
Defines functions db.gpapply .generate.gpapply.query

Documented in db.gpapply

#   `X$.cols <- list('col1', 'col2')`
#   If the table has too many columns, and the function only wants few of them, we'd better pass
#   columns as few as possible provided by user.

.generate.gpapply.query <- function(output.name, funName, quoted.fields.list.str,
                        relation_name, typeName, clear.existing, distribute.str)
    if (is.null(output.name)) {
        query <- sprintf("WITH gpdbtmpa AS (SELECT (%s(%s)) AS gpdbtmpb FROM (SELECT %s FROM %s) tmptbl) SELECT (gpdbtmpb::%s).* FROM gpdbtmpa;",
                funName, quoted.fields.list.str, quoted.fields.list.str,
                relation_name, typeName)
    else {
        query <- sprintf("CREATE TABLE %s AS WITH gpdbtmpa AS (SELECT (%s(%s)) AS gpdbtmpb FROM (SELECT %s FROM %s) tmptbl) SELECT (gpdbtmpb::%s).* FROM gpdbtmpa %s;",
                output.name, funName, quoted.fields.list.str,
                quoted.fields.list.str, relation_name,
                typeName, distribute.str)

        clearStmt <- .clear.existing.table(output.name, clear.existing)
        if (nchar(clearStmt) > 0)
            query <- paste(clearStmt, query, sep='\n');
    return (query)

# these SQLs may be executed.
# 1. CREATE TYPE gptype_xxx
# 2. CREATE FUNCTION gprfunc_xxx
# 3. Execute the r-wrapper-function
# 4. DROP TYPE gptype_xxx CASCADE
db.gpapply <- function(X, MARGIN = NULL, FUN = NULL, output.name = NULL,
                        output.signature = NULL, clear.existing = FALSE,
                        case.sensitive = FALSE, output.distributeOn = NULL,
                        debugger.mode = FALSE, runtime.id = "plc_r_shared",
                        language = "plcontainer", input.signature = NULL, ...)
    if (is.null(X) || !is.db.data.frame(X))
        stop("X must be a db.data.frame")
    if (!is.function(FUN))
        stop("FUN must be a function")

    basename <- getRandomNameList()

    #create returned type if output.signature is not null
    typeName <- .to.type.name(basename)
    if (is.null(output.signature))
        # TODO: signaturee is null
        stop("NULL signature, not impl")
    else {
        # signature is not null, create a type
        create_type_sql <- .create.type.sql(typeName, output.signature, case.sensitive = case.sensitive)
        db.q(create_type_sql, verbose = debugger.mode)

    if (length(list(...)) == 0) {
        args.str <- ''
    } else {
        str <- deparse(substitute(list(...)))
        args.str <- paste0(', ', substr(str, 6, nchar(str) - 1))

        # generate function parameter str
        ar <- attributes(X)
        relation_name <- ar$.content
        # "col1 type1, col2 type2"
        # param_list_str_with_type <- paste(ar$.col.name, ar$.col.udt_name, collapse=", ")
        #CASE_SENSITIVE: relation_name, param_list_str
        if (isTRUE(case.sensitive)) {
            if (!is.null(output.name))
                output.name <-  paste('"', unlist(strsplit(output.name, '\\.')),'"', sep='', collapse='.')
        } else {
            # if not case sensitive, all default names created by postgresql are lower case
            if (!is.null(output.name))
                output.name <- tolower(output.name)
        quoted.fields.list <- .quoted.fields.list(ar$.col.name)
		localArgsStr <- NULL
        if (!is.null(input.signature)) {
            localArgsStr <- .create.inputArgs(input.signature)

        # Create function
        createStmt <- .create.r.wrapper2(basename=basename, FUN=FUN,
                                selected.type.list = .selected.type.list(ar),
                                selected.equal.list = .selected.equal.list(ar$.col.name),
                                user.args.str = args.str, input.args.str = localArgsStr, runtime.id=runtime.id,
        db.q(createStmt, verbose = debugger.mode)

        # Run the generated query inside GPDB
        distribute.str <- .distribute.str(output.distributeOn,
                                    case.sensitive = case.sensitive)
        query <- .generate.gpapply.query(output.name,
                            funName = .to.func.name(basename),
                            quoted.fields.list.str = quoted.fields.list,
                            relation_name = relation_name,
                            typeName = typeName,
                            clear.existing = clear.existing,
                            distribute.str = distribute.str)
        results <- db.q(query, nrows = NULL, verbose = debugger.mode)

    #END OF tryCatch
    }, finally = {
        #drop type
        cleanString <- sprintf("DROP TYPE %s CASCADE;", typeName)
        db.q(cleanString, verbose = debugger.mode)

    return (results)
greenplum-db/GreenplumR documentation built on Sept. 2, 2023, 8:09 a.m.