
Defines functions precision falsePositives specificity truesUpperBound falsePositivesUpperBound truePositivesUpperBound recall fScore parseBlast2GOresults parseInterProScan2GOresults rates fScores falsePositiveRates recallRates specificityRates

precision <- function( predicted.gos, true.gos, false.positives.funk=falsePositives,
  go.con=connectToGeneOntology() ) {
  # 'precision' is a statistical quality measure of predicted Gene Ontology
  # (GO) terms:
  # precision( predicted.gos ) = | true_positives | / ( | true_positives | + | false_positives | )
  # Predicted GO terms that are parents of reference terms are NOT counted as
  # false positives.
  # Args:
  #  predicted.gos : The set of predicted GO terms
  #  true.gos      : The set of experimentally verified GO terms.
  #  go.con        : A database connection to Gene Ontology as returned by
  #                  function connectToGeneOntology().
  # Returns: The precision of the prediction as a numeric between Zero and One.
  # Precision for empty true.gos is always One.
  pgs <- unique( predicted.gos )
  if ( length( pgs ) == 0 )
  else {
    tgs <- unique( true.gos )
    tp <- intersect( tgs, pgs )
    fps <- false.positives.funk( pgs, tgs, go.con=go.con )
    denom <- length( tp ) + length( fps )
    if ( denom == 0 )
      length( tp ) / ( denom )

falsePositives <- function( predicted.gos, true.gos, 
  extend.go.annos.with.parents=getOption( "extend.go.annos.with.parents",
  TRUE ) ) {  
  # Identifies those GO terms in 'predicted.gos' that are not equal to any term
  # in 'true.gos' nor are any of their parent terms.
  # Args:
  #  predicted.gos : The GO terms that have been predicted
  #  true.gos      : The reference GO terms
  #  go.con        : A database connection to the Gene Ontology as returned by
  #                  function connectToGeneOntology().
  #  extend.go.annos.with.parents : Default is TRUE, if set to FALSE, GO
  #                  annotations will not be extended with parental GO terms.
  # Returns: Those predicted GO terms that are false positives.
  true.gos.tbl <- goTermsForAccessionWithLevel( true.gos, con=go.con )
  all.parents <- if (extend.go.annos.with.parents) {
    do.call( 'rbind', lapply( true.gos.tbl$id, parentGoTerms,
      con=go.con ) )
  } else {
  fn.candidates <- setdiff( predicted.gos, true.gos )
  setdiff( fn.candidates, all.parents$acc )

specificity <- function( predicted.gos, true.gos,
  false.positives.funk=falsePositives, go.con=connectToGeneOntology() ) {
  # Computes the statistical quality measure specificity as
  # specificity :=
  #   | true.negatives | / ( | false.positives | + | true.negatives | )
  # Args:
  #  predicted.gos        : The Gene Ontology (GO) terms that have been
  #                         predicted for the current Query.
  #  true.gos             : The Query's reference GO terms.
  #  universe.gos         : All GO terms that exist in the univers of GO terms
  #                         that can possibly be annotated to the Query.
  #  false.positives.funk : The function used to infer which of the
  #                         predicted.gos are false positives.
  #  go.con               : A valid and active database connection to the Gene
  #                         Ontology.
  # Returns: The inferred specificity of the predicted.gos as a numeric value
  # between 0 and 1.
  true.negatives <- unique( setdiff( universe.gos, true.gos ) )
  fls.pos <- false.positives.funk( predicted.gos, true.gos, go.con )
  length( true.negatives ) / ( length( fls.pos ) + length( true.negatives ) )

