data_node <- R6Class(
inherit = node,
public = list(
initialize = function(data) {
# coerce to an array with 2+ dimensions
data <- as_2d_array(data)
# update and store array and store dimension
super$initialize(dim = dim(data), value = data)
tf = function(dag) {
tfe <- dag$tf_environment
tf_name <- dag$tf_name(self)
unbatched_name <- glue::glue("{tf_name}_unbatched")
mode <- dag$how_to_define(self)
# if we're in sampling mode, get the distribution constructor and sample
if (mode == "sampling") {
batched_tensor <- dag$draw_sample(self$distribution)
# if we're defining the forward mode graph, create either a constant or a
# placeholder
if (mode == "forward") {
value <- self$value()
ndim <- n_dim(value)
shape <- to_shape(c(1, dim(value)))
value <- add_first_dim(value)
# under some circumstances we define data as constants, but normally as
# placeholders
using_constants <- !is.null(greta_stash$data_as_constants)
if (using_constants) {
unbatched_tensor <- tf$constant(
value = value,
dtype = tf_float(),
shape = shape
} else {
# TF1/2 check
# We can pass tensors directly into ops and layers
# tf.function arguments do the job of placeholders
# or we can use tf$keras$Input ?
# unbatched_tensor <- tf$keras$Input(
# for data - find yourself so it can be substituted in
# we need to fetch the data from the DAG
# what is the TF2 method for casting data into a tensor
# we can probably just use `as_tensor`
unbatched_tensor <- tensorflow::as_tensor(
x = value,
shape = shape,
dtype = tf_float()
# TF1/2 check
# note - we might not need this anymore as it was to do with
# stashing things for use in the feed_dict later
dag$set_tf_data_list(unbatched_name, value)
# expand up to batch size - so we can run multiple chains
tiling <- c(tfe$batch_size, rep(1L, ndim))
batched_tensor <- tf$tile(unbatched_tensor, tiling)
# put unbatched tensor in environment so it can be set
assign(unbatched_name, unbatched_tensor, envir = tfe)
assign(tf_name, batched_tensor, envir = tfe)
# a node for applying operations to values
operation_node <- R6Class(
inherit = node,
public = list(
operation_name = NA,
operation = NA,
operation_args = NA,
arguments = list(),
tf_function_env = NA,
initialize = function(operation,
dim = NULL,
operation_args = list(),
tf_operation = NULL,
value = NULL,
representations = list(),
tf_function_env = parent.frame(3),
expand_scalars = FALSE) {
# coerce all arguments to nodes, and remember the operation
dots <- lapply(list(...), as.greta_array)
# work out the dimensions of the new greta array, if NULL assume an
# elementwise operation and get the largest number of each dimension,
# otherwise expect a function to be passed which will calculate it from
# the provided list of nodes arguments
if (is.null(dim)) {
dim_list <- lapply(dots, dim)
dim_lengths <- lengths(dim_list)
dim_list <- lapply(dim_list, pad_vector, to_length = max(dim_lengths))
dim <-, dim_list)
# expand scalar arguments to match dim if needed
if (!identical(dim, c(1L, 1L)) & expand_scalars) {
dots <- lapply(dots, `dim<-`, dim)
for (greta_array in dots) {
self$operation_name <- operation
self$operation <- tf_operation
self$operation_args <- operation_args
self$representations <- representations
self$tf_function_env <- tf_function_env
# assign empty value of the right dimension, or the values passed via the
# operation
check_values_dim(value, dim)
