# calculating values outside inference
#' @name calculate
#' @title calculate greta arrays given fixed values
#' @description Calculate the values that greta arrays would take, given
#' temporary, or simulated values for the greta arrays on which they depend.
#' This can be used to check the behaviour of your model, make predictions to
#' new data after model fitting, or simulate datasets from either the prior or
#' posterior of your model.
#' @param ... one or more greta_arrays for which to calculate the value
#' @param values a named list giving temporary values of the greta arrays with
#' which `target` is connected, or a `greta_mcmc_list` object
#' returned by [mcmc()].
#' @param nsim an optional positive integer scalar for the number of responses
#' to simulate if stochastic greta arrays are present in the model - see
#' Details.
#' @param seed an optional seed to be used in set.seed immediately before the
#' simulation so as to generate a reproducible sample
#' @param precision the floating point precision to use when calculating values.
#' @param trace_batch_size the number of posterior samples to process at a time
#' when `target` is a `greta_mcmc_list` object; reduce this to
#' reduce memory demands
#' @param compute_options Default is to use CPU only with `cpu_only()`. Use
#' `gpu_only()` to use only GPU. In the future we will add more options for
#' specifying CPU and GPU use. If setting GPU with `gpu_only()` then we
#' cannot always guarantee that the random number seed will be respected. This
#' is due to the way tensorflow interfaces with the GPU. If you must have
#' reproducibility of all simulations we recommend using `cpu_only()`, which
#' is the default. You can turn off the message about setting seed with GPU
#' usage using `options(greta_gpu_message = FALSE)`
#' @return Values of the target greta array(s), given values of the greta arrays
#' on which they depend (either specified in `values` or sampled from
#' their priors). If `values` is a
#' [`greta_mcmc_list()`][greta::mcmc] and `nsim = NULL`, this will
#' be a `greta_mcmc_list` object of posterior samples for the target
#' greta arrays. Otherwise, the result will be a named list of numeric R
#' arrays. If `nsim = NULL` the dimensions of returned numeric R arrays
#' will be the same as the corresponding greta arrays, otherwise an additional
#' dimension with `nsim` elements will be prepended, to represent
#' multiple simulations.
#' @details The greta arrays named in `values` need not be variables, they
#' can also be other operations or even data.
#' At present, if `values` is a named list it must contain values for
#' *all* of the variable greta arrays with which `target` is
#' connected, even values are given for intermediate operations, or the target
#' doesn't depend on the variable. That may be relaxed in a future release.
#' If the model contains stochastic greta arrays; those with a distribution,
#' calculate can be used to sample from these distributions (and all greta
#' arrays that depend on them) by setting the `nsim` argument to a
#' positive integer for the required number of samples. If `values` is
#' specified (either as a list of fixed values or as draws), those values will
#' be used, and remaining variables will be sampled conditional on them.
#' Observed data with distributions (i.e. response variables defined with
#' `distribution()` can also be sampled, provided they are defined as
#' greta arrays. This behaviour can be used for a number of tasks, like
#' simulating datasets for known parameter sets, simulating parameters and
#' data from a set of priors, or simulating datasets from a model posterior.
#' See some examples of these below.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # define a variable greta array, and another that is calculated from it
#' # then calculate what value y would take for different values of x
#' x <- normal(0, 1, dim = 3)
#' a <- lognormal(0, 1)
#' y <- sum(x^2) + a
#' calculate(y, values = list(x = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3), a = 2))
#' # by setting nsim, you can also sample values from their priors
#' calculate(y, nsim = 3)
#' # you can combine sampling and fixed values
#' calculate(y, values = list(a = 2), nsim = 3)
#' # if the greta array only depends on data,
#' # you can pass an empty list to values (this is the default)
#' x <- ones(3, 3)
#' y <- sum(x)
#' calculate(y)
#' # define a model
#' alpha <- normal(0, 1)
#' beta <- normal(0, 1)
#' sigma <- lognormal(1, 0.1)
#' y <- as_data(iris$Petal.Width)
#' mu <- alpha + iris$Petal.Length * beta
#' distribution(y) <- normal(mu, sigma)
#' m <- model(alpha, beta, sigma)
#' # sample values of the parameters, or different observation data (y), from
#' # the priors (useful for prior # predictive checking) - see also
#' # ?simulate.greta_model
#' calculate(alpha, beta, sigma, nsim = 100)
#' calculate(y, nsim = 100)
#' # calculate intermediate greta arrays, given some parameter values (useful
#' # for debugging models)
#' calculate(mu[1:5], values = list(alpha = 1, beta = 2, sigma = 0.5))
#' calculate(mu[1:5], values = list(alpha = -1, beta = 0.2, sigma = 0.5))
#' # simulate datasets given fixed parameter values
#' calculate(y, values = list(alpha = -1, beta = 0.2, sigma = 0.5), nsim = 10)
#' # you can use calculate in conjunction with posterior samples from MCMC, e.g.
