wh_Comp, check_eq_cons_wh, wh_lo_bounds, wh_up_bounds,1)
return(list(X=fX, report=final_report))
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