truesUpperBound <- function( true.gos, go.con=connectToGeneOntology(),
  extend.go.annos.with.parents=getOption( "extend.go.annos.with.parents",
  TRUE ) ) {
  # For all Gene Ontology (GO) term accessions in 'true.gos' all parent and
  # descendent terms are selected and the whole set of those is returned.
  # Args:
  #  true.gos : The GO term accessions to be considered the 'reference' 
  #  go.con   : A valid and open database connection to the Gene Ontology as
  #             returned by function 'connectToGeneOntology(…)'
  #  extend.go.annos.with.parents : Default is TRUE, if set to FALSE, GO
  #                  annotations will not be extended with parental GO terms.
  # Returns: A table of all GO terms that are parent or descendents of the
  # provided 'true.gos', which are also included. The table has the same
  # columns as the one returned by function 'goTermsForAccessionWithLevel(…)'
  true.gos.tbl <- goTermsForAccession( true.gos, con=go.con )
  if ( extend.go.annos.with.parents ) {
    all.parents <- do.call( 'rbind', lapply( true.gos.tbl$id, parentGoTerms,
      con=go.con ) )
    all.descendents <- do.call( 'rbind', lapply( true.gos.tbl$id,
      spawnedGoTerms, con=go.con ) )
    unique( rbind( true.gos.tbl, all.parents, all.descendents ) )
  } else {

falsePositivesUpperBound <- function( predicted.gos, true.gos, 
  go.con=connectToGeneOntology() ) {  
  # Identifies those GO terms in 'predicted.gos' that are not equal to any term
  # in 'true.gos' nor are related terms (parent or descendent). Because of all
  # relations are considered this function returns the "upper bound" of false
  # positives.
  # Args:
  #  predicted.gos : The GO terms that have been predicted
  #  true.gos      : The reference GO terms
  #  go.con        : A database connection to the Gene Ontology as returned by
  #                  function connectToGeneOntology().
  # Returns: Those predicted GO terms that are false positives.
  accepted.gos.tbl <- truesUpperBound( true.gos, go.con=go.con )
  fn.candidates <- setdiff( predicted.gos, true.gos )
  setdiff( fn.candidates, accepted.gos.tbl$acc )

truePositivesUpperBound <- function( predicted.gos, true.gos,
  go.con=connectToGeneOntology() ) {
  # Identifies all those Gene Ontology (GO) terms of 'predicted.gos' that are
  # identical to one of either 'true.gos', or one of their parent or descendent
  # terms, respectively.
  # Args:
  #  predicted.gos : The prdicted GO terms in which to identify TRUE POSITIVES 
  #  true.gos      : The reference GO terms
  #  go.con        : Valid and active database connection to the Gene Ontology
  #                  as i.e. returned by function 'connectToGeneOntology(…)'
  # Returns: A vector of mode character holding the subset of predicted.gos GO
  # term accessions to be considered TRUE POSITIVES. 
  accepted.gos.tbl <- truesUpperBound( true.gos, go.con=go.con )
  intersect( predicted.gos, accepted.gos.tbl$acc )

recall <- function( predicted.gos, true.gos,
  true.positives.funk=function( pgs, tgs, ... ) { intersect( pgs, tgs ) },
  go.con ) {
  # 'recall' is a statistical quality measure of predicted Gene Ontology (GO)
  # terms:
  # recall( predicted.gos ) = | true_positives | / | true.gos |
  # Args:
  #  predicted.gos : The set of predicted GO terms
  #  true.gos      : The set of experimentally verified GO terms.
  #  true.positives.funk : The function used to identify the true positives in
  #                  predicted.gos
  #  go.con        : A valid and active database connection to the Gene
  #                  Ontology as i.e. returned by function
  #                  'connectToGeneOntology(…)'
  # Returns: The recall of the prediction as a numeric between Zero and One. 
  pgs <- unique( predicted.gos )
  tgs <- unique( true.gos )
  tp <- true.positives.funk( pgs, tgs, go.con )
  if ( length( tgs ) == 0 ) 1 else length( tp ) / length( tgs )