value <- value %||% unknowns(dim = dim)
super$initialize(dim, value)
add_argument = function(argument) {
# guess at a name, coerce to a node, and add as a parent
parameter <- to_node(argument)
tf = function(dag) {
# where to put it
tfe <- dag$tf_environment
# what to call the tensor object
tf_name <- dag$tf_name(self)
# cholesky
# maybe put this warning inside the calculate part
# !! check whether the change to define tf will break
mode <- dag$how_to_define(self)
# if sampling get the distribution constructor and sample this
if (mode == "sampling") {
tensor <- dag$draw_sample(self$distribution)
if (mode == "forward") {
# fetch the tensors from the environment
arg_tf_names <- lapply(self$list_parents(dag), dag$tf_name)
tf_args <- lapply(arg_tf_names, get, envir = tfe)
# fetch additional (non-tensor) arguments, if any
multiple_operation_args <- length(self$operation_args) > 0
if (multiple_operation_args) {
tf_args <- c(tf_args, self$operation_args)
# get the tensorflow function and apply it to the args
operation <- eval(parse(text = self$operation),
envir = self$tf_function_env
tensor <-, tf_args)
# assign it in the environment
assign(tf_name, tensor, envir = dag$tf_environment)
variable_node <- R6Class(
inherit = node,
public = list(
constraint = NULL,
constraint_array = NULL,
lower = -Inf,
upper = Inf,
free_value = NULL,
initialize = function(lower = -Inf,
upper = Inf,
dim = NULL,
free_dim = prod(dim)) {
check_if_lower_upper_numeric(lower, upper)
# replace values of lower and upper with finite values for dimension
# checking (this is pain, but necessary because check_dims coerces to
# greta arrays, which must be finite)
lower_for_dim <- lower
lower_for_dim[] <- 0
upper_for_dim <- upper
upper_for_dim[] <- 0
dim <- check_dims(lower_for_dim, upper_for_dim, target_dim = dim)
# vectorise these tests, to get a matrix of constraint types - then test
# at the end whether it's mixed
lower_limit <- lower != -Inf
upper_limit <- upper != Inf
# create a matrix of elemntwise constraints
constraint_array <- array(NA, check_dims(lower_for_dim, upper_for_dim))
constraint_array[!lower_limit & !upper_limit] <- "none"
constraint_array[!lower_limit & upper_limit] <- "low"
constraint_array[lower_limit & !upper_limit] <- "high"
constraint_array[lower_limit & upper_limit] <- "both"
# pass a string depending on whether they are all the same
constraint_arrays_are_same <- all(constraint_array == constraint_array[1])
if (constraint_arrays_are_same) {
self$constraint <- glue::glue("scalar_all_{constraint_array[1]}")
} else {
self$constraint <- "scalar_mixed"
bad_limits <- switch(self$constraint,
scalar_all_low = any(!is.finite(upper)),
scalar_all_high = any(!is.finite(lower)),
scalar_all_both = any(!is.finite(lower)) | any(!is.finite(upper)),
check_if_upper_gt_lower(lower, upper)
# add parameters
self$lower <- array(lower, dim)
self$upper <- array(upper, dim)
self$constraint_array <- constraint_array
self$free_value <- unknowns(dim = free_dim)
# handle two types of value for variables
value = function(new_value = NULL, free = FALSE, ...) {
if (free) {
if (is.null(new_value)) {
} else {
self$free_value <- new_value
} else {
super$value(new_value, ...)
tf = function(dag) {
# get the names of the variable and (already-defined) free state version
tf_name <- dag$tf_name(self)
mode <- dag$how_to_define(self)