#' # sampling different observation datasets, given a random set of these
#' # posterior samples - useful for posterior predictive model checks
#' draws <- mcmc(m, n_samples = 500)
#' calculate(y, values = draws, nsim = 100)
#' # you can use calculate on greta arrays created even after the inference on
#' # the model - e.g. to plot response curves
#' petal_length_plot <- seq(min(iris$Petal.Length),
#' max(iris$Petal.Length),
#' length.out = 100
#' )
#' mu_plot <- alpha + petal_length_plot * beta
#' mu_plot_draws <- calculate(mu_plot, values = draws)
#' mu_est <- colMeans(mu_plot_draws[[1]])
#' plot(mu_est ~ petal_length_plot,
#' type = "n",
#' ylim = range(mu_plot_draws[[1]])
#' )
#' apply(mu_plot_draws[[1]], 1, lines,
#' x = petal_length_plot, col = grey(0.8)
#' )
#' lines(mu_est ~ petal_length_plot, lwd = 2)
#' # trace_batch_size can be changed to trade off speed against memory usage
#' # when calculating. These all produce the same result, but have increasing
#' # memory requirements:
#' mu_plot_draws_1 <- calculate(mu_plot,
#' values = draws,
#' trace_batch_size = 1
#' )
#' mu_plot_draws_10 <- calculate(mu_plot,
#' values = draws,
#' trace_batch_size = 10
#' )
#' mu_plot_draws_inf <- calculate(mu_plot,
#' values = draws,
#' trace_batch_size = Inf
#' )
#' }
calculate <- function(
values = list(),
nsim = NULL,
seed = NULL,
precision = c("double", "single"),
trace_batch_size = 100,
compute_options = cpu_only()
) {
# set device to be CPU/GPU for the entire run
with(tf$device(compute_options), {
# message users about random seeds and GPU usage if they are using GPU
# turn the provided greta arrays into a list
target <- list(...)
# try to find the names
# REFACTOR as: target <- find_and_name_arrays(target)
names <- names(target)
# see if any names are missing and try to fill them in
if (is.null(names)) {
names_missing <- rep(TRUE, length(target))
} else {
names_missing <- names == ""
if (any(names_missing)) {
scraped_names <- substitute(list(...))[-1]
missing_names <- vapply(scraped_names[names_missing], deparse, "")
names[names_missing] <- missing_names
names(target) <- names
# catch empty lists here, since check_greta_arrays assumes data greta arrays
# have been stripped out
# check the inputs
"Perhaps you forgot to explicitly name other arguments?"
# checks and RNG seed setting if we're sampling
# REFACTOR: check_rng_seed(nim, seed, compute_option)
if (!is.null(nsim)) {
# check nsim is valid
nsim <- check_positive_integer(nsim, "nsim")
# if an RNG seed was provided use it and reset the RNG on exiting
if (!is.null(seed)) {
no_global_random_seed <- !exists(
x = ".Random.seed",
envir = .GlobalEnv,
inherits = FALSE
if (no_global_random_seed) {
r_seed <- get(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv)
on.exit(assign(".Random.seed", r_seed, envir = .GlobalEnv))
seed = seed,
disable_gpu = is_using_cpu(compute_options)
if (is.null(seed)){
seed = get_seed(),
disable_gpu = is_using_cpu(compute_options)
# set precision
tf_float <- switch(
double = "float64",
single = "float32"
if (is.greta_mcmc_list(values)) {
result <- calculate_greta_mcmc_list(
target = target,
values = values,
nsim = nsim,
tf_float = tf_float,
trace_batch_size = trace_batch_size
} else {
result <- calculate_list(
target = target,
values = values,
nsim = nsim,
tf_float = tf_float,
env = parent.frame()
if (!is.greta_mcmc_list(result)) {
# if it's not mcmc samples, make sure the results are in the right order
# (tensorflow order seems to be platform specific?!?)
order <- match(names(result), names(target))
result <- result[order]
# if the result wasn't mcmc samples or simulations, drop the batch dimension
if (is.null(nsim)) {
result <- lapply(result, drop_first_dim)
# close tf$device call to use CPU or GPU
#' @importFrom coda thin
#' @importFrom stats start end
calculate_greta_mcmc_list <- function(target,
trace_batch_size) {
# assign the free state
stochastic <- !is.null(nsim)
# check trace_batch_size is valid
trace_batch_size <- check_trace_batch_size(trace_batch_size)
# get the free state draws and old dag from the samples
model_info <- get_model_info(values)
mcmc_dag <- model_info$model$dag
# this is the free state MCMC object
draws <- model_info$raw_draws
# build a new dag from the targets
dag <- dag_class$new(target, tf_float = tf_float)
dag$mode <- ifelse(stochastic, "hybrid", "all_forward")
# rearrange the nodes in the dag so that any mcmc dag variables are first and
# in the right order (otherwise the free state will be incorrectly defined)
in_draws <- names(dag$node_list) %in% names(mcmc_dag$node_list)
order <- order(match(
dag$node_list <- c(dag$node_list[in_draws][order], dag$node_list[!in_draws])
