Man pages for gschofl/HLAsim
Simulate allelic dropouts in HLA data

alleleExtract an allele
cdfAcdfA and cdfB
clean_hla_dataRemove low resolution four-digit codes and cases of unknown...
concentrationTemplate DNA concentrations
disambiguate_codesDisambiguate NMDP and G codes
dkms_dna_concentrationExtract DNA concentration for LIMS_DONOR_ID from NGSREP
dna_version_idExtract the DNA Version ID
do_injectInject errors
eag_alleleClass: eag_allele
eag_numbersClass: eag_numbers
eag_statusHow many eags do we find on exons 2 and 3?
eag_tableClass: eag_tbl
eag_tablesEAG tables
encode_ambiguitiesEncode subtypes to G or NMDP codes
errorsExtract errors
exonExtract an exon
expand_ambiguity_codesExpand ambiguity codes
expected_genotype_frequenciesCalculate expected genotype frequencies.
geneExtract the gene name
geno_dataGenotyping results for class II HLA genes.
geno_tableClass: geno_table
get_testdataRetrieve testing data from ngsrep for a gene
g_tableClass: g_tbl
gtf_tableExtract table of genotype frequencies
gtf_table.HLAClass: gtf_tbl
HLAGenotyping data generated at DKMS Life Science Lab.
inject_errorsInject errors into a sample of genotypes.
lookup_listClass: lookup_list
lookup_tableClass: lookup_table
loose_eagLoose an EAG
make_disambiguatorMake a function that disambiguates report alleles
make_encoderMake a function that encodes eag alleles
make_genotype_samplerGenerate a genotype resampling function.
make_mapperGenerate a mapping function
make_test_instanceMake a tester
map_eag_alleleMap eag numbers to an eag allele
map_genotype_frequenciesMap observed/expected genotype frequencies to sampled...
mapperExtract mapper function
map_rep_alleleMap an eag allele to a report allele
nextype_basis_idExtract the NeXtype Basis ID
nmdp_tableClass: nmdp_tbl
remapperExtract remapper function
rep_alleleClass: rep_allele
sample_dna_concentrationExtract a random sample of DNA concentrations.
samplesExtract samples
gschofl/HLAsim documentation built on May 17, 2019, 8:51 a.m.