
Defines functions calculate_predictions

calculate_predictions <- function(data, chartcode, ynames, dnr, period) {
  predlist <- vector("list", length(ynames))
  names(predlist) <- ynames
  vars <- names(data)

  # prepare data and newdata
  for (yname in ynames) {
    zname <- paste0(yname, "_z")
    df <- data %>%
      filter(.data$yname == !!yname & .data$id == -1 & .data$obs) %>%
      filter(.data$x <= period[1L]) %>%
      arrange(.data$x) %>%
        age = .data$x,
        !!zname := .data$z

    if (!nrow(df)) {
      # nothing to do
      predlist[[yname]] <- df %>% select(all_of(!!vars))
    } else {
      # here we go

      # load with brokenstick model (in Z scale)
      bsm <- load_data(dnr = paste0(dnr, "_bs"))[[yname]]

      # limit the prediction horizon by the last internal knot
      # if there is no model, take age 2 yrs (relevant to dsc/hdc)
      limit <- ifelse(is.null(bsm),
        tail(get_knots(bsm), 1L)
      hi <- min(period[2L], limit)

      # grid of data points to append. First = last observation before period[1],
      # last = hi, in-between points for curve interpolation
      xout <- set_xout(chartcode, yname)
      lo <- min(max(df$x, na.rm = TRUE), period[1L], na.rm = TRUE)
      x <- c(lo, xout[xout > lo & xout < hi], hi)
      n <- length(x)
      add <- dplyr::slice_tail(df, n = 1L) %>%
        uncount(!!n) %>%
          obs = rep(FALSE, !!n),
          pred = rep(TRUE, !!n),
          x = !!x,
          y = rep(NA_real_, !!n),
          z = rep(NA_real_, !!n),
          age = !!x,
          !!zname := rep(NA_real_, !!n)
      df2 <- bind_rows(df, add)

      if (!is.null(bsm)) {
        z <- tail(predict(bsm, newdata = df2, shape = "vector"), n = n)
      } else {
        z <- rep(NA_real_, n)

      # Design decision. We have three possible ways to plot the predicted curve
      # 1) From start to end, plot predictions (there's a jump at start)
      # 2) Start at observed data, all others are predictions (connect the two curves)
      # 3) Start at observed data, end at prediction, interpolate in between (smooth transition)
      # Opt 1 and 2 might be better predictors at intermediate points, but less visually pleasing
      # We choose here option 3

      # if it exists, overwrite bs estimate by last observed outcome
      # to set a natural start for the prediction curve
      tmp <- df[nrow(df), zname]
      if (length(tmp) && !is.na(tmp)) z[1L] <- as.numeric(tmp)
      add$z[1L] <- z[1L]
      add$z[n] <- z[n]
      # add$z <- approx(y = z[c(1L, n)], x = x[c(1L, n)], xout = x)$y
      add$obs[1L] <- TRUE

      predlist[[yname]] <- add %>%
growthcharts/chartplotter documentation built on Nov. 29, 2024, 1:08 p.m.