fScore <- function( predicted.gos, true.gos, beta.param=1,
  true.positives.funk=function( pgs, tgs, ... ) { intersect( pgs, tgs ) },
  go.con=connectToGeneOntology() ) {
  # Computes the weighted harmonic mean of precision and recall as a quality
  # measure of predicted.gos. The higher beta.param the more emphasis is put on
  # recall than on precision.
  # Args:
  #  predicted.gos : The set of predicted GO terms
  #  true.gos      : The set of experimentally verified GO terms.
  #  beta.param    : The factor of how much more emphasis should be put on
  #                  recall than on precision.
  #  false.positives.funk : The function called to identify the false positives
  #                  among the predicted.gos.
  #  true.positives.funk : The function used to identify the true positives in
  #                  predicted.gos
  #  go.con        : database connection to the Gene Ontology as returned by
  #                  function connectToGeneOntology()
  # Returns: The weighted harmonic mean of precision and recall as a numeric
  # between Zero and One.
  prcsn <- precision( predicted.gos, true.gos, go.con=go.con,
    false.positives.funk=false.positives.funk )
  rcll <- recall( predicted.gos, true.gos, go.con=go.con,
    true.positives.funk=true.positives.funk )
  bp <- beta.param^2
  if ( 0 == (prcsn + rcll) )
  else {
    fs <- ( 1 + bp ) * ( prcsn * rcll ) / ( bp * prcsn + rcll )
    # Using the 'upperBound' functions to identify true and false positives,
    # the computed F-Score might actually become larger than 1.0. In that case,
    # return 1.0:
    if ( fs > 1.0 ) 1.0 else fs 

parseBlast2GOresults <- function( b2g.res ) {
  # Parses the output of a Blast2GO annot file and returns an annotation matrix
  # as it is used throughout PhyloFun.
  # Args:
  #  b2g.res : Result of calling readLines on a Blast2GO annot file.
  # Returns: An annotation matrix in which the columns are the GO annotated
  # protein accessions and the single row 'GO' holds in each of its cells the
  # character vector o GO terms each protein has been annotated with.
  b2g.sanitized <- as.character(
    lapply(  b2g.res, function( l ) {
      str_match( l, '^[^\\t]+\\tGO:\\d{7}' )[[ 1, 1 ]]
  b2g.tbl <- read.table( text=b2g.sanitized[ ! is.na( b2g.sanitized[] ) ] )
  do.call( 'cbind', lapply( unique( b2g.tbl$V1 ), function( acc ) {
      mtrx <- matrix( list(), ncol=1, nrow=1, dimnames=list( 'GO', acc ) )
      mtrx[[ 1, 1 ]]  <- as.character( b2g.tbl[ b2g.tbl$V1 == acc, 2 ] )

parseInterProScan2GOresults <- function( ipr.scn.res ) {
  # Parses a typical InterProScan result file for GO annotations. Uses function
  # parseInterProScanTable with a different ipr.regex argument. 
  # Args:
  #  ipr.scn.lines : Lines of the InterProScan result file to parse as result of 'readLines'.
  # Returns:  An annotation matrix in which the columns are the GO annotated
  # protein accessions and the single row 'GO' holds in each of its cells the
  # character vector o GO terms each protein has been annotated with.
  ipr.go.annos <- parseInterProScanTable( ipr.scn.res, ipr.regex='.*(GO:\\d{7}).*' )
  rownames( ipr.go.annos ) <- 'GO'

rates <- function( protein.accessions, predicted.annotations,
    rate.funk, annotation.type='GO',
  ) {
  # Computes for each predicted annotation the rates of interest, specified by
  # function argument 'rate.funk'.
  # Args:
  #  protein.accessions    : The query proteins' accessions.
  #  predicted.annotations : The annotations predicted for the query proteins
  #                          'protein.accessions'.
  #  rate.funk             : The function to call to compute the rate of
  #                          interest. This function MUST accept two arguments:
  #                          'pa' a vector of predicted annotations and 'oa' a
  #                          vector of original reference annotations.
  #  annotation.type       : The row name of argument annotation.type to
  #                          evaluate the FPRs for.
  #  reference.annotations : The TRUE annotations to be used as reference.
  # Returns: A named list of recall rates for each predicted annotation. Names
  # are the query protein accessions. Every time no reference annotations are
  # found the returned rate is 'NA'.
    lapply( protein.accessions, function( a ) {
      if ( a %in% colnames( reference.annotations ) ) {
        # predicted annos for 'a'
        pa <- if ( a %in% colnames( predicted.annotations ) )
         predicted.annotations[[ annotation.type, a ]]
        # experimentally verified annos for 'a'
        oa <- reference.annotations[[ annotation.type, a ]]
        # fScore for predictions on 'a'
        if ( ! is.null( oa ) && length( oa ) > 0 )
          rate.funk( pa, oa )
      } else {