if (mode == "sampling") {
distrib_node <- self$distribution
if (is.null(distrib_node)) {
# does it have an anti-representation where it is the cholesky?
# the antirepresentation of cholesky is chol2symm
# if yes, we take antirep and get it to `tf`, then get the tf_name
chol2symm_ga <- self$anti_representations$chol2symm
chol2symm_existing <- !is.null(chol2symm_ga)
if (chol2symm_existing) {
chol2symm_node <- get_node(chol2symm_ga)
chol2symm_name <- dag$tf_name(chol2symm_node)
chol2symm_tensor <- get(chol2symm_name, envir = dag$tf_environment)
tensor <- tf_chol(chol2symm_tensor)
} else {
tensor <- dag$draw_sample(self$distribution)
# if we're defining the forward mode graph, get the free state, transform,
# and compute any transformation density
if (mode == "forward") {
free_name <- glue::glue("{tf_name}_free")
# create the log jacobian adjustment for the free state
tf_adj <- self$tf_adjustment(dag)
adj_name <- glue::glue("{tf_name}_adj")
envir = dag$tf_environment
# map from the free to constrained state in a new tensor
tf_free <- get(free_name, envir = dag$tf_environment)
tensor <- self$tf_from_free(tf_free)
# assign to environment variable
envir = dag$tf_environment
create_tf_bijector = function() {
dim <- self$dim
lower <- flatten_rowwise(self$lower)
upper <- flatten_rowwise(self$upper)
constraints <- flatten_rowwise(self$constraint_array)
scalar_all_none = tf_scalar_bijector(dim),
scalar_all_low = tf_scalar_neg_bijector(dim, upper = upper),
scalar_all_high = tf_scalar_pos_bijector(dim, lower = lower),
scalar_all_both = tf_scalar_neg_pos_bijector(dim,
lower = lower,
upper = upper
scalar_mixed = tf_scalar_mixed_bijector(dim,
lower = lower,
upper = upper,
constraints = constraints
correlation_matrix = tf_correlation_cholesky_bijector(),
covariance_matrix = tf_covariance_cholesky_bijector(),
simplex = tf_simplex_bijector(dim),
ordered = tf_ordered_bijector(dim)
tf_from_free = function(x) {
tf_bijector <- self$create_tf_bijector()
# adjustments for univariate variables
tf_log_jacobian_adjustment = function(free) {
tf_bijector <- self$create_tf_bijector()
event_ndims <- as.integer(tf_bijector$forward_min_event_ndims)
ljd <- tf_bijector$forward_log_det_jacobian(
x = free,
event_ndims = as.integer(event_ndims)
# sum across all dimensions of jacobian
already_summed <-
identical(dim(ljd), NA_integer_) | identical(dim(ljd), integer(0))
if (!already_summed) {
ljd <- tf_sum(ljd, drop = TRUE)
# make sure there's something in the batch dimension
no_batch_dimension <- identical(dim(ljd), integer(0))
if (no_batch_dimension) {
ljd <- tf$expand_dims(ljd, 0L)
tiling <- tf$stack(
axis = 0L)
ljd <- tf$tile(ljd, tiling)
# create a tensor giving the log jacobian adjustment for this variable
tf_adjustment = function(dag) {
# find free version of node
free_tensor_name <- glue::glue("{dag$tf_name(self)}_free")
free_tensor <- get(free_tensor_name, envir = dag$tf_environment)
# apply jacobian adjustment to it
distribution_node <- R6Class(
inherit = node,
public = list(
distribution_name = "no distribution",
discrete = NA,
multivariate = NA,
truncatable = NA,
target = NULL,
user_node = NULL,
bounds = c(-Inf, Inf),
truncation = NULL,
parameters = list(),
parameter_shape_matches_output = logical(),
initialize = function(name = "no distribution",
dim = NULL,
truncation = NULL,
discrete = FALSE,
multivariate = FALSE,
truncatable = TRUE) {
# for all distributions, set name, store dims, and set whether discrete
self$distribution_name <- name
self$discrete <- discrete
self$multivariate <- multivariate
self$truncatable <- truncatable
# initialize the target values of this distribution
# if there's a truncation, it's different from the bounds, and it's
# truncatable (currently that's only univariate and continuous-discrete
# distributions) set the truncation
can_be_truncated <- !self$multivariate & !self$discrete & self$truncatable
if (!is.null(truncation) &
!identical(truncation, self$bounds) &
can_be_truncated) {
self$truncation <- truncation
# set the target as the user node (user-facing representation) by default
self$user_node <- self$target
# create a target variable node (unconstrained by default)
create_target = function(truncation) {
vble(truncation, dim = self$dim)
list_parents = function(dag) {
parents <- self$parents
# if this node is being used for sampling and has a target, do not
# consider that a parent node
mode <- dag$how_to_define(self)
if (mode == "sampling" & !is.null(self$target)) {
parent_names <- extract_unique_names(parents)
keep <- parent_names != self$target$unique_name
parents <- parents[keep]
list_children = function(dag) {
children <- self$children
# if this node is being used for sampling and has a target, consider that
# a child node
mode <- dag$how_to_define(self)
if (mode == "sampling" & !is.null(self$target)) {
children <- c(children, list(self$target))
# create target node, add as a parent, and give it this distribution
add_target = function(new_target) {
# add as target and as a parent
self$target <- new_target
# get its values
# give self to x as its distribution
# optionally reset any distribution flags relating to the previous target
# optional function to reset the flags for target representations whenever a
# target is changed
reset_target_flags = function() {
# replace the existing target node with a new one
remove_target = function() {
# remove x from parents
self$target <- NULL
tf = function(dag) {
# assign the distribution object constructor function to the environment
envir = dag$tf_environment
# which node to use as the *tf* target (overwritten by some distributions)
get_tf_target_node = function() {
# shape_matches_output indicates whether the array for the parameter can
# have the same shape as the output (e.g. this is true for binomial's prob
# parameter, but not for size) by default, assume a scalar (row) parameter
# can be expanded up to the distribution size
add_parameter = function(parameter,
shape_matches_output = TRUE,
expand_now = TRUE) {
# record whether this parameter can be scaled up
self$parameter_shape_matches_output[[name]] <- shape_matches_output
# try to do it now if required
if (shape_matches_output & expand_now) {
parameter <- self$expand_parameter(parameter, self$dim)
# record it in the right places
parameter <- to_node(parameter)
self$parameters[[name]] <- parameter
# try to expand a greta array for a parameter up to the required dimension
expand_parameter = function(parameter, dim) {
# can this realisation of the parameter be expanded?
expandable_shape <- ifelse(self$multivariate,
# should we expand it now?
expanded_target <- ifelse(self$multivariate,
!identical(dim[1], 1L),
!identical(dim, c(1L, 1L))
# expand now if needed (and remove flag)
if (expandable_shape & expanded_target) {
if (self$multivariate) {
n_realisations <- self$dim[1]
reps <- replicate(n_realisations, parameter, simplify = FALSE)
parameter <-, reps)
} else {
parameter <- greta_array(parameter, dim = self$dim)
# try to expand all expandable (scalar for univariate, or row for
# multivariate) parameters to the required dimension
expand_parameters_to = function(dim) {
parameter_names <- names(self$parameters)
for (name in parameter_names) {
if (self$parameter_shape_matches_output[[name]]) {
parameter <- as.greta_array(self$parameters[[name]])
expanded <- self$expand_parameter(parameter, dim)
expand_now = FALSE
# modules for export via .internals
node_classes_module <- module(
# shorthand for distribution parameter constructors
distrib <- function(distribution, ...) {
# get and initialize the distribution, with a default value node
constructor <- get(
x = glue::glue("{distribution}_distribution"),
envir = parent.frame()
distrib <- constructor$new(...)
# return the user-facing representation of the node as a greta array
value <- distrib$user_node
# shorthand to speed up op definitions
op <- function(...) {
# helper function to create a variable node
# by default, make x (the node
# containing the value) a free parameter of the correct dimension
vble <- function(truncation, dim = 1, free_dim = prod(dim)) {
if (is.null(truncation)) {
truncation <- c(-Inf, Inf)
truncation <- as.list(truncation)
lower = truncation[[1]],
upper = truncation[[2]],
dim = dim,
free_dim = free_dim
node_constructors_module <- module(
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