# find variable nodes in the new dag without a free state in the old one.
mcmc_dag_variables <- mcmc_dag$node_list[mcmc_dag$node_types == "variable"]
dag_variables <- dag$node_list[dag$node_types == "variable"]
stateless_names <- setdiff(names(dag_variables), names(mcmc_dag_variables))
dag$variables_without_free_state <- dag_variables[stateless_names]
# check there's some commonality between the two dags
check_commanality_btn_dags(dag, mcmc_dag)
# if they didn't specify nsim, check we can deterministically compute the
# targets from the draws
if (!stochastic) {
# see if the new dag introduces any new variables
check_dag_introduces_new_variables(dag, mcmc_dag)
# see if any of the targets are stochastic and not sampled in the mcmc
check_targets_stochastic_and_not_sampled(target, mcmc_dag_variables)
dag$target_nodes <- lapply(target, get_node)
names(dag$target_nodes) <- names(target)
# if we're doing stochastic sampling, subsample the draws
if (stochastic) {
# TF1/2 check todo
# might rename draws to indicate that it is a matrix, for readability
draws <- as.matrix(draws)
n_samples <- nrow(draws)
# if needed, sample with replacement and warn
replace <- FALSE
if (nsim > n_samples) {
replace <- TRUE
"{.arg nsim} was greater than the number of posterior samples in \\
values, so posterior samples had to be drawn with replacement"
rows <- sample.int(n_samples, nsim, replace = replace)
draws <- draws[rows, , drop = FALSE]
# add the batch size to the data list
# assign
# pass these values in as the free state
trace <- dag$trace_values(draws,
trace_batch_size = trace_batch_size,
flatten = FALSE
# hopefully values is already a list of the correct dimensions...
} else {
# for deterministic posterior prediction, just trace the target for each
# chain
values <- lapply(draws,
#double check the trace value part - can pronbanly just do that here
trace_batch_size = trace_batch_size
# convert to a greta_mcmc_list object, retaining windowing info
trace <- lapply(
start = stats::start(draws),
end = stats::end(draws),
thin = coda::thin(draws)
trace <- coda::mcmc.list(trace)
trace <- as_greta_mcmc_list(trace, model_info)
calculate_list <- function(target, values, nsim, tf_float, env) {
fixed_greta_arrays <- list()
values_exist <- !identical(values, list())
if (values_exist) {
# check the list of values makes sense, and return these and the
# corresponding greta arrays (looked up by name in environment env)
values_list <- check_values_list(values, env)
fixed_greta_arrays <- values_list$fixed_greta_arrays
values <- values_list$values
all_greta_arrays <- c(fixed_greta_arrays, target)
dag <- dag_class$new(all_greta_arrays, tf_float = tf_float)
stochastic <- !is.null(nsim)
if (stochastic) {
check_if_unsampleable_and_unfixed(fixed_greta_arrays, dag)
} else {
# check there are no unspecified variables on which the target depends
lapply(target, check_dependencies_satisfied, fixed_greta_arrays, dag, env)
# TF1/2 check todo
# need to wrap this in tf_function I think?
if (Sys.getenv("GRETA_DEBUG") == "true") {
values <- calculate_target_tensor_list(
dag = dag,
fixed_greta_arrays = fixed_greta_arrays,
values = values,
stochastic = stochastic,
target = target,
nsim = nsim
# TF1/2 check
# could potentially not run this list in the correct way, in that
# it might result in running it twice with different seeds, rather than
# simultaneously
# assign("calculate_target_tensor_list", target_tensor_list, envir = tfe)
# # add values or data not specified by the user
# data_list <- dag$get_tf_data_list()
# missing <- !names(data_list) %in% names(values)
# # send list to tf environment and roll into a dict
calculate_target_tensor_list <- function(
) {
# define the dag and TF graph
# change dag mode to sampling
dag$mode <- "all_sampling"
# convert to nodes, and add tensor names to values
fixed_nodes <- lapply(fixed_greta_arrays, get_node)
value_names <- vapply(fixed_nodes, dag$tf_name, FUN.VALUE = character(1))
tfe <- dag$tf_environment
# add the batch size to the data list and the greta stash (for sub-dags)
batch_size <- ifelse(stochastic, as.integer(nsim), 1L)
assign("batch_size", batch_size, envir = tfe)
assign("batch_size", batch_size, envir = greta_stash)
values <- lapply(values, add_first_dim)
values <- lapply(values, tile_first_dim, batch_size)
FUN = assign,
MoreArgs = list(
envir = tfe
# look up the tf names of the target greta arrays (under sampling)
# create an object in the environment that's a list of these, and sample that
target_nodes <- lapply(target, get_node)
target_names_list <- lapply(target_nodes, dag$tf_name)
# this is taking advantage of non-eager mode
# TF1/2 check
# might need to use some of the tensorflow creation function
# approaches (in as_tf_function + generate_log_prob_function)
dag$define_tf(target_nodes = target_nodes)
# look up the tf names of the target greta arrays (under sampling)
# create an object in the environment that's a list of these, and sample that
target_nodes <- lapply(target, get_node)
target_names_list <- lapply(target_nodes, dag$tf_name)
target_tensor_list <- lapply(target_names_list, get, envir = tfe)
target_tensor_list_array <- lapply(target_tensor_list, as.array)
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