fScores <- function( protein.accessions, predicted.annotations,
  annotation.type='GO', beta.param=1,
    protein.accessions ), go.con=connectToGeneOntology(), close.go.con=TRUE,
  true.positives.funk=function( pgs, tgs, ... ) { intersect( pgs, tgs ) } ) {
  # Computes the fScores for all predicted annotations.
  # Args:
  #  protein.accessions    : The reference proteins to compute the fScores for
  #  predicted.annotations : The predictions, if any, for the reference
  #                          proteins. Note, that some might be missing.
  #                          Argument should be an annotation matrix with the
  #                          protein accessions as columns and cells the
  #                          predicted annotations.
  #  annotation.type       : The type of annotation predicted, default 'GO'.
  #  beta.param            : Passed to function fScore, see its docu for more
  #                          details.
  #  reference.annotations : The annotations of the reference proteins, default
  #                          experimentally verified GO annotations as
  #                          retrievable from UniProt.
  #  go.con                : Database connection to the Gene Ontology as
  #                          returned by function connectToGeneOntology()
  #  close.go.con          : If set to TRUE the database connection 'go.con'
  #                          will be automatically closed after executing this
  #                          function and before returning its results.
  #  false.positives.funk  : The function called to identify the false
  #                          positives among the predicted.gos
  #  true.positives.funk   : The function used to identify the true positives in
  #                          predicted.gos
  # Returns: A named list with the predictions' fScores of each reference
  # protein. The fScore NA is assigned whenever no reference annotations are
  # found.
  rate.funk <- function ( pa, oa ) fScore( pa, oa, beta.param=beta.param,
    go.con=go.con, false.positives.funk=false.positives.funk,
    true.positives.funk=true.positives.funk )
  rts <- rates( protein.accessions, predicted.annotations, rate.funk,
    annotation.type, reference.annotations )
  if ( close.go.con ) dbDisconnect( go.con )
  # return

falsePositiveRates <- function( protein.accessions, predicted.annotations,
    ), go.con=connectToGeneOntology(), close.go.con=TRUE
  ) {
  # Computes for each predicted annotation the false positive rate (FPR).
  # Args:
  #  protein.accessions    : The query proteins' accessions.
  #  predicted.annotations : The annotations predicted for the query proteins
  #                          'protein.accessions'.
  #  annotation.type       : The row name of argument annotation.type to
  #                          evaluate the FPRs for.
  #  reference.annotations : The TRUE annotations to be used as reference.
  #  go.con                : Database connection to the Gene Ontology as
  #                          returned by function connectToGeneOntology()
  #  close.go.con          : If set to TRUE the database connection 'go.con'
  #                          will be automatically closed after executing this
  #                          function and before returning its results.
  # Returns: A named list of false positive rates for each predicted
  # annotation. Names are the query protein accessions.
  fpr.funk <- function( pred.gos, ref.gos ) {
    length( falsePositives( pred.gos, ref.gos, go.con=go.con ) ) / length( pred.gos )
  rslt <- rates( protein.accessions, predicted.annotations, fpr.funk,
    annotation.type, reference.annotations )
  if ( close.go.con ) dbDisconnect( go.con )

recallRates <- function( protein.accessions, predicted.annotations,
  ) {
  # Computes for each predicted annotation the recall rate.
  # Args:
  #  protein.accessions    : The query proteins' accessions.
  #  predicted.annotations : The annotations predicted for the query proteins
  #                          'protein.accessions'.
  #  annotation.type       : The row name of argument annotation.type to
  #                          evaluate the FPRs for.
  #  reference.annotations : The TRUE annotations to be used as reference.
  # Returns: A named list of recall rates for each predicted
  # annotation. Names are the query protein accessions.
  rates( protein.accessions, predicted.annotations, recall,
    annotation.type, reference.annotations )

specificityRates <- function( protein.accessions, predicted.annotations,
    ), go.con=connectToGeneOntology(), close.go.con=TRUE
  ) {
  specificity.funk <- function( pred.gos, ref.gos ) {
    specificity( pred.gos, ref.gos, go.con=go.con )
  rslt <- rates( protein.accessions, predicted.annotations, specificity.funk,
    annotation.type, reference.annotations )
  if ( close.go.con ) dbDisconnect( go.con )
groupschoof/PhyloFun documentation built on May 17, 2019, 8:38 